SSPG Executive Committee Meeting Notes

November 17, 2009

Attending: Ron Braeutigam, Rachelle Brooks, Steve Carr, Debbie Crimmins, Mary Desler, Mary Finn, Paul Schatz

Review potential student surveys

·  Survey developed by a Regis University student on developing programs to help foreign student adjust to the US – Rejected, as we do not allow students from other schools to survey NU students and the quality of this survey was not high enough to make an exception.

·  Survey on how graduate students make career choices by Klara Mueggenburg (SESP graduate student) – Requested student make revisions and discuss with Simon Greenwold (TGS) and Lonnie Dunlap (Career Services). Survey may be approved in the future. It would be conducted using Survey Monkey and sent to 600 or fewer graduate students in three fields.

·  Potentialpark survey on career websites – Rejected, as we do not allow companies to survey our students if there is no benefit to NU.

·  Student Affairs surveys – Approved Resident Evaluation of CAs. NASPA/Student Voice survey, CORE (Alcohol) survey, ACUHO-/EBI resident survey, and Greek student experience survey. NASPA and CORE will use separate samples of undergraduate students.

·  Illinois Research Initiative survey on campus safety – Decision on whether to administer the survey will be made by UPD Chief Bruce Lewis. If it is approved alternative methods of administration will be discussed as they want to conduct it during class time.

Discussion of ASG survey

·  Conducted on ASG website. 6% response rate, it had been much higher in the past.

·  Primary purpose is determining what programs/services students would like to see at NU

·  ASG would like access to existing student survey data. Ron will meet with the committee on 11/20/09 to discuss what they need.

·  Agreed to assist them in development of a priorities survey and send one bulkmail with link to survey to students.

Review agenda for December 2nd SSPG meeting

·  Mary Desler will give an update from the Executive Committee on the surveys proposed and reviewed

·  Debbie will talk about some changes in COFHE surveys and ask Mike if he wants to mention anything about the RAC

·  For the roundtable ask for response rate and 1 or 2 highlights – add CIRP to list

·  Student satisfaction will be the focal point of the discussion section – committee members should send Debbie feedback on the satisfaction materials

·  Rachelle will send a revised agenda to the Executive Committee