Itinerary for George FriedmanContact: Rachel Lapal
The Next DecadeWork: 212-782-9390
Last updated on 10/1/2018Cell: 774-254-2506
Rosenbluth Travel: 888-233-4001 (day) 800-752-2732 (eve)
Monday, January 24—NYC
HOTEL—3 NightsHelmsleyPark
36 Central Park South
New York, NY10019
(p) 212-371-4000
(f) 212-682-6299
Confirmation: 52056422
Note: Meredith must have her credit card with her upon check-in for upgrade charges. You will be staying here three nights, checking out on the 27th.
Tuesday, January 25—NYC
11:00amC-Span/After Words
Taped TV InterviewPace Studios
551 Fifth Ave (at 45 Street)
New York, NY
Host: TK
Contact: Tanya Davis, 202-626-8204
12:00NoonJoe calls George at Hotel, 212-371-4000
12:00 to 12:15pmPhone Interview
Taped Radio InterviewWAMC (NY NPR)/Roundtable
Host: Joe Donahue
Contact: Joe Donahue, 518-465-5233 x110
1:30pmYahoo! Finance/Tech Ticker
Web ShowNasdaq Studios
4 Times Square
Corner of Broadway and 43 Street
Contact: Aaron Task, 212-710-3697
Wednesday, January 26—NYC
Carnegie Council
170 East 64th Street
New York, NY10065
8:00 to 8:15amBreakfast
Please prepare a 30 minute talk, which will be followed by a Q&A
9:15amBook Signing
Note: The Carnegie Council will handle book sales
Contact: Joanne Myers, 212-838-4120
12:30pmKaris calls George at tk
12:30 to 1:00pmPhone Interview
Podcast InterviewMcAlvany Commentary
Host: David McAlvany
Contact: Karis Webb, 970-310-1105
2:00pmAllen calls George at tk
2:00 to 3:00pmPhone Interview
LIVE Radio InterviewDennis Prager Show (National)
Host: Dennis Prager
Contact: Allen Estrin, 818-956-5552
3:30 to 4:00pmBBC/Americana
Taped Radio InterviewAssociated Press Reception
450 West 33rd Street, 14th Floor
New York, NY
Host: Matt Frei
Contact: Sarah Gilbert, 202-355-1730
Thursday, January 27—NYC to DC
Lunch with Jasondetails tk
3:00pm/Depart NYC Penn Station/Amtrak Acela Train 2163/
5:47pm/Arrival DC
George’s Confirmation: 2VODDBCE
Meredith’s Confirmation: 2V0EA285
Note: This train ticket was charged to Meredith’s Amex. TEI will reimburse George’s ticket up to $125 and Doubleday will cover the difference.
HOTEL—6 NightsHotel Palomar
2121 P Street NW
Washington, DC20037
(p) 202-448-81800
(f) 202-448-1801
Confirmation: CI623M5
Note: 5 nights at this hotel was charged to Meredith’s amex. Doubleday covered the first night at a regular room rate. TEI will reimburse you for the night of Feb 1 at the government rate and Doubleday will cover the difference.
Saturday, January 29—DC
6:00pmMike calls George at tk
6:00 to 6:30pmPhone Interview
LIVE Radio InterviewXM Sirius/Mike Feder Show (National)
Host: Mike Feder
Contact: Mike Feder, 212-252-2042
Tuesday, February 1—DC
9:00 to 11:00amThe Treasury Executive Institute/U.S. Mint
Reading/Lecture, Q&A, signing801 9th Street NW
Washington, DC20220
Contact: Dr. Gina Myers, 202-622-9311
Note: Please allow one hour for your talk and 30 to 45 minutes for questions. The signing will begin at 10:30am.
Transportation tk
Note: Noblis will arrange for transportation from the U.S. Mint to Noblis and back to the hotel.
Noon to 1:30pmNoblis
Reading/Lecture, Q&A, signing3150 Fairview Park Drive South
Fall Church, VA
Contact: Gil Miller, 703-610-2902
Note: Please allow for a 45 minute talk followed by a Q&A session and book signing.
Reading/Lecture, Q&A, signing800 F Street NW
Washington, DC20004
Contact: Amanda Ohlke, 202-393-7797
Note: The museum will handle book sales.
Wednesday, February 2—NYC
11:00am/Depart DC/Amtrak Acela Train 2110/
1:48pm/Arrival NYC Penn Station
George’s Confirmation: 2VODDBCE
Meredith’s Confirmation: 2V0EA285
HOTELColony Club
564 Park Ave @ 62nd Street
New York, NY10065
Wednesday, February 2—NYC
6:25 to 6:45pmColony Club
Cocktails564 Park Ave
New York, NY10065
6:45pmLecture/Reading, Q&A, Signing
Contact: Joyce Moss, 212-593-0022
Note: The Colony Club will handle book sales. KT McFarland will introduce George. Please talk for 30 to 40 minutes, followed by a q&a session.
Saturday, February 5
6:00pmESTAaron calls George at tk
6:00pm to 6:20pmESTPhone Interview
Taped Radio InterviewWAMC (National)/John Batchelor Show
Host: Aaron Task
Contact: Aaron Task, 212-710-3697
Monday, February 7—Phoenix
Conference Details tk
Wednesday, February 9—Austin
7:00pmBook People
Reading/Lecture, Q&A, signing603 N. Lamar Street
Austin, TX78703
Contact: Alison Kothe Nihlean, 512-472-4288 x207
Thursday, March 3—Dallas
5:00pmDallas World Affairs Council
Reading/Lecture, Q&A, signingTower Club
1601 Elm Street
Dallas, TX
Note: Borders will sell books.
Tuesday, March 8—DC
6:30 to 7:00pmReception
Wine and cheese with the author.
7:00 to 8:00pmEvent
Reading/Lecture, Q&A Army and Navy Club
901 17th Street NW
Washington, DC20006
Contact: Christy Poppy, 202-628-8400