Module 1 Final control
- In patient S, 61 y.o., with partial loss of teeth, interalveolar height is to be determined by the anatomical and physiological methods. The distance between extraoral reference points (on the chin and at the base of the nose) in closed bite compared to that of physiological rest position is:
A for 2-3 mm less
B for 5-6 mm less
C for 5-6 mm more
D of the same level
E for 2-3 mm more - In patient K, 56 y.o., for the acrylic base removable partial denture (RPD) fabrication centric jaws relation was determined by the bite blocks. What is sequentially the next clinical stage?
A was-based denture try-in
B functional impressions
C delivery of processed dentures
D preparation of occlusal rims
E anatomical impressions - Patient M., 50 y.o., attended complaining of 37, 36, 45, 46, 47 teeth loss. The remaining 35, 36, 44, 46 teeth in sound condition, with relatively high anatomically shaped coronal parts, normally positioned. The orientational fulcrum line connecting 35, 45 abutment teeth – in a typical position. What constructional element should be used as the retainer for the cast-base RPD?
A Akker’s clasps
B Roach clasps
C Jackson’s clasps
D telescopic crowns
E bent wire clasps - The next day after delivery of acrylic base RPD, the patient complained of burning mouth, unpleasant taste while using dentures. On visual examination – oral mucosa hyperemic, excessive salivation. Previously worn dentures caused no such a problems. The most probable present causative factor is:
A residual monomer of denture base release
B allergic reactions to coloring base agents
C failure in oral hygiene maintenamce
D improper use of dentures
E poor quality of acrylic base resin - In the patient O, 39 y.o. a clasp-retained mandibular RPD with porcelain teeth was to be fabricated. Which method is reasonable for the wax into acrylic base replacement to avoid the selvage, that in turn can lead to the increase of interalveolar height?
A injectional forming
B direct compressional forming
C reversed compressional forming
D combined compressional forming
E dry heat forming - Patient Y, 59 y.o., with mesiodistally bounded edentulous spaces and orthognatic occlusal contacts, was attending for the RPDs try-in. At this stage occlusal contacts were noticed only in posterior areas, anterior teeth were cleared of 4mm. What kind of incorrectness already occured?
A frontal occlusion recorded
B left lateral occlusion recorded
C right lateral occlusion recorded
D centric occlusion recorded
E posterior occlusion recorded - The patient D, 48 y.o. with unilateral mandibular mesially bounded (tooth 45) edentulous spaces agreed for the teeth replacement on a clasp-retained RPD. To reduce functional overload of the tooth 45, the occlusal rest is to be placed in the:
A interproximal 44-45 space
B distal occlusal rest space 44
C mesial occlusal rest space 44
D distol occlusal rest space 45
E elsewhere - In the patient K, 57 y.o., clasp-retained maxillary RPD fabrication was prescribed. The remaining teeth: 14-23, 37-47. What type of dental arch will provide the reliable stabilization of RPD?
A transversal
B antero-posterior
C diagonal
D round-like
E plane-oriented - Patient D, 40 y.o., is in need of lost teeth replacement. Remaining teeth: 18, 13-23, 28, 36-47. Visually: teeth 18, 13, 23, 28 with low-positioned unexpressed bulge zone, but preserved interridge distance. What retaining system would be the most reasonable?
A telescopic
B bearing and holding
C holding
D attachments
E bar retainer - In patient N, 56 y.o., local manifestations of allergic reaction to the coloring agent of acrylic base was determined. What treating action is recommended in such a situation?
A to remake a denture of non-coloured resin
B denture base whiteming
C to remake a denture of thermoplastic base
D denture base metallization
E to remake a denture with swaged metal base - For the patient R, 53 y.o., with remaining 23 tooth, 1st degree of mobility, covered by full metal crown, maxillary acrylic base RPD is indicated. What tray is to be chosen for the alginate impression?
A plastic individual
B wax individual
C standard perforated
D standard individualized
E standard regular - For the patient Z, 49 y.o., the maxillary acrylic base RPD was prescribed. Remaining teeth: 17-11, 21-27, 37-47 in sound condition, orthognatic occlusal contacts. Oral musoca without visible pathological changes. What thickness of prosthesis acrylic base is to be ensured?
A 1,5-2,0 mm
B 0,5-0,8 mm
C 0,8-1,2 mm
D 1,2-1,5 mm
E 2,0-3,0 mm - Patient T, 66 y.o., presented with complaints of partial teeth loss on the upper jaw. Visually: residual maxillary alveolar ridge 1st lavel of atrophy, mucosal membrane moderately susceptible at palpation. In treatment planning, which of listed materials is to be selected for the acrylic base?
A Ftoraks
B Carboplast
C Novacryl
D BlueMousse
E Stadont - Patient C, 69 y.o., addressed complaints of frequent failure of maxillary RPD (8 years in use). Visually: palatal surface of the prosthetic base subcracked between the central incisors, previous base repairments are visible. The most favourable treatment options is the following:
A to remake a denture
B to reline a denture
C to rebase a denture
D to reline and rebase a denture
E to correct a denture flange - Patient L, 65 y.o., is seemingly unable to use RPDs, delivered just 2 weeks ago because of feelings of “hard base”, “knocking teeth”, difficult swallowing, painful areas under the denture base. Moreover, artificial gums are visible in smiling, chewing and neck muscles are frequently tired. What was the most possibly wrong in the denture fabrication?
A interalveolar height increased in records
B interalveolar height decreased in records
C frontal occlusion recorded
D lateral occlusion recorded
E posterior occlusion recorded - Patient V, 69 y.o., encountered the dental clinic after 2 years of RPD use for the re-examination. Visually: functional and esthetic characteristics quite satisfactory. What is the recommended average time for the non-complicated RPD use?
A 3 years
B 1 year
C 2 years
D 4 years
E 5 years - At the laboratory stage of acrylic base RPD fabrication, the Izokol material was used. Which group of the auxilliary materials is represented by Izokol?
A isolation
B impression
C modelling
D forming
E polishing - In the patient B, 48 y.o., maxillary RPD is being fabricated. Which material is to be used in the laboratory stage of working model duplication to obtain a refractory model for the framework patterning?
A Gelin
B Stomaplast
C Stomalgin
D Orthocorrector
E Dentafol - In the patient O, 62 y.o., the maxillary RPD fabrication was prescribed. The next day after the dentire delivery the patient presented again whith complaints of increased salivation, unclear pronunciation of some words. What is the average period of adaptation to the removable dentures according to V. Kurlyandsky?
A 33 days
B 7 days
C 18 days
D 1 day
E 50 days - Patient T, 60 y.o., presented with complaints of pain in the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints in use of RPDs for a 1 month. Visually: the face lower third elongated, lips cleared, pronunciation impaired, artificial gums are visible in smiling. What stage of denture fabrication was not conducted correctly?
A determining and recording of centric occlusion
B anatomical impressions
C functional impressions
D prosthesis patterning
E intraoral insertion and correction of a denture - In patient T, 48 y.o., the use of elastic clasp attachments in maxillary RPD was uncomfortable because of prosthesis displacement during mastication and articulation. Considering such an experience, patient demanded to remake a denture. The height of coronal parts of abutment teeth is decreased. What retention system would be the most appropriate in this case?
A telescopic
B plate
C attachment
D sadde
E clasp - For the patient D, 47 y.o., the mandibular clasp-retained cast-base RPD fabrication was prescribed. Visually: remaining teeth 31-33, 41-43, 48 not lesioned, coronal parts relatively high. What thickness of sublingual bar connector at the try-in stage is to be verified?
A 1,5-2,0 mm
B 0,3-0,5 mm
C 0,6-0,9 mm
D 1,0-1,4 mm
E 2,1-2,4 mm - For the patient Y, 64 y.o., the maxillary and mandibular acrylic base RPDs fabrication was prescribed. Visually: remaining teeth not lesioned, coronal parts relatively high, orthognathic jaws relation. What type of clasps is the most typical for the acrylic base denture fixation?
A holding
B bearing and holding
C snapping
D gingival
E dentoalveolar - Patient N, 53 y.o., addressed with complaints of chewing difficulty and aesthetic deficiency due to partial loss of teeth on the upper jaw. Visually: remaining teeth without apparent lesions, not tilted, orthognathically related, painless on percussion. What element of the cast-base RPD is to be constructed in this case?
A split or “L-shaped” palatal arch
B regular palatal arch with Akker’s clasps
C circular palatal acrh
D conventional palatal arch with Jackson’s clasps
E arch connector with telescopic crowns - Patient U, 60 y.o., addressed with complaints of chick mucosa biting in use of just delivered (2 days ago) maxillary and mandibular RPDs. Visually: chick mucosa on the line of bite swollen, hyperemic, marked with traces of injury. What is the most likely cause of this complication?
A intercuspol posterior contacts hindered
B interridge distance ill-defined
C frontal occlusion registered
D denture base extended
E improper artificial teeth selection - Patient A, 52 y.o., presented to the prosthetic dentistry department, complaining of chewing difficulty after partial loss of maxillary teeth. Treatment plan implied maxillary RPD fabrication with holding wire clasps on 14, 23 teeth. What type of prosthetic stabilization will be provided by these clasps?
A transversal
B antero-posterior
C diagonal
D antero-posterior and transversal
E diogonal and anterio-posterior - In the patient V, 58 y.o., treatment plan of clasp-retained dentures fabrication was followed. In the survey study of working models in parallelometer the depth of infrabulge areas was to be determined. What diameters of measuring tips are to be chosen for this purpose?
A 0,25 – 0,50 – 0,75 mm
B 0,15 – 0,40 – 0,65 mm
C 0,20 – 0,45 – 0,70 mm
D 0,30 – 0,55 – 0,80 mm
E 0,35 – 0,60 – 0,85 mm - In the patient L, 42 y.o., the maxillary clasp-retained denture fabrication was inducated. Visually: remaining teeth 18, 17, 13-11, 21-24, 28 tilted vestibularly. What type of Ney-system clasps are to be used in this case for the distal abutments (18, 17, 28)?
A Ney’s 5th type
B Ney’s 2nd type
C Ney’s 4th type
D Ney’s 3rd type
E Ney’s 1st type - The patient O, 65 y.o., the maxillary clasp-retained denture fabrication, was prescribed. At the clinical stage, centric occlusal relationship was determined and recorded. What is the sequential clinical stage of prosthesis fabrication?
A wax-based denture try-in
B denture base correction
C impression taking
D processed dentures delivery
E working models study - In the patient H, 65 y.o., the fabrication of mandibular RPD is followed. What is the next after the intraoral inspection of the wax-based prosthetic construction clinical stage?
A denture fitting on delivery
B centric occlusion registration
C denture correction
D impressions taking
E working models duplication - In the patient N, 48 y.o., the fabrication of mandibular bearing and holding clasp-retained RPD was prescribed. In which part of the coronal part of abutment tooth the rigid arm of the Akker’s (1st Ney-system type) clasps are to be placed?
A above the survey line
B along the bulge zone
C in the infrabulge area
D ar the emergence profile
E adjacently to the supragingival zone - In patient T, 57 y.o., the fabrication of mandibular clasps-retained RPD is followed. Remaining teeth: 31-34, 41-44 tilted vestibularly. What type of Ney-system clasp retainer is to be chosen on mesial abutments (34, 44)?
A Ney’s 4th type
B Ney’s 1st type
C Ney’s 2nd type
D Ney’s 3rd type
E Ney’s 4th type - At the clinical stage of the cast-based RPD framework intraoral try-in placement, clearance irregularities with the denture-bearing hard palate and residual alveolar ridge mucosa were observed. Which method is the most reliable to eliminate such an incorrectness?
A framework remake
B chairside framework adjustment
C framework adjustment by cold hammering
D preheated framework adjustment
E irregularity is neglectible - After patient K intraoral examination, the remaining 18-15, 21-22 teeth were marked in the dental formula. What diagnostic formulation reflects the present acquired tooth loss most correctly?
A partial loss of teeth due to caries IInd class 2nd subclass by Kennedy
B partial loss of teeth due to caries IInd class 1st subclass by Kennedy
C partial loss of teeth due to caries IVth class by Kennedy
D partial loss of teeth due to caries IIIrd class 1st subclass by Kennedy
E partial loss of teeth due to caries I class 2nd subclass by Kennedy - In patient G, 47 y.o., the fabrication of maxillary and mandibular RPDs is followed. At the clinical stage of the wax-based dentures construction intraoral inspection the upper lip stik out was noticed. What incorrectness at the previous stage of denture fabrication may cause such a evidence?
A contouring of the vestibular aspect of bite rim
B adjustment of prosthetic plane
C shaping of occlusal surface
D determining the lower third of the face height
E determining of centric occlusion - Patient J, 60 y.o., addressed with complaints of pain in the mandibular lateral right side of, increasing during taking meals. From the case history: 3 days ago mandibular RPD was fitted and delivered. Visually: the dentures flange in the right side of buccal fold area caused irritation, in probing – acute pain full. What is the most likely diagnosis in this patient?
A traumatic ulcer
B allergic stomatitis
C toxic stomatitis
D actynomycotic ulser
E syphilitic ulcer - Patient B, 46 y.o., presented with partially edentulous spaces in the mandibular posterior regions, bounded mesiodistally with teeth of the 1st – 2nd degree of mobility. What prosthetic design is the most rational in this situation?
A clasp-retained denture with splinting elements
B acrylic-base RPD
C swaged-cast-soldered FPD
D metal-ceramic multiunit FPD
E metal-acrylic multiunit FPD - During the intraoral examination of the patient M., 25 y.o., the multiple occlusal contacts of antagonists teeth in closed bite were revealed. Radiographically: condylar head of mandibular process located at the base of the slope of tempolar bone articular tubercle. What type of occlusion is characterized by these findings?
A centric
B frontal
C retruded
D habitual
E fixed - One of the conditions determining centric occlusion is the presence of antero-posterior and mesio-lateral curvatures, being termed as:
A prosthetic plane
B antero-posterior plane
C vertical plane
D transversal plane
E Frankfurt plane - Patient T, 45 y.o., presented with aesthetic concerns of projected dental restorations. Visually: mandibular dental arch completed, the maxillary dental arch partially edentulous in posterior regions. Remaining teeth: 18-17, 13-11, 21-24 not lesioned. What type of RPD retainers would be of the most aesthetic value?
A attachment and bar retainers
B telescopic
C Ney’s clasps
D Jackson’s and Bonigarde’s clasps
E dentoalveolar clasps - In patient S, 61 y.o., with partial loss of teeth, interalveolar height is to be determined by the anatomical and physiological methods. The distance between extraoral reference points (on the chin and at the base of the nose) in closed bite compared to that of physiological rest position is:
A for 2-3 mm less
B for 5-6 mm less
C for 5-6 mm more
D of the same level
E for 2-3 mm more - In patient K, 56 y.o., for the acrylic base removable partial denture (RPD) fabrication centric jaws relation was determined by the bite blocks. What is sequentially the next clinical stage?
A was-based denture try-in
B functional impressions
C delivery of processed dentures
D preparation of occlusal rims
E anatomical impressions - Patient M., 50 y.o., attended complaining of 37, 36, 45, 46, 47 teeth loss. The remaining 35, 36, 44, 46 teeth in sound condition, with relatively high anatomically shaped coronal parts, normally positioned. The orientational fulcrum line connecting 35, 45 abutment teeth – in a typical position. What constructional element should be used as the retainer for the cast-base RPD?
A Akker’s clasps
B Roach clasps
C Jackson’s clasps
D telescopic crowns
E bent wire clasps - The next day after delivery of acrylic base RPD, the patient complained of burning mouth, unpleasant taste while using dentures. On visual examination – oral mucosa hyperemic, excessive salivation. Previously worn dentures caused no such a problems. The most probable present causative factor is:
A residual monomer of denture base release
B allergic reactions to coloring base agents
C failure in oral hygiene maintenamce
D improper use of dentures
E poor quality of acrylic base resin - In the patient O, 39 y.o. a clasp-retained mandibular RPD with porcelain teeth was to be fabricated. Which method is reasonable for the wax into acrylic base replacement to avoid the selvage, that in turn can lead to the increase of interalveolar height?
A injectional forming
B direct compressional forming
C reversed compressional forming
D combined compressional forming
E dry heat forming - Patient Y, 59 y.o., with mesiodistally bounded edentulous spaces and orthognatic occlusal contacts, was attending for the RPDs try-in. At this stage occlusal contacts were noticed only in posterior areas, anterior teeth were cleared of 4mm. What kind of incorrectness already occured?
A frontal occlusion recorded
B left lateral occlusion recorded
C right lateral occlusion recorded
D centric occlusion recorded
E posterior occlusion recorded - The patient D, 48 y.o. with unilateral mandibular mesially bounded (tooth 45) edentulous spaces agreed for the teeth replacement on a clasp-retained RPD. To reduce functional overload of the tooth 45, the occlusal rest is to be placed in the:
A interproximal 44-45 space
B distal occlusal rest space 44
C mesial occlusal rest space 44
D distol occlusal rest space 45
E elsewhere - In the patient K, 57 y.o., clasp-retained maxillary RPD fabrication was prescribed. The remaining teeth: 14-23, 37-47. What type of dental arch will provide the reliable stabilization of RPD?
A transversal
B antero-posterior
C diagonal
D round-like
E plane-oriented - Patient D, 40 y.o., is in need of lost teeth replacement. Remaining teeth: 18, 13-23, 28, 36-47. Visually: teeth 18, 13, 23, 28 with low-positioned unexpressed bulge zone, but preserved interridge distance. What retaining system would be the most reasonable?
A telescopic
B bearing and holding
C holding
D attachments
E bar retainer - In patient N, 56 y.o., local manifestations of allergic reaction to the coloring agent of acrylic base was determined. What treating action is recommended in such a situation?
A to remake a denture of non-coloured resin
B denture base whiteming
C to remake a denture of thermoplastic base
D denture base metallization
E to remake a denture with swaged metal base - For the patient R, 53 y.o., with remaining 23 tooth, 1st degree of mobility, covered by full metal crown, maxillary acrylic base RPD is indicated. What tray is to be chosen for the alginate impression?
A plastic individual
B wax individual
C standard perforated
D standard individualized
E standard regular - For the patient Z, 49 y.o., the maxillary acrylic base RPD was prescribed. Remaining teeth: 17-11, 21-27, 37-47 in sound condition, orthognatic occlusal contacts. Oral musoca without visible pathological changes. What thickness of prosthesis acrylic base is to be ensured?
A 1,5-2,0 mm
B 0,5-0,8 mm
C 0,8-1,2 mm
D 1,2-1,5 mm
E 2,0-3,0 mm - Patient T, 66 y.o., presented with complaints of partial teeth loss on the upper jaw. Visually: residual maxillary alveolar ridge 1st lavel of atrophy, mucosal membrane moderately susceptible at palpation. In treatment planning, which of listed materials is to be selected for the acrylic base?