Creative Expression!

There are many ways to express yourself creatively and journaling is one of them. Don’t worry yet, journaling can be done in many ways. The journals we will be creating will be a combination of visual journaling and traditional written journals. Your traditional journaling pieces can be done in several ways. You can write them on paper, type them, record them to text, create a video, or if you have another idea please feel free to ask. Journals will be collected every ______. This means that you will need to have your journal form at school to turn in to me on that day. The visual piece to your journal can contain painting, drawing, collage, video, again if you have other ideas please feel free to ask. You can create a separate visual journal if you are creating a video or audio recording, or for video you may include it on the video. For those of you creating a paper written journal you may choose to separate or combine the two. At times I will be giving you journaling ideas to respond to rather than responding to your experience in the art room that day. As there are many ways for you to create your journals, you will have the opportunity to take them home with you. Please make sure that they are with you for class each day to allow you time to work on them. To fully express your experiences and creativity I would encourage you to take them home with you after each class, although there will not be homework assigned in them after each class. Visual/written journals are a great place to put new ideas and random thoughts, who knows what they might become! Not all journal entries need to start out as complete pages, you can always go back and work on something and add to it. Visual/written journals are truly works of art if we allow ourselves to use them express our thoughts and experiences.

Handing in your journals:

For those of you with paper written, visual, or combination journals

·  Please keep them in a 3 ring binder or folder used only for your journal and art notes

·  Make sure your first and last name, class hour, and team name are clearly labeled on the outside of the folder or binder.

·  If you have anything you feel may get misplaced please also put your information on it.

For those of you with video or audio journals

·  Please turn in CD/DVD copies to me

·  Make sure your first and last name, class hour, and team name are clearly labeled on the CD/DVD

·  If you have created your video or audio journal through an online source please provide me with the location and any other information I will need to view or listen to your journal.