Agency Wellness Champions TeamApril 11, 2017Minutes

In Attendance:


In Person:


Sally Kupferschmidt, MSRS

Diana Crear, Revenue

Chris Painter, Revenue

Ned Rousmaniere, MMB

Tamara Bohmert, DPS

Sandea O’Bryant, DHS

Krissie Hoffman, MHFA

Sandy Karnowski, Tourism

Virgnia Gomez, ADM



Via phone and WebEx:


Tari Vannelli, Lottery

Genny Johnston, ADM

Noel Gageby, Health

Xia Thao, MSRS

Monica Schumacher, St. Cloud State U

Jen Verbrugge, Education



Presenter: Sandea O’Bryant

How to Make Walk Route Maps for Your Own Work Site

Sandea demonstrated map-making tools on Google Maps and Bing. Diana contributed additional methods in Google Maps, and Chris told us about using the Map My Run website and app (you don’t have to run to use it, but it does require registration). Map My Run will show maps that have already been generated by other users.

Energy Break

Ned led us through mindful awareness practices including Five Things (engage senses to notice five things you see, hear, and feel).

Update: Hiring the State’s Well Being Coordinator

Ned passed along Josephine Opong Vaughn’s update: “We are still interviewing and are working on making an offer before the end of April.”

Lactation Rooms

There was a spontaneous discussion about lactation rooms for nursing moms. Several agencies (DHS, e.g.) have well-established practices and policies. Sandea reminded us that employers must make reasonable efforts to provide a private room for expressing breastmilk. Here’s the statute:

AWC Updates

AWCs reported agency activity and plans

Tamara Bohmert, DPS Worked with HR to add a brief Wellness Committee presentation to new employee orientation’s Safety module. Every year, the committee receives print copies of Dept of Agriculuture’sMN farmer’s market guide. You can order it in quantities here: or call 651-201-6170.

Tari Vannelli, Lottery. Tari is the lone wellness committee member at Lottery until her retired colleague is replaced.

Sandy Karnowski, Tourism, is also her own wellness committee in her small agency.

Krissie Hoffman, MHFA, reported on their recent Climb Your Mountain steps challenge. MHFA is midway through its Sit-Stand desk study with the U of MN. The wellness committee posts a healthy recipe of the week in MHFA’s intranet.

Diana and Chris, Revenue, reported on the first “Ignite” day that focused on employee health. The day featured speakers and information tables. The wellness committee is developing financial wellbeing initiatives, and plans to develop three to four weeklong challenges. There are now stretch breaks during the commissioner’s employee meetings.

Sally Kupferschmidt, MSRS: the wellness committee has been quiet lately. They are developing lunch and learn events. They have Sit-Stand stations, but haven’t received any training in their use. Sally will contact Linda Feltes for ideas and Sally will share what she learns at an upcoming Work Well meeting.

Sandea O’Bryant, DHS. In response to questions about lactation rooms, Sandea talked about DHS’s practices and policies. Group

Virginia and Jenny, ADMIN, report that they are about to relaunch the wellness committee website. They are seeking more employee engagement and might use ADMIN’s annual Spring Into Summer event to promote wellness.

Next Meeting

Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 2- 3:30

Ladyslipper Room, ground floorTopic: Visit Wellness Champions Meetings page on the Health Solutions Page

Centennial BuildingEnergy Break: Xia Thao.

658 Cedar Street

St. Paul, MN 55155