Upload Background Image on IP Phone
1. Follow this link to create and configure the List.xml file and the two PNG background file images.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970 Series Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Call Manager, Release 5.0 (for models 7970G and 7971G-GE)
Customizing the Cisco Unified IP Phone
Creating Custom Background Images
List.xml File Format Requirements
PNG File Requirements for Custom Background Images
NOTE: 7970G/7971G thumbnail images are 80 x 53 pixels which differ from 7941G/7961G thumbnail images.
Configuring a Custom Background Image
2. Go to the CallManager 5.x via an Internet Browser and login to the Cisco Unified OS Administration page
and then go to Software Upgrades > Upload TFTP Server File.
3. You will see this screen. In‘Subdirectory of the tftp directory where the file will be uploaded’ field type in:
Click on Browse and locate the three files you created, List.xml, full size PNG image file, and thumbnail PNG image file.
You will click on Upload File for each of these three files to upload into the ‘desktops/320x212x12’ tftp subdirectory.
4. This screen shows what the new tftp subdirectories look like after you have uploaded the three files. You
will need to scroll down to view.
5. The Cisco Tftp service must be restarted. Login to the Cisco Unified CallManager Serviceability page. Go
to Tools > ControlCenter – Feature Services > select the CallManager server.
6. Restart the Cisco Tftp service or Stop/Start.
7. Reset the Cisco 7970G/7971G IP phones. Users can select the new background image by choosing
Settings User Preferences > Background Images on the phone.
ADDITIONAL REFERENCE DOCUMENTATION (Including IP phone specifications)
Create a file "List.xml"
(this one is not yet on a freshly installed CCM) with the following format:
<ImageItem Image="TFTP:Desktops/320x212x16/tn-logo.png"
The name of the file is case-sensitive and it starts with a big L!
Copy the code in blue into the notepad. Edit the image filename with your Image filename.
Here it would be tn-logo and logo.png. Just make sure that the phone that you are uploading the image for should have the co-relating “desktops/320x212x16” field. See bottom for your phone specifications. Save the code file as list.xml
Edit your logo/image with a Professional image Application e.g. Photoshop, Irfanview or Ms Office picture manager. The image has to be resized as per the specifications of your phone. If you have a problem with the pixel size try resizing the canvas option on image viewer application instead.
For e.g. for a 7941 phone
Image full size should be 320x196 pixels.
Image thumbnail size should be 25% of the full size image.
There can be up to 50 entries in a List file. The List.xml has to be done per phone type.
Create background image files
"tn-xxxx.png" is the thumbnail image - See specs below.
"xxxx.png" is the "real" pic - See specs below.
Upload All Three Files to TFTP Server
Upload the file "List.xml" to the tftp folder, directory "Desktops/320x196x4"
Upload the files tn-xxxx.png and xxxx.png to the folder "Desktops/320x196x4". *
look up the values above!
7941 / 7961
Full size image— 320 pixels (width) X 196 pixels (height).
Thumbnail image— 80 pixels (width) X 49 pixels (height).
Directory "/Desktops/320x196x4"
7942 / 7962
Full size image—320 pixels (width) X 196 pixels (height).
Thumbnail image—80 pixels (width) X 49 pixels (height).
Directory "/Desktops/320x196x4"
7945 / 7965
Full size image—320 pixels (width) X 212 pixels (height).
Thumbnail image—80 pixels (width) X 53 pixels (height).
Directory "/Desktops/320x212x16"
7970 / 7971
Full size image—320 pixels (width) X 212 pixels (height).
Thumbnail image—80 pixels (width) X 53 pixels (height).
Directory "Desktops/320x212x12"
Full size image—320 pixels (width) X 216 pixels (height).
Thumbnail image—80 pixels (width) X 54 pixels (height).
Directory "/Desktops/320x216x16"
If a background image just does not want to show up, it's a good idea to browse to the phone web site and check the Console Log for failures (xml parsing, ...)
You can create this files using the freeware tool "ImRe".
Restart tftp service
Go to 'Cisco Serviceability' in the upper right corner drop down box.
Go to Tools > ControlCenter 'Feature Services'
Select 'Cisco TFTP' and Click the Restart Icon at the top of the page.
Restart/Reset phone
Click on settings button on phone and select
User Preferences > Background Images.