Checklist for Environmental Clearance application for Building & Construction Projects under EIA Notification 2006 and as amended to date

A.Mandatory requirements (as per EIA Notification, 2006 amended to date)

S.No. / Documents / Remarks
1. / Form -1
(as per prescribed format) /
  • Project name should clearly indicate whether it is a new project or an expansion.
  • Basic information should be filled properly along with the Name of the proponent, Contact address, Contact number, email id, Fax no., etc.
  • The undertaking should be signed by the proponent with clear mention of date and place.
  • In case of Authorized signatory, the authorization letter from the proponent should be attached.

2. / Form 1A
(as per prescribed format) / Data/information as sought in the Form 1A should also clearly contain following:
  • Area statement/details including permissible & proposed Ground Coverage & FAR, Built-up area, plot area, basement area etc.
  • Site photographs showing present status.
  • Details of water consumption, power requirement, power back-up, connectivity, community facilities and parking needs.
  • Baseline environmental data w.r.t Ambient Air & Water quality and Noise levels from NABL accrediated Laboratory with scope of work.
  • Water Balance Diagram / chart and details of STP.
  • Details of Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, etc. as applicable.
  • Green area details along with list of trees.
  • Building height & stack height.
  • Energy Conservation measures and estimated energy savings.
  • Fire Fighting & Disaster Management Plan
  • Environment Management Plan (EMP) with separate budget for construction and operation phase.
  • Action plan for Corporate Social Responsibility with budget (one time as well as recurring cost / year).
  • Details of RWH with schematic diagrams, as applicable
  • Details of RWH with schematic diagram, as applicable and location of pits on layout plan
  • Geo-technical Investigation Report signed by conducting agency and project proponent, etc.

3. / Conceptual Plan / It should include basic description of the project, existing/proposed land use details, site location, surrounding features of the proposed site (within core and buffer zones), site layout, etc.

* Form 1 & 1A are available on the website of DPCC. ()

Note: In case of expansion / modernization projects, existing details should also be given alongwith proposed project details.

B.Approvals from other govt. departments (to be annexed with the application):

  1. Copy of the Power Connection/supply from the concerned DISCOM.
  2. Copy of Water Connection, in case of Municipal Supply.
  3. Copy of CGWA/DJB/NDMC borewell permission, in case ground water extraction is proposed.
  4. Copy of the AAI approval for the building height.
  5. Copy of the permission from Chief Fire Officer for the project.
  6. Approval letter from Forest department, if applicable.
  7. Copy of the approval letter from DDA for the proposed FAR area.
  8. Copy of DUAC approval for building plans, etc.

C.Plans and layout maps (to be annexed with the application):

  1. Site layout map (showing location of DG sets and RWH pits, as applicable).
  2. Floor-wise building plans.
  3. Water supply and drainage plan.
  4. Schematic map of STP along with its location on layout map.
  5. Rain Water Harvesting Scheme, if proposed, with location of RWH pits.
  6. Landscape plan.
  7. Traffic Management plan.
  8. Fire fighting plan / Evacuation plan.
  9. Location of DG sets, etc.

*All the building plans/layout maps should be submitted in A1 size along with signature of the proponent/authorized signatory and project name as in Form 1 & 1A.

D.Miscellaneous Information (to be annexed with the application):

  1. Details of the Environmental Consultants for the project.
  2. NABET / QCI accreditation status of the Environmental Consultants, etc.
  3. Any other information required, as applicable.