Checklist for Environmental Clearance application for Building & Construction Projects under EIA Notification 2006 and as amended to date
A.Mandatory requirements (as per EIA Notification, 2006 amended to date)
S.No. / Documents / Remarks1. / Form -1
(as per prescribed format) /
- Project name should clearly indicate whether it is a new project or an expansion.
- Basic information should be filled properly along with the Name of the proponent, Contact address, Contact number, email id, Fax no., etc.
- The undertaking should be signed by the proponent with clear mention of date and place.
- In case of Authorized signatory, the authorization letter from the proponent should be attached.
2. / Form 1A
(as per prescribed format) / Data/information as sought in the Form 1A should also clearly contain following:
- Area statement/details including permissible & proposed Ground Coverage & FAR, Built-up area, plot area, basement area etc.
- Site photographs showing present status.
- Details of water consumption, power requirement, power back-up, connectivity, community facilities and parking needs.
- Baseline environmental data w.r.t Ambient Air & Water quality and Noise levels from NABL accrediated Laboratory with scope of work.
- Water Balance Diagram / chart and details of STP.
- Details of Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, etc. as applicable.
- Green area details along with list of trees.
- Building height & stack height.
- Energy Conservation measures and estimated energy savings.
- Fire Fighting & Disaster Management Plan
- Environment Management Plan (EMP) with separate budget for construction and operation phase.
- Action plan for Corporate Social Responsibility with budget (one time as well as recurring cost / year).
- Details of RWH with schematic diagrams, as applicable
- Details of RWH with schematic diagram, as applicable and location of pits on layout plan
- Geo-technical Investigation Report signed by conducting agency and project proponent, etc.
3. / Conceptual Plan / It should include basic description of the project, existing/proposed land use details, site location, surrounding features of the proposed site (within core and buffer zones), site layout, etc.
* Form 1 & 1A are available on the website of DPCC. ()
Note: In case of expansion / modernization projects, existing details should also be given alongwith proposed project details.
B.Approvals from other govt. departments (to be annexed with the application):
- Copy of the Power Connection/supply from the concerned DISCOM.
- Copy of Water Connection, in case of Municipal Supply.
- Copy of CGWA/DJB/NDMC borewell permission, in case ground water extraction is proposed.
- Copy of the AAI approval for the building height.
- Copy of the permission from Chief Fire Officer for the project.
- Approval letter from Forest department, if applicable.
- Copy of the approval letter from DDA for the proposed FAR area.
- Copy of DUAC approval for building plans, etc.
C.Plans and layout maps (to be annexed with the application):
- Site layout map (showing location of DG sets and RWH pits, as applicable).
- Floor-wise building plans.
- Water supply and drainage plan.
- Schematic map of STP along with its location on layout map.
- Rain Water Harvesting Scheme, if proposed, with location of RWH pits.
- Landscape plan.
- Traffic Management plan.
- Fire fighting plan / Evacuation plan.
- Location of DG sets, etc.
*All the building plans/layout maps should be submitted in A1 size along with signature of the proponent/authorized signatory and project name as in Form 1 & 1A.
D.Miscellaneous Information (to be annexed with the application):
- Details of the Environmental Consultants for the project.
- NABET / QCI accreditation status of the Environmental Consultants, etc.
- Any other information required, as applicable.