of the CHP Residents Voice Meeting
held on
Wednesday 13th February 2013
held at
Myriad House
Fiona Stirling (FS) Chair
Colin Rolfe (CR) Vice Chair
Benita Cook (BC)
Karima Ali (KA)
Simon Barrier (SB)
Maureen Wade (MW)
Ruth Jarvis (RJ) / Guests
Ron Goodyear (RG) Board Trustee
Ray Canham (RSC) CHP
Lesley Kitchen (LK) CHP
Sue Cornelious (SC) Asst Vice Chair
Greg Hatt (GH)
Mark Shaw (MS)
The Chair opened the meeting at 6pm and welcomed Ron Goodyear, Board Trustee and Garryck Noble, Chair, Melbourne forum who gave apologies for Greg Hatt and Mark Shaw. FS explained that Ron Goodyear was in attendance tonight month and Alistair Mckenzie, Board Trustee would be attending next month’s meeting.
Apologies were received from Sue Cornelious, Greg Hatt and Mark Shaw.
1. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16th January 2013 were taken as a true and accurate record.
2. / Matters Arising
Board Trustees: FS stated that she had a meeting with Stuart Stackhouse about CHP Governance. It was agreed that someone from CHP management would attend next month’s meeting to discuss this in more detail with the Committee as Stuart Stackhouse will be on holiday.
Lynne Foster: LF will be leaving on Friday 1st March a gift had been purchased and an inscription was agreed for the gift. This would be presented to LF at her leaving party.
Office 365: Two dates had been provisionally booked at the Parkside Hub: Tuesday 19th and Thursday 21st February. It was agreed that SB and RB would attend the training on Tuesday 19th February at 5:30pm.
Sheltered Schemes: CR has a list of people interested in taking part and there are currently about 28 units to visit. A list was awaited from Ursula Heelis of Trustees that will be attending. Until this list was received CR was unable to progress this further. It was expected that 4 visits each per member would be required over the year.
Loan Shark Stickers: Currently there were 4 vans with stickers and more would follow. KC would provide costs for the rest so that CHP Residents Voice could fund.
Printer Inks: FS asked if members had not done so already could they please give MW their printer/ink details. SB and GN needed to provide MW with this information as soon as possible.
Expenses: This month proved to be another difficult month in terms of reconciling expenses with the finance department due to incomplete forms. FS asked for members to put the month they were claiming down on the forms for phone and IT as this was important.
Lean Review: Questions were asked of RSC about CHP’s contractors. Contractors were adhering to CHP requirements as a matter of course. All new contractors would sign up to these requirements. FS asked if Carillion were adhering to these requirements. RSC stated that he had not asked about specific contractors.
MW stated that Sarah Blackman would attend the May meeting to update members on the Lean Review.
Rent Setting: FS had not received any further information regarding rent statistics from other providers. RSC stated that benchmarking would be carried out but information was limited at present. FS would speak to DH about this information.
Leonard Gray: CHP Residents Voice Constitution. A meeting had been held with these solicitors and a price has been given of £750.00 + VAT to legalise all the CHP Residents Voice paperwork. / KC
3. / Any Other Business
Budget: Printed sheets of the forthcoming budget were distributed to members. FS asked if there were any questions regarding the content.
CR asked why taxis costs had gone up when the Committee were trying to reduce this figure. FS stated that allowances had been made for residents outside Chelmsford and taxis had been coded in one lump. CR requested that the spelling of Flaternity be corrected. RSC would arrange.
FS commented that the underspend is due to the fact that CHP Residents Voice had not been charged for a number of services. Conference charges for Chicks had been put down to refreshments instead of the correct conference code. RSC stated that forecasting will be made quarterly by the Officers so any alterations can be carried out at this time. Also access to the cashbook would be added to the workstation as from April so all members will be able to view this each month. / RSC
4. / Tenant Panels
FS, CR and BC had been part of the working party for the complaint review. A discussion took place on the democratic filter. A draft criteria for accepting tenant panels has been written due to the fact that the democratic filter comes into force from April. The paper will then go to the Board on 28th February to ensure CHP are ready for the change. The resident consultation will take place at the EGM on 20th March with the paper returning to the Board after the EGM for any comments to be taken into consideration.
5. / Youth Engagement Update
A meeting had taken place with everyone that had attended the Haringey Homes Youth presentation. CR and RSC needed to have a further meeting to put together all the comments that were made during this meeting. / CR/
A report would be sent out after this meeting had taken place.
A draft of the Youth Engagement Principles had been distributed could members please let RSC and CR have any comments or any items that members wanted added to this document. FS stated that CHP now had properties in a lot of areas around Essex and it was beneficial that something was put in place to cover this area of involvement. / ALL
6. / Repairs Update
At the last Officers meeting CHP came along with an idea to replace the handyman service that Guinness used to provide, but this time in conjunction with Swan Housing. The service that Swan would be providing was for 3 days per week at a cost of around £25-£30K with residents still having to pay. FS stated that there were still lots of questions about this service including why residents’ would want to give this service to Swan when CHP Residents Voice could possibly help provide this for residents.
A discussion took place on how this service could be provided. A number of ideas were presented. At present it would appear that resident take up for the handyman service was low. FS would like to find out exact numbers. KA asked if this service would be available to Leaseholders. FS didn’t think so but would check. RJ suggested that in-depth research was taken regarding this subject. RSC agreed that it would be essential that research was undertaken before any commitment was made.
CR stated that there had also been questions about gardening services that needed to be answered. FS commented that CHP’s discretionary gardening was going to be changed and this maybe another area that would need some sort of service. / FS
7. / Loan Shark Update
This item would be updated by SC at the next meeting.
8. / Awayday
This was an extremely productive day and lots of decisions were made. Terms of Reference, membership, criteria for the committee and selection procedure. Members are very close to where we need to be for the EGM on the 20th March but there is still a lot of work to be carried out and ALL members need to get involved.
9. / CHP Resident Voice – The Future
Task List
Terms of Reference / Listed below and agreed by members
Selection process / Listed below and agreed by members
Criteria for Committee Membership / To be discussed at next meeting
Adopt area boundaries / Agreed as per maps
Website – Get new one live / Deferred
Agree information points for information / Deferred
Write leaflet for residents / Get this item started
Information and photos into your home / Deferred
Postcards for advertising CHP RV / Deferred
Join in CHP get to know your neighbour events / Deferred
Join public events in neighbourhoods / Deferred
Run stalls in public places / Deferred
Consider grants for young person’s projects / Deferred
Define area representative role / Listed below
Induction programme for new representatives / Deferred
Specialists to cover all Essex / Deferred
Agree two representatives per area / Agreed
Agree procedure for advertising area vacancies / Deferred
Terms of Reference
The CHP Residents Voice works for the benefit of all CHP residents around Essex. We:
·  Represent all CHP residents
·  Support all resident involvement
·  Consult with CHP
·  Review and advise on CHP policies
·  Help shape future CHP services
·  Monitor CHP performance
·  Represent all CHP residents
We work on behalf of all residents, whatever type of tenure they have and wherever they live in Essex. We have specialist groups for people with disabilities and for Leaseholders and we have a person dedicated to coordinating the involvement of younger people.
·  Support all resident involvement
We encourage CHP to involve residents in decisions that affect them and we support all residents to take up these opportunities to influence CHP.
·  Consult with CHP
We have regular dialogue with CHP on key decisions that influence residents and our views inform policy and direction, including at board of trustee level.
·  Review and advise on CHP policies
We work on residents’ behalf to make sure CHP considers residents views and needs when writing policies that affect all residents.
·  Help shape future CHP services
Through consultation, regular meetings and other forms of involvement we influence and challenge decisions that helps shape CHPs direction.
·  Monitor CHP performance
We receive regular reports and feedback on how CHP are performing in key areas and work constructively with CHP to improve performance on behalf of all residents.
Selection Process
Procedure for recruiting to vacant area representative positions
1.  Identify vacancy
2.  Advertise the vacancy to residents in the area
·  Your Home
·  Leaflets and flyers
·  Personal contact
·  CHP personnel (Housing teams)
3.  Expressions of interest returned by set date (At least 4 weeks after adverts placed)
4.  CHP validate against criteria (see criteria for committee membership below)
5.  CHP inform CHP/RV of eligible candidates
·  Candidates invited to informal, 2-way discussion
·  If more eligible candidates than vacancies this will be by structured
informal interviews
6.  Interviewers will be trained to CHP interview standard
7.  Interviewers will consist of:
·  At least 1 X CHP RV officer
·  1 X CHP RV committee member
·  1 X CHP RV member
8.  Decision reached
9.  All candidates informed of decision
10.  Outcomes will be:
·  Reject
·  Accept
·  Suggest other CHP RV role and further development opportunities
11.  Agree training and induction with successful candidates
12.  Advertise their appointment, photo, contact etc.
FS asked if photographs of CHP Residents Voice Committee members could be put alongside the Board Trustees in the reception area.
A discussion took place on area forums and residents places on these forums. GN expressed concerns about the selection process. RSC explained fully how this would operate. FS stated that with over 8,000 residents communication with ALL residents in all areas was key.
CR asked what happens if there are de-selection issues going on in an area how would the 3 year term be affected. FS stated that there would still be the disciplinary procedure while investigations took place.
Criteria for Committee Membership
Membership of CHP Residents Voice
1.  All residents of CHP automatically become members of the CHP Residents Voice on signing up for tenure. Only CHP residents can be members of the CHP residents Voice. Any resident wishing to resign their membership needs to do so in writing
2.  Any resident that has miss-appropriated funds from the CHP Residents Voice /CHP will be barred for life.
3.  Current CHP employees, Board trustees or spouses/family of Board members shall not be eligible as a member of the CHP Residents Voice in accordance with CHP governance
4.  Spouses/family of Board members or staff who are residents are welcome to attend one of the focus groups or other work/single issue groups (e.g. DAG, RDAP) in accordance with CHP Board rules.
Eligibility to the central committee
1.  Members of the Central Committee must not be in rent/service charge arrears for more than three months (unless a repayment plan is being adhered to) or be subject to a Notice Seeking Possession or be involved in any other legal action with CHP
2.  Where existing members become subject to any legal action by CHP then they must resign from the committee immediately
3.  Current CHP employees, Board trustees may attend as a guest or in their CHP professional capacity
4.  Area representatives should live in the geographical area that they represent or have good knowledge in subject areas (specialist positions)
5.  Members who cease to be CHP residents during their period of office shall resign
6.  Members should be able to attend evening meetings either in person or remotely
7.  Each term of office is for three years unless the representative resigns before the end of the said term or is required to resign
8.  Where possible, officers should be from different geographical areas. No more than two officers should be from the same local neighbour area
9.  No more than one member of any household may take on a position of a CHP Residents Voice Officer at any one time
The Role of the CHP Residents’ Voice Area Representative
Outcomes from discussion at Awayday 2013
Aims of the area representative:
To be an effective, efficient & flexible link between CHP residents, the CHP Residents’ Voice and CHP.
·  Open minded
·  Flexible
·  Able to reflect local views to CHP RV & CHP
·  Not afraid of change
·  Not afraid of a challenge
·  Inclusive of whole community
·  Time to prepare for meetings
·  Ability to represent CHP residents interests
·  Knowledge of CHP to effectively advise and signpost residents
·  To Champion and encourage resident involvement with CHP
·  Ability to capture local knowledge that is of benefit to CHP Residents
·  Have the ability to listen
·  Be approachable
Personal characteristics:
·  Determined
·  Fair
·  Wise
10. / Private & Confidential
All guests were asked to leave the meeting as the Committee had an item they wished to discuss in private.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:05pm. The date of the next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 13th March 2013 at Myriad House.
Signed as a true and accurate record:

CHP Residents Voice Minutes February 2013 FINAL