Market Operations Conference Call (MOCC)

Date: Wednesday20 thJuly 2016

Time: 14.30pm – 15.00pm

Location: Conference Call

LoCall: 0818 301 111 or +353 1 664 8888

Pin Number: 188937

Agenda & Briefing Note


  1. Recent Market Issues

-Run Delays and Cancellations

-MIUN Issues

-Settlement Late Publications

  1. IT Update

-SEM R2.8.0 – June 2016

  1. Market Information and Reminders

-2015 Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) Project

Recent Market Issues

Run Delays and Cancellations

There has been no delay to the publication or cancellation of the Ex-Ante (EA1 or EA2), Within Day or Ex-Post (EP1 or EP2) Market Schedules since the last Market Operator Conference Call (MOCC).

MIUN Issues

There were 3 cases of MIUN issues identified since the last MOCC, whereby MIUNs were revised or delayed:

-Change to the Available Transfer Capacity of the Moyle Interconnector for Trading Date 03/06/2016, Moyle MIUNs republished

-Within Day (WD1) Moyle MIUNs for Trading Day 06/05/2016 revised and republished

-Ex-Ante (EA1) MIUNs for Trading Day 07/05/2016 delayed

Settlement Late Publications

-No late publications for Settlement for quarter 3.

IT Update

SEM R2.8.0 – June 2016

SEM R2.8.0 release was deployed to Production on Friday 17th June 2016. This was the last scheduled release to market systems. Bi-annual maintenance outages / switches will still be carried out in line with SEMO Policies. There has been no date scheduled for the next bi-annual outage but it is likey to be in October / November 2016.

Market Information and Reminders

2015 Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) Project

SEMO is the FMD calculation body for Ireland and Northern Ireland. The Fuel Mix was calculated for retail suppliers Ireland and Northern Ireland, as well as the All-Island Fuel Mix. As per the FMD timeline, the final calculation was sent to the Regulators on 27/06/2016. The Regulators will publish the Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions 2015 information report.