Note: Reviewers will approve appropriate grade spans.

Not Applicable / Lower Elementary / Upper Elementary / Middle School / High School
Pre- K K 1 2 / 3 4 5 / 6 7 8 / 9 10 11 12
Content Area:
Prompt / Criteria / Below Expectation
0 / Meet Expectation
1 / Exceed Expectation
2 / Rating / Multiplier / Score
B2a. Please provide at least one piece of evidence of alignment with applicable Curriculum Frameworks for each grade span selected and a brief narrative describing how your PD is aligned to specific standards in the relevant Massachusetts Curriculum Framework.
Examples of evidence include, but are not limited to, course syllabi[1], descriptions of previously developed courses, PowerPoint/Prezi presentations, or a short video (not more than 15 minutes) that demonstrate content expertise. / B2a. Curriculum/Vocational Frameworks / Response does not demonstrate the provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that adequately addresses the standards and practices found in the MA framework / Response demonstrates provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that adequately addresses the standards and practices found in the MA framework / Response demonstrates provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that greatly deepens educator’s understanding of the standards and practices found in the MA framework / x5
Please score B2a OR B2b[2]
B2b. Please provide at least one piece of evidence of content expertise and a brief narrative describing how you will tailor your PD for the specific content area selected in this application. If your PD is aligned to particular state and/or national standards, benchmarks, or models, please explain. Examples of evidence include, but are not limited to, course syllabi[3], descriptions of previously developed courses, PowerPoint/Prezi presentations, or a short video (not more than 15 minutes) that demonstrate content expertise. / B2b. Capacity to deliver content PD / Response does not demonstrate the provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that adequately addresses the content area / Response demonstrates provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that adequately addresses the content area / Response demonstrates provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that greatly deepens educator’s understanding of the content area
B3. Which of the following Teacher/Admin/SISP Evaluation Standards does your PD in this content area address? / B3. Educator Evaluation Standards / Response does not demonstrate the provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that adequately addresses the selected educator evaluation standard(s) / Response demonstrates the provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that adequately addresses the selected educator evaluation standard(s) / Response demonstrates provider’s capacity to deliver professional development that greatly deepens educator’s practice as defined by the selected educator evaluation standard(s) / x1
B4. How do you evaluate participants’ proficiency in the selected content area (e.g. use of formative and summative assessment)? Include both the type(s) of assessment given, and the criteria used to demonstrate mastery. / B4. Evaluation of Proficiency / Provider does not evaluate participant proficiency / Provider evaluates participant proficiency at least once during PD using formative or summative assessments / Provider evaluates participant proficiency multiple times during PD using formative or summative assessments / x2
B5. Upload two examples of assessments used in your PD. Explain their use in your PD and explain how they help measure the objectives. (Please be sure to state the objective of the PD). / B5. Samples of assessment / No sample assessment is provided.
Sample(s) do not demonstrate provider’s capacity to align assessments to PD objectives or to PD content / Samples demonstrate provider’s capacity to fully align assessments to PD objectives or to PD content / Samples of assessments demonstrate provider’s capacity to fully align assessments to PD objectives and PD content / x2
B6. Indicate which of the tools you use to determine that your PD had an impact on educator practice after the professional development. (Check all that you use.)
Then, in B6a, explain in the comment box and upload evidence for those selected.
·  Classroom observations after the PD
·  Results of local student assessment data
·  Participant surveys
·  Informal check-ins with participants
·  Formal check-ins with participants
·  Reviews of written reports summarizing instructional activity after the PD
·  Portfolios
·  Observations of a performance (student or teacher)
·  Reviews of a product after the PD
·  Other (specify):
·  Other (specify):
B6a. Please explain how you use each of the tools you selected in B6 in the comment box below, then upload evidence for each. / B6. Determining PD impact[4] on educator practice / Response provides little or no evidence that the PD provider determines impact of PD on educator practice after the PD / The PD provider uses at least one tool to determine the impact of PD on educator practice
the evidence submitted identifies one indicator/criterion to determine impact / The PD provider uses multiple tools to determine the impact of PD on educator practice
The evidence submitted identifies multiple indicators/criteria to determine impact / x2
B7& B8. Provide a curriculum vitae/resume for every instructors/presenters who directly facilitate professional development in the content area selected in B1. If there are more than ten (10) instructors, upload the ten instructors who most frequently facilitate professional development services. / B7 & B8.
Facilitator[5] Qualification / Resumes/CVs do not demonstrate that facilitators have expertise in the content area / Resumes/CVs demonstrate facilitators have expertise in the content area / Resume/CVs demonstrate expertise in content
experience teaching adults / x6
B9. Provide two reference letters from clients who are familiar with the services you have outlined in this application. Be sure to include all contact information including email and phone numbers with extensions. The references must articulate the services you have provided for that client.[6] / B9. References / No references provided.
Reference(s) do not mention provider’s experience nor expertise in content PD / References convey provider’s experience in delivery of content PD / References convey provider’s experience in delivery of PD
Provider’s expertise in content area / x2

*To be approved, the provider must obtain a minimum score of 22 points.


[1] Please see examples of syllabi that would be appropriate as evidence at http://www.doe.mass.edu/apa/sss/mtss/ta/mfa/default.html

[2] Score B2a if the content area has a Curriculum Framework & Score B2b if the content area does not have a curriculum framework

[3] Please see examples of syllabi that would be appropriate as evidence at http://www.doe.mass.edu/apa/sss/mtss/ta/mfa/default.html

[4] When referring to impact of PD, providers are not expected to conduct a formal study. The expectation of providers is that they first plan out in what ways the content of the PD should influence educator practice (e.g. Teachers will be able to utilize the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in instructional planning). Once the PD is complete, the expectation is that the provider makes a reasonable attempt to seek out information that would reveal whether or not the professional development offered lead to improvements in practice (e.g. Are teachers knowledgeable enough to use the principles of UDL to plan units and lessons? If yes, are teachers utilizing the principles of UDL in unit and/or lesson design? ). A reasonable attempt to seek out information could be done through a follow-up session (in-person, webinar, or other) at some later point, coaching, or by other means. In addition, The PD provider is not expected to assess impact on practice after each PD session but is expected to evaluate impact of a PD program that is built to address a defined topic. Please note that the examples given are illustrations.

[5] Also referred to as presenter or instructor

[6] Applicants may use the same references for multiple applications. Please ensure that references speak to your organization’s experience in the content area specified in B1.