From: March18 to March 29, 2018

Subject / Topics/Focus / Homework / Quizzes /Tests
English / Week 1: Mar 18-22
UNIT 4: Lesson 17 (continuation)
Grammar and Writing: Subject-Verb Agreement
(RNB Vol 2 p 17, 20, 26, 29)
Antonyms (RNB Vol 2 p 27)
Phonics and Listening: long i( i, igh, ie, and y)
(RNB Vol 2 p 16, 18,25)
Lesson 18
Grammar: present and past be verbs (RNB pp 32, 35, 41)
Suffixes –y and –ful (RNB 42)
Phonics and Speaking: long e (sound for y)
(RNB pp 31, 33, 34, 40)
Changing y to i (RNB 37) / Writing: English Notebook
Paste pictures and write 5 pairs of antonyms on your English Notebook.
Practice reading words with long e on page 34. / Spelling Teston 22 March 2018.
Please study the following words:
night, kind, spy, child, light, find, write, high
Week 2: Mar 25-29
Vocabulary and Listening:
agreed, polite, failed, tearing, troubled
Reading: The Signmaker’sAssistant
(Journeys pp 126-149, RNB pp 53-54)
Grammar and Writing: commas in dates and places(RNB p 50)
Proper Nouns (RNB p 59)
Phonics and Speaking: words with ar (RNB pp 45, 48, 55) / Practice writing words with ar and answer the activity on page 49.
Read and answer the Reading Comprehension Homework sheet. / Please bring your English Notebook every day.
Oral Reading Test on 29 March 2018.
Practice reading the Sight Words practice sheet.
Science / Week 1: March 18-22
How Do Environment Change Over Time? (continuation)
Nature’s Work A Change of Pace What People Do
Unit 6 Earth and Its Resources
Lesson 1:What Changes Earth? / *Always bring theScience file to school.
*We will start using Book 2of the Science Book.
*Please make sure your child brings the book to school. *Some students already kept the book in their classroom.
* Read pages 228- 233 in advance. / No Test
Week 2: March 25-29
Lesson 1:What Changes Earth?(continuation)
Lesson 2:What Are Natural Resources? / Answer : Apply Concepts p.238
Bring an example of a natural resource that you want to talk about. Prepare 2-3 sentences about it. / Critical Thinking Quiz
No preparation Needed
*How Environment Change Over Time.
Math / Week 1: Mar18-22
Lesson 8.3 Estimate Lengths in inches
Lesson 8.4 Measure with an Inch Ruler
Lesson 8.5 Problem Solving Add and Subtract in Inches
Lesson 9.2 Estimate lengths in Centimeters
Lesson 9.3 Measure with a Centimeters Ruler / Home work will be given on Thursday 15-March-2017.It will be from Practice Workbook. The Homework must be submitted on the following Sunday:
Practice Book
Lesson 7.9, Lesson 7.10, Lesson 7.11 / Critical Thinking Quiz
Quiz Coverage : Lesson 7.9
Week 2: Mar25-29
Lesson 9.4 Problem Solving Add and Subtract Lengths
Lesson 9.5 Centimeters and Meters
Lesson 9.6 Estimate Lengths in Meters
Lesson 9.7 Measure and Compare Lengths / Home work will be given on Thursday 22-March-2017.It will be from Practice Workbook. The Homework must be submitted on the following Sunday:
Practice Book:Lesson 8.3,Lesson 8.4,Lesson 8.5 / No Test
Life Skills / Week 1: March 4-8
Unit 4: My Friends
“My Friends” page 33 / Please answer the observation checklist. This is an assessment if your child is applying what he/she learns from our lessons in Unit 3: Family.
Bring 4 small pictures of what you love to do with your friends. / No Test
Week 2: March 11-15
Unit 4: My Friends
My Friends page 34 / No Homework / No Test
Computer / Week 1: March 18 - 22
3. Introduction to Word Process:
Typing Work sheet 2
Focus on Ribbon tools / No Homework / No Test
Week 2: March 25 - 29
Typing Work sheet 3
Focus on Ribbon tools / No Homework / No Test
UCMAS / Week 1: march 18-22
-Ucmas Activities.
-Mixed family
-Class work book B P23 / H.W Book B p24 / Don’t forget the UCMAS books and Abacus every class.
Week 2: march 25-29
-Ucmas Activities.
-Two digits / No Homework / Don’t forget the UCMAS books and Abacus every class.

Vision: Educational Excellence for a creative generation

Values: Respect/ Integrity/ Responsiveness/ Responsibility and Accountability/ Life-long Learning / Global Awareness