MONTH: September CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Games / Strand Unit: Sending, receiving and travelling – Ball Handling
Ø Practice skills previously experienced
Ø Develop further and extend ball-handling skills: chest pass, overhead pass, bounce pass, spin pass, pop pass, sweep pass
Strand Unit: Creating and playing games
Ø Create and develop games with a partner or with a small group – bowling, striking, kicking, throwing and catching games
Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of games
Ø Discuss and improve control in movement skills relevant to games - running, jumping, changing speed, stopping and starting, turning
Ø Begin to acquire an understanding of training to prepare for performance in games / AL, CI, CoG, DL, D/P, GD, GW, H-O, L, L/R, P/G, PW, TDA, WC / Balls of various shapes and sizes – Basketballs, soccer balls, soft balls (small & medium) etc., goals, cones
Integration: History: Local Studies – Games and pastimes in the past
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: October CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Games / Strand Unit: Sending, receiving and travelling - Kicking
Ø Develop further and extend kicking skills
Ø Kicking the ball on the ground or through the air
Ø Chipping the ball to a partner
Ø Taking a penalty kick (soccer)
Ø Volleying a ball with the foot (soccer)
Ø Top-tapping the ball (GAA)
Ø Kicking the ball from the hands – punt kick (GAA)
Ø Drop-kicking a ball & stepping and drop-kicking a ball (rugby)
Ø Dribbling and changing direction by pivoting (basketball)
Ø Shooting at a small target
Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of games
Ø Develop an understanding of the use of space in mini-games, i.e., avoiding over-crowding when in possession
Ø Adapt rules for use in mini-games and keep scores of games. / AL, CI, CoG, DL, D/P, GD, GW, H-O, L, L/R, P/G, PW, TDA, WC / Balls of various shapes and sizes – Basketballs, soccer balls, soft balls (small & medium) etc., goals, cones, volleyball nets, bibs
Integration: History: Local Studies – Games and pastimes in the past
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: November CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Games / Strand Unit: Sending, receiving and travelling – Carrying and striking
Ø Develop further and extend carrying and striking skills
Ø Volley-passing and volley-serving a ball (volleyball)
Ø Practicing the dig technique (volleyball)
Ø Bouncing or balancing a ball on a hurling while moving
Ø Striking a moving ball with a hurling stick
Ø Striking a ball at a target using a hockey/hurling stick
Strand Unit: Creating and playing games
Ø Play small-sided (mini) versions of games: 3V3 games of mini-volleyball, 4V4 games of tag rugby/basketball etc.
Ø Play playground games
Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of games
Ø Develop an understanding of the tactics and strategies for use in mini-games
Ø Applying principles of defence and attack including contact and tackling skills
Ø Displaying basic teamwork in mini-games / AL, CI, CoG, DL, D/P, GD, GW, H-O, L, L/R, P/G, PW, TDA, WC / Balls of various shapes and sizes – Basketballs, soccer balls, soft balls (small & medium) etc., goals, cones, volleyball nets, bibs
Integration: History: Local Studies – Games and pastimes in the past
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: December CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Gymnastics / Strand Unit: Movement
Ø Select and link a range of gymnastic actions to travel on the floor and on apparatus – rolling, jumping etc.
Ø Practice and perform a range of skills – forward and backward rolls, headstand, handstand etc.
Ø Produce and perform more complex sequences in partners or groups.
Ø Show controlled take-off, flight and landing
Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of gymnastics
Ø Observe, describe, ask & answer questions about movement
Ø Observe speed of movement & consider appropriate Music to link/match movement sequences.
Ø Describe movements used by other group’s sequences
Ø Develop awareness of others when using apparatus / AL, CI, CoG, DL, D/P, GD, GW, H-O, L, L/R, P/G, PW, TDA, WC / Mats, gymnastic apparatus (benches, horse), cones, various genres of music from classical to modern pop
Integration: Maths: Exploring symmetry in gymnastic movements
SPHE: Myself – Safety and Protection
Music: Listening and responding
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: January CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Dance / Strand Unit: Exploration, creation & performance of Dance
Ø Communicate through movement a range of moods or feelings: individual, partner & group.
Ø Choose and respond with increasing sensitivity to a broader range of stimuli – aural, visual, and tactile.
Ø Develop work with a group.
Ø Learn and perform a range of steps and movements to rhythm and musical phrases.
Ø Perform a variety of selected Irish and folk dances that use frequent changes of formation.
Ø Show increased poise, balance, control and co-ordination while moving and stopping.
Strand Unit: Understanding & Appreciation of Dance
Ø Observe, describe & discuss own dance & dance of others.
Ø Identify the techniques used in a dance & the form of the dance.
Interpret a mood or emotion visible in a dance. / AL, CI, CoG, DL, D/P, GD, GW, H-O, L, L/R, P/G, PW, TDA, WC / Cones, various genres of music from classical to modern pop, to Irish traditional Music, video camera to record work
Integration: Music: Listening and responding
History: Local studies – Feasts and festivals in the Past
SPHE: Myself – Feelings and emotions
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: February CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Athletics / Strand Unit: Running
Ø Jog or run in a non-competitive setting for periods from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
Ø Sprint distances of 50-70 m, developing good acceleration & finishing technique.
Ø Practice reaction sprints and the standing start.
Ø Practice baton change-over technique while moving in relay teams of four.
Ø Practice the technique of hurdling – using lead leg and trail leg & running 3 strides between hurdles.
Strand Unit: Understanding & appreciation of Athletics
Ø Develop a better understanding of speed, strength, control and co-ordination over a ‘distance’ run.
Ø Describe & discuss movement and ask & answer questions about it. / AL, CI, CoG, DL, D/P, GD, GW, H-O, L, L/R, P/G, PW, TDA, WC / Cones, batons, stop-watch, starting & finishing line, bibs, hurdles, markers
Integration: Mathematics - Measures
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: March CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Athletics / Strand Unit: Jumping
Ø Explore the various ways of jumping, to include taking off from one foot and landing on two feet.
Ø Practice the standing jump for distance.
Ø Develop a short approach run when taking off from one foot – taking 3, 5 or 7 strides & jumping for distance.
Ø Practice jumping fro height over an obstacle, developing a short approach run.
Strand Unit: Throwing
Ø Develop the over-arm (javelin) throw from a standing position, using a beanbag, ball or foam javelin.
Ø Develop the shot put/discus or throw from a standing position, using a medium-sized ball or primary shot.
Ø Develop a standing putting technique with a turn.
Strand Unit: Understanding and appreciation of Athletics
Ø Discuss the effect of lengthening the approach run before throwing or jumping.
Ø Discuss personal performance & performance of a partner in athletic activities. / AL, CI, CoG, DL, D/P, GD, GW, H-O, L, L/R, P/G, PW, TDA, WC / Cones, markers, hurdles, mats, foam javelins, beanbags, medium-soft ball, quoits
Integration: Mathematics - Measures
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: April/May CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Aquatics / Strand Unit: Hygiene
Ø Appreciate the importance of hygiene when using the pool.
Strand Unit: Water Safety
Ø Observe the rules of the local pool.
Ø Recognise the hazards of water and identify the correct procedures for dealing with hazards.
Strand Unit: Understanding & appreciation of Aquatics
Ø Understanding basic hygiene procedures.
Ø Appreciate the dangers of water & understand how to stay safe in water.
Ø Discuss a wide range of aquatic activities: lifesaving etc. / AL, CI, CoG, DL, D/P, GD, GW, H-O, L, L/R, P/G, PW, TDA, WC, WS / Posters identifying safety and hazards of waters.
Stay Safe – Water Safety
Integration: SPHE: Myself - Safety and Protection
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /
MONTH: June CLASS: 5th / 6th
P.E. / CONTENT/OBJECTIVES:What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
Outdoor & Adventure Activities / Strand Unit: Walking, cycling & camping activities
Ø Develop an understanding of a range of cycling skills.
Ø Understand and apply cycling safety skills.