Decentralized power generation in the age of the smart grid
With Bachmann electronic's new GMP232 grid measurement and monitoring module, the voltage, current, frequency, power and harmonics ("power quality") are measured and analyzed directly on the busbar of the small power station.
The data of the »Grid Measurement and Protection« GMP232 module can thus be processed directly and efficiently. A powerful digital signal processor (DSP) directly on the module evaluates the input signals measured via current and voltage inputs, and provides them to the system pre-processed.
The GMP module links the value measuring with the grid monitoring and the grid management tasks. Two relays with a 2 A switching capacity are also integrated on the module. These can be linked with monitoring functions in an OR operation. The module works here completely autonomously. The monitoring of grid parameters and functions such as fault ride-through are even active when the CPU is not in Run mode. The software oscilloscope in the Device Manager of the Bachmann SolutionCenter makes the time trace of the processes visible. The synchronization of the real-time clock on the main CPU with a time server via the Precision Time Protocol (PTP) guarantees a gap-free assignment of monitored events with microsecond accuracy.
Character length:
Grid Measurement and Protection Module GMP232
Image credits: Bachmann electronic
Further information
Bachmann electronic GmbHKreuzäckerweg 33
A-6800 Feldkirch
P +43 (0)55 22 / 34 97-0
F +43 (0)55 22 / 34 97-1188
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P +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-0
F +43 (0) 55 22 / 34 97-188
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