Tiree Community Development Trust
Monthly Board Meeting
Date / Tuesday 14thOctoberTime / 7.30pm
Venue / Trust Office, The Island Centre
Present / Trust Directors: Stewart MacLennan, Rosaleen Campbell, John Bowler,Roger Jarvis, Trudy Mackenzie
Pat Campbell,
Staff:Shari MacKinnon, Andy Wright,Louise Reid
Apologies:Carole Stoker, Isabella Mackinnon, Fiona Malcolm
- Welcome and Apologies
- The Chair (JB) welcomed all present.
- Previous Minutes
- The minutes from the previous meeting were approved, proposed by SMLand seconded by PC.
- Conflict of Interest
- SML declared a conflict of interest and left the room whilst the discussion on possiblefunding for fuel pump improvements took place.
- Matters arising
- SML requested the Trusts assistance on researching possible grants to aid the improvements at the fuel pumps in Scarinish. It was agreed to do a Grantfinder search through Argyll & Bute Council and the board would consider if there was any other support that could be given to the project, which is already receiving support from Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE).
- Windfall Fund
(a)Enquiry Form
- Twoenquiries were received and presented to the board for commentsand feedback. SMK to feed back to enquirers.
(b)Tech Wave Application
- An application received from the Tiree Tech Waveto go towards their project Digital Fabrication Workshop (3D printing, 3D scanning and laser scanning). This application was approved and the Tiree Tech Wavewill receive £920 towards this project.
(c)Hebridean Trust Application
- An application was received from the Hebridean Trust to go towards their project Skerryvore Exhibition Improvements. The application was deferred pending further information.
- Strategy Review
- It was agreed that the strategy review would be carried out looking at 3 key areas:
- The Business Plan (review mission, aims and purpose)
- Projects (categorise into 1, 2 & 3 year timeline)
- The Growth Plan & Involving The Community
- Discussion documents to be prepared and circulated by Friday 17th October. AW, LC & TMK to Action
Initial meeting will take place on Friday 24th October, 3pm at the Trust Office.
The draft change to the memorandum and articles was received from the lawyer.
- Donnie Campbellrecommended a second legal opinion. It was agreed to postpone the EGM until the above was resolved.AW to action
- Staff Updates
(a)Monthly Reports
- The staff reports were circulated and discussed.
- It was noted that LR’s minute taking report was commended.
(b)Staff Updates
- LC and PC attended the initial RuralParliament consultation event. It was agreed that IMK would apply to attend the Rural Parliament.
- FA proposed a film weekend. This was approved with details to be published on TCDT website and in An Tirisdeach.
- It was noted that a sub-committee is required to the Staffing Review.
- SML is attending,and will feedback on,the HIE summit for Local young businesses in Argyll and Bute, which will focus on population decline.
- The LEADER-Local Area Group is taking place at the end of November.SML is now on the board.
- Project Updates
(a) Tiree for Business
- AW gave a presentation regarding a proposed new project providing support for businesses on Tiree.
- It was agreed to involveTCB with this project.
(b)Crossapol Development Project
- AW met with I & F MacLeod to discuss the valuation received for the plot and building, which came back at £120,000 (£110,000 for the building and £10,000 for the land).
- The current asking price is £160,000 for the building and £40,000 for the land.
- It was agreed to go back to the surveyor and question the valuation as it was seen as inaccurate, based on the known cost of building plots on the island. AW to action
(a)Tiree Adventure Park
- To register a late interest (under section 39 of part 2 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003) in the land belonging to HIE it would cost £1500-£3000 following HIE’s decision to make the land unavailable to TCDT.
- AW recommended that the Trust does not pursue a late registration as the alternative site is available for rent. This was agreed.
- It was further agreed to send a response to HIE about the way in which the Scarinish land issue was handled. This is to be circulated to the board for approval. AW to action
(b)Community Land Ownership
- The steering group are currently working on a Windfall application for phase 1 of the mapping part of the project. This will also help to inform the options appraisal.
(c)Community Events
- It was noted RJ,RC and PC are available to volunteer for bonfire night and JB is available for Hogmanay.
- It was agreed to advertise for volunteers for Hogmanay and stress that the event might not happen if people are not willing/able to get involved. DML to action
(d)Socio-Economic Study
- LC’s papers were circulated and discussed.
- It was noted that to run a level one intensive course there have to be at least four participants, however there are only three at present. Meaning that the course would run at an £800 loss.
- DML is now targeting people who might be interested in taking part in the course.
- It was agreed that the courses need to be advertised much further in advance.
- Approval was given to subsidise a level one intensive course if four participants can be confirmed.
- It was further agreed that the strategy for Ùlpan needs to be reviewed.
(f)PA System
- DML circulated papers and a proposal prior to the meeting. The following feedback was given.
- Could an individual be trained and set up the system at all times?
- Is it possible to have more than one quote for the system for comparison?
- Who would the system belong to? E.g. the community, An Talla, the Trust.
- The costs for maintenance and insurance need to be included in the final quote.
- There is also possibility for a revenue stream if there is a charge and deposit applied for usage.
- Monthly Finance Report
- AW presented the finance report which was discussed.
- TREL Update
- The total output for September was132 mWh. This was quite a poor month.
- TREL is hoping to make a donation to the Trust by the end of this year.
- The Statcom is now fully running after a one week restriction of 500kw.
- TREL is writing to SSE regarding the Statcom failure and including Mike Russell and Fergus Ewing in the correspondence.
- Investigations are also taking place to find out if there is suitable gird capacity for additional turbine(s).
- Tiree Broadband Update
- A sub-group has been formed including members of CIT/TCDT and TCC. This group will proactively lobby both HIE and BT regarding the fibre optic roll out to ensure the best outcome for Tiree.
- Meetings past and coming month
- TCDT and TCC
- TCC and Cùram public meeting
- Transport meeting
- The transport group are meeting on Wednesday 15th October to discuss the Oban PSO which is out to tender in November.
- Team Day
- TMK will meet with the Trust staff for their quarterly Team Development day on Wednesday 22nd October.
- It was also suggested to have a section on the website where unclaimed Windfall awards could be made public. SMK to action.
- A letter of enquiry was also received regarding a wheelchair shortage on the island. It was agreed that this issue would be passed on to Cùram.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.30PM