Coosa Middle School
212 Eagle Drive Rome, GA 30165
(706) 236-1856 FAX: (706) 802-6766
Dr. Vondell Ringer Mr. Patrick Hopper
Principal Assistant Principal
Business Partner,
The Coosa Middle School would like to offer you a chance to be a 2015 Smokin’ Butts 5K Run Sponsor. All sponsorship money will go toward supporting the Coosa Middle School Athletes. By being a sponsor you will help the CMS athletics work out and train to be able to compete at the best of their ability and to help prevent injuries. Listed below are the sponsorship levels.
For $500.00 your business can have its name of the race. Along with having your business as the name of the race you will also get the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place sponsorships.
1st PlaceSponsorship / *Your business name will be on the race website
*Your business name will be on the race t-shirt
*Your business name will be on the flyers
*Your business name will be on the race Facebook page. / Price: $100.00
2nd Place
Sponsorship / *Your business name will be on the race website
*Your business name will be on the race t-shirt
*Your business name will be on the race Facebook page. / Price: $50.00
3rd Place Sponsorship / *Your business name will be on the race t-shirt / Price: $25.00
Please make all checks out to Coosa Middle School.
Please return form, business card and check by October 24, 2015 .
Receipts will be mailed.
If you would like to donate pens, pencils, business cards, etc. that will be put in the race packets that each runner will receive it would be greatly appreciated. We are expecting 300 runners.
We are starting to advertise for the race. We would love to be able to put your business name on our flyers.
Candice Forrister and Jamey Goss
Race Directors