Parkdale Orchestra
2016-2017 Student Handbook
Welcome to Orchestra! We have a great year of music ahead of us! The following pages include our Orchestra goals and expectations. Please read over the following with your parents and have the final page signed and returned to Mrs. Schaffer.
Goals and Expectations
Each orchestra member will aim to:
1.) Perform and understand various pieces and styles of music.
2.) Work as an ensemble to achieve the best possible level of performance.
3.) Practice orchestra pieces and lesson assignments.
4.) Attend and participate in all required performances.
5.) Improve by practicing good posture, technique, intonation, rhythm and overall musical understanding.
6.) Commit to a full year on their instrument. The Parkdale Instrumental program is a full year commitment on the instrument you selected. Students can not switch instruments.
Orchestra Rehearsals
Tuesdays 7:50 - 8:50
1.) Orchestra members are to attend rehearsal on time and be prepared.
2.) Students must be in the Orchestra room getting ready to tune at the assigned start time. Please no not arrive before 7:45.
3.) Stay focused during rehearsal. Pay attention to your music and director.
4.) Only play your instrument on cue. Do not play while your director is working with other sections of the orchestra.
5.) Be kind and respectful.
Attendance Policy
Attendance for lessons, orchestra rehearsals and BOTH concerts are mandatory. Students who are absent from lessons or rehearsals will result in a lower grade if in attendance for the school day. Students who are absent from school that day will not be penalized.
Materials Needed (for each lesson and rehearsal)
1.) Instrument – Cello and String bass may use a school instrument for lessons/rehearsals
2.) Shoulder rest (violin and viola) or endpin stop (cello and bass)
3.) Essential Elements book (violin, viola, cello or bass)
4.) 1 inch 3 ring binder – to be used for our orchestra music (starting in January)
Music Lessons
Lessons will be given once a week for 30 minutes on a fixed day & time. Students are expected to practice and prepare for lessons and rehearsals. Grades for orchestra will be from music lessons and orchestra.
Students will be given a practice chart to be completed weekly and signed by a parent. Students will receive a new practice chart at the beginning of every marking period, this will be included in your grade.
Practicing is your homework!
4th grade Orchestra students should be practicing a minimum of 100 minutes per week with a goal of 120 minutes or more per week. Repetition is the practice goal, please limit “0” practice days to 1 or 2 if needed.
Student participation in our school concerts is required and part of the class work. The scheduled school concert dates are posted on my website and the district calendar.
¯ Winter Concert: Thursday 12/15 @ 7pm (EAHS auditorium)
¯ Spring Concert: Tuesday 6/13 @ 7pm (EAHS auditorium)
*Letters will be sent home for additional performance information
Concert Dress
Gentlemen: White dress shirt, tie (opt), black pants and black shoes (no sneakers).
Ladies: White top and long black skirt or black pants, black and white dresses and black dress shoes (no sneakers). Please keep all dresses and skirts below the knee.
Your report card grade will be a combination of your lesson grade and orchestra rehearsal grade.
Lesson Grade
Each weekly lesson is worth a total of 15 points. Points are based on the following criteria:
Prepared with materials (Instrument, music, completed & signed practice log): 3 points
Practice minutes: 4 points (see chart below)
Preparation of all assigned lesson music: 4 points
Preparation & orchestra rehearsal attendance: 4 points
Points / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0Practice Minutes / 120+
mins / 80-119 mins / 41-79 mins / 20-40
mins / 0-19
Overall Report card Grade
Points / 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4-0Grade / A+ / A / A- / B+ / B / B- / C+ / C / C- / D+ / D / F
Effort / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Rubric / Exceeds objectives / Meets
objectives / Met some objectives / Did not meet objectives
Please see a detailed list of music vendors on my school web page!!!
Questions regarding Orchestra or lesson information may be directed to:
Phone 687-2491x8140
Please sign below and return to Mrs. Schaffer by October 7th
I have read through and I understand the information included in the orchestra guidelines, including student expectations for this class, grading policies and concert information.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Student Signature Date
Parent Contact Information: