Red Rocks Community College and University of Colorado College of Nursing
Integrated Nursing Pathway:
Curriculum Plan*

PREREQUISITESApplication period for INP: January 1 to March 31, 2019

CHE 101 Intro to Chemistry/Lab
5 credits / MAT 121 College Algebra
4 credits / SOC 101 Intro to Sociology
3 credits / PSY 101 General Psychology I
3 credits
ENG 121 English Comp I
3 credits (can be over 10 years) / MAT 135 Intro to Statistics
3 credits / BIO 111 Intro to Biology/Lab
5 credits / HWE 100 Human Nutrition 3 credits
Note: Grades for prerequisites must be a C or higher & taken within last 10 years Cumulative GPA for all prerequisite courses must be at least 3.0 / COM 220 Intercultural Communications
3 credits / Arts and Humanities: One 3 credit GTAH1 or GTAH2 course. Courses listed on back of this page. / TOTAL: 35 CREDITS
Application to INP program and start of INP pathway / Semester 1 - Fall 2019 (RRCC) / Semester 2 -- Spring 2020 (RRCC) / Graduation from RRCC and transition to UC-CON at AMC / Semester 3 - Summer 2020 (UC-CON) *
BIO 201 Human Anatomy and Physiology I / 4 / BIO 202 Human Anatomy and Physiology II / 4 / NURS 3001 Health Assessment / 3
BIO 204 Microbiology / 4 / ANT 250 Medical Anthropology / 3 / NURS 3103 Pathophysiology / 3
ENG 122 English Composition II / 3 / PSY 235 Human Growth and Development / 3
PHI 112 Ethics / 3 / HIS 247 Contemporary World History / 3
TOTAL: 62 credits including prerequisite courses up to Red Rocks CCgraduation with AS degree / HPR 219 Pathway to Prof. Nursing II / 3 / Total Credits / 6
Semester 4 - Fall 2020 (UC-CON) / Semester 5 - Spring 2021 (UC-CON) / Semester 6 - Summer 2021 (UC-CON)
NURS 3002 Fundamentals – Block 1 / 4 / NURS 4020 Research / 3 / NURS 4051 Professional Nursing 1 / 2
NURS 3003 Pharmacology / 3 / NURS 3307 Obstetrics – Block 1 / 6 / NURS 3407 Pediatrics / 6
NURS 3617 Med/Surg 1-Block 2 / 6 / NURS 3507 Mental Health- Block 2 / 6
Total Credits / 13 / Total Credits / 15 / Total Credits / 8
Semester 7 - Fall 2021 (UC-CON) / Semester 8 - Spring 2022(UC-CON) / Graduation from the University of Colorado College of Nursing with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree (Total credits for program = 126)
NURS 4097 Med/Surg 2 / 6 / NURS 4128 St. Integrated Practicum / 8
NURS 4207 Public Health / 6 / NURS 4070 Professional Nursing 2 / 4
Total Credits / 12 / Total Credits / 12

*UC-CON curriculum subject to change(1/22/18, dm)