
Doesn't work. Check against bug for example files given.

Running our old-style saved activities as new DIYs


For each app I've done 3 tests using our saved ready-made activities:

1. Used our original activity unchanged except picking up new swf (ie xmlFile is our old style xml file and no gameFile is set)

2. Changed our html to pass global config settings via xmlFile and our old style XML file via gameFile. Specified help in both xml files – in which case the help file set in game file should override that set in global file.

3. Changed html as for 2. No help specified in game xml – help file should be the one set in the global file.

Test results below. Snap works ok now. Onoff's nearly there. But the others still aren't working properly.

(Test files are at / - sep sub-folder for each activity.)


1. 6078 – original unchanged activity - help link launches a new empty window (should get help file from game xml file 6078.xml). Also has print button which does nothing.

2. 4674 - help in game xml - clicking help button launches new empty window

3. 4916 - help in global xml – clicking help button launches new empty window


1. 8191 – original unchanged activity – help works ok (from game xml). But has a print button which does nothing.

2. 4671 – help in game xml – works ok

3. 9170 – help in global xml – works ok

Sequencing – not working properly – none of tiles displaying on any of tests

1. 5981 – original unchanged activity – game screen is empty, unable to test help

2. 4626 – help in game xml – getting help from global xml, incorrectly

3. 7759 – help in global xml – gets help from global (correct, but given that nothing else works will need re-testing)


1. 5458 – original unchanged activity – works ok

2. 4428 – help in game xml – works ok

3. 11997 – help in global xml – works ok


How we need help files to work:

Global xml file (xmlFile parameter in html) - this will always be present and will always have a help file, that's how we'll ensure all activities get the default help if there isn't one in the game xml.

Game xml file (gameFile) - this may or may not be present, and may or may not have a help file:

·  if the game xml file has a help file then it should override the help file set in the global xml (because it may be a help file that has been written specifically for that activity).

·  if the game xml file doesn't have a help file, or if no game xml file is specified*, then it should use the global one.

*our original unmodified activities don't have a game xml file – they just have a global one

Instructions from Jon's email of 5/5/11:

There are two parameters to pass XML files:

xmlFile this should either be passed the new (e.g.) snap.xml which has global configuration options for the new style app or your old style XML file but if you do use the old style it will not be editable (it'll work just like previous versions).

gameFile can be passed one of 3 things: new style (e.g.) snapgame.xml which has game information in, old style XML file (if passed in this variable it will be savable - sorry but we have to have the global configuration XML to be able to save) or left blank in which case it drops straight to the editor.