Veazie Town Council Meeting

July 24th, 2017

Members Present: Chairman Chris Bagley,Councilor Paul Messer, Councilor Michael Reid, Councilor Aaron Turcotte, Councilor Jeff Manter, Manager Mark Leonard,Council Secretary Julie Strout, Planning Board Members Don MacKay, Andy Brown, Karen Walkerand various members of the public.

ITEM 1: Call to order

Chairman Bagleycalled the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

ITEM 2: Secretary to do the roll call:

All present.

ITEM 3: Pledge of Allegiance

ITEM 4: Considerationof the Agenda


ITEM 5: Approval of the June 26th, 2017 Regular Council Meeting Minutes.

Councilor Jeff Manter made a motion, seconded by Councilor Aaron Turcotteto approve the June 26th, 2017 Regular Council Meeting Minutes as written. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

ITEM 6: Comments from the public


New Business:

ITEM 7: Public Hearing on proposed/amended ordinances

Councilor Paul Messer made a motion, seconded by Councilor Jeff Manterto open Public Hearing to discuss the proposed/amended ordinances. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried. ThePlanning Board members and Manager Leonardanswered questions from the Council.

Councilor Paul Messer made a motion, seconded by Councilor Michael Reid to close Public Hearing. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

Councilor Aaron Turcotte made a motion, seconded by Councilor Michael Reid to approve the Subdivision Ordinance as presented. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

Councilor Paul Messer made a motion, seconded by Councilor Jeff Manter to approve the Site Plan Ordinance as amended. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

Councilor Paul Messer made a motion, seconded by Councilor Michael Reid to approve the amended Land Use Ordinance as presented. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

Councilor Aaron Turcotte made a motion, seconded by Councilor Jeff Manter to approve the amended Personnel Ordinance as presented. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

ITEM 8: MMA Annual Election

Councilor Paul Messer made a motion, seconded by Councilor Michael Reidto authorize Manager Leonard to vote on behalf of the Veazie Town Council for the MMA Annual Election for the Vice President and Executive Committee Members as presented on the voting ballot. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

ITEM 9: Planning Board Re-Appointment

Councilor Michael Reid made a motion, seconded by Councilor Aaron Turcotteto appoint Anthony Cappuccio to the Planning Board for a term of 3 years. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

ITEM 10: BACTS Municipal Partners Transit Committee

Councilor Paul Messer made a motion, seconded by Councilor Jeff Manterto make Manager Leonard a designated representative for the BACTS Municipal Partner Transit Committee and include Chairman Bagley on the distribution list. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

ITEM 11: Audit Engagement Letter

Councilor Michael Reid made a motion, seconded by Councilor Aaron Turcotteto authorize Chairman Bagley and Manager Leonard to sign the audit engagement letter from Brantner, Thibodeau and Associates as presented. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

ITEM 12: Council/School Board Joint Meeting Discussion

Councilor Jeff Manter made a motion, seconded by Councilor Paul Messer to have a joint meeting with the School Board on August 14th at 6:30pm to review a presentation from Sutherland andWeston concerning a marketing plan for the Town of Veazie.Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

ITEM 13: Manager’s Report

Manager Leonard reviewed his report with the Councilor’s.

ITEM 14: Comments from the Public


ITEM 15: Requests for information and Town Council Comments


ITEM 16: Review & sign of AP Town Warrant #24,Prior Year Warrant #25, #1 & #2 Town Payroll #1 & #2, School Payroll Warrant #27, #1 & #2 and AP School Warrant #27, #1 & #2.

The warrants were circulated and signed.

ITEM 17: Executive Session 1 MRSA section 405 (6) (C) – Acquisition of real property or economic development

Councilor Aaron Turcotte made a motion, seconded by Councilor Paul Messer to enter into

Executive Session 1 MRSA section 405 (6) (C) – Acquisition of real property or economic development at 6:57pm. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

Councilor Michael Reid made a motion, seconded by Councilor Paul Messer to exit Executive Session at 7:38pm. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

ITEM 18: Adjournment

Councilor Michael Reid motioned to adjourn.

Councilor Aaron Turcotteseconded. No discussion. Voted 5-0-0. Motion carried.

Adjourned at 7:38pm

A True Copy Attest

Julie Strout

Deputy Clerk