Victorian Environmental Water Holdings
System / Entitlement / Volume (ML) / ReliabilityLatrobe / LatrobeRiver Environmental Entitlement / n/a1 / n/a
Macalister / MacalisterRiver Environmental Entitlement 2010 / 7,111
3,555 / High
Thomson / Bulk Entitlement (ThomsonRiver - Environment) Order 2005 / 10,000
* / High
Tarago / Tarago and Bunyip Rivers Environmental Entitlement 2009 / 3,000
* / High
Yarra / Yarra Environmental Entitlement 2006 / 17,000
* / High
Werribee / WerribeeRiver Environmental Entitlement 2011 / n/a2 / n/a
Moorabool / MooraboolRiver Environmental Entitlement 2010 / 2,5003
* / High
Barwon / BarwonRiver Environmental Entitlement 2011 / 1n/a / n/a
Wimmera and Glenelg / Wimmera and Glenelg Rivers Environmental Entitlement 2010 / 41,6504
* / High
Loddon / Bulk Entitlement (LoddonRiver - Environmental Reserve) Order 2005 / 9,4904
2024 / High
Environmental Entitlement (Birch Creek - Bullarook System) 2009 / 100
* / n/a
Water Shares – Snowy River Environmental Reserve / 470 / High
Campaspe / Environmental Entitlement (CampaspeRiver - Living Murray Initiative) 2007 / 5,048
126 / Low
Goulburn / Environmental Entitlement (Goulburn System - Environmental Water Reserve) 2010 / 05 / n/a
GoulburnRiver Environmental Entitlement 2010 / 1,432 / High
Environmental Entitlement (Goulburn System - Living Murray) 2007 / 39,625
156,980 / High
Bulk Entitlement (Goulburn System - Snowy Environmental Reserve) Order 2004 / 16,812 / High
Water Shares – Snowy River Environmental Reserve / 6,121.4
17,852 / High
Silver and Wallaby Creeks Environmental Entitlement 2006 / ** / n/a
Murray / Bulk Entitlement (River Murray - Flora and Fauna) Conversion Order 1999 / 27,600
40,000 / High
Unregulated entitlement6
Bulk Entitlement (River Murray - Flora and Fauna) Conversion Order 1999 - Barmah-MillewaForest Environmental Water Allocation7 / 50,000
25,000 / High
Bulk Entitlement (River Murray - Flora and Fauna) Conversion Order 1999 - Living Murray / 5,710
34,000 / High
Unregulated entitlement6
Environmental Entitlement (River Murray - Environmental Water Reserve) 2010 / 05 / n/a
Bulk Entitlement (River Murray - Snowy Environmental Reserve) Conversion Order 2004 / 29,794 / High
Water Shares – Snowy River Environmental Reserve / 10,544.3
6,415.3 / High
* In addition to volumetric entitlement, the entitlement also includes passing flow obligations
**entitlement includes passing flow obligations
1Unregulated entitlement, with availability of use dependant on river levels
2Entitlement consists of 10% of inflows into LakeMerrimu (after passing flows)
3Volume represents the average annual entitlement volume, based on a three-year entitlement of up to 7,500 ML
4 In addition to volumetric entitlement, the entitlement also consists of above cap water
5The volume available under this entitlement will be amended upon completion of water savings projects associated Stage 1 of the Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Program (NVIRP). In the interim period, the environment's 1/3 share of the annual water savings achieved from Stage 1 of NVIRP are provided under a Supply by Agreement.
6Unregulated entitlement volume available only in declared periods of unregulated flow in the River Murray.
7The Barmah-Millewa Forest Environmental Water Allocation is an obligation set out in Goulburn-Murray Water's entitlement, and this water is used in accordance with specific rules.
More detail about the above entitlements can be viewed online at the Victorian Water Register
© Victorian Environmental Water Holder 2011
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