Occupational Health & Safety Committee Meeting
Minutes – June 23, 2004
ATTENDANCE:Fairy Marshall, Sheena Martin, Wendy Panchyshyn
Regrets:Leslie Molnar, Susan Priest
Absent:Brian Harvey, Mary Salmon
- Order of Business:
Add: Cell Phones (SM); Minutes April 21/04 (FM); ‘Flu Vaccine Update (FM); Fall Meeting Schedules (WP); Kimberley Campus Inspection (SM)
- Minutes of April 21, 2004 – adopted as circulated.
- Minutes of May 28, 2004 – adopted as circulated.
- Business Arising from the Minutes
a)Contacting emergency services: Fairy reported that she had sent an email to the Executive Committee advising them of the inability to contact emergency services after 4:30 pm and the lack of a first aid attendant between 4:30 and 5:00 on Fridays. It was known that a meeting had been held by Serge Lacroix, Chris Sinhuber, Toni O’Keeffe and Lynne Shewchuk, but the Committee has not received any response to its email, formal or otherwise.
b)First Aid: Sheena received a copy of the summer OFA schedule, but the schedule is to general for her needs as individual schedules were not included. It was noted that there is no OFA service available at the Kimberley campus when Carrie Peet is absent. Golden and Invermere have designated OFAs and people trained as backup.
c)Environmental assessment – Communications Area (FM): WCB has been contacted and suggest a date in early July. Communications staff requested that this be deferred to the end of August when that area is in full swing. It may be an opportune time to test other areas as well.
d)Carpet replacements/odors (SM): This was discussed at the previous meeting and staff members were made aware that if carpet/glue fumes were making staff members ill, they were to go home. Timing and lack of advance notice had been mentioned to committee members, i.e., could work in public areas not be scheduled after hours or on Saturdays?
e)Level 1 Faculty Office renos: a memo was received from the Manager of Facilities. In response to a comment re timing of renos (after classes, before summer holidays, so that faculty are available), it was noted that classes were not finished in level one and there was a delay in ordering of boxes so that instructors were unable to pack until the last week. Members suggested that the process may have run more smoothly had there been more advance communication by both sides.
f)Ladders (SM): The issue of Facilities ladders was discussed. If Facilities staff do not have the proper ladders to do their job, they should be submitting a requisition to purchase proper ladders. The question of whether the wooden ladder meets code was put forward.
Action:SM – will seek assistance to see if theladder meets code.
It was noted that individuals who feel unsafe using this ladder had the option not to do so. It was also noted that Facilities staff are still using short ladders to access ceiling. It was noted that WCB would be very concerned with the lack of a safety railing at the roof edge, and that the existing ladder met code when originally constructed.
g)Smudging (SM): this didoccur in room 154 as Sheena received a complaint call. The issue was reported to Lynne Shewchuk. Hopefully, it will not occur again as this group is scheduled to use College facilities in August.
h)Gym 222 (FM): This item dealt with safety in the weight room. It was noted that the weight room is monitored by camera and is not open when an attendant is not available. Leslie has been asked to get specific issues.
i)Room 205 odour (FM): Len Siemens and Ray Bouchard advised (22 June 04) that they had not been approached regarding any odour in room 205. They reported that there are no exhausts near the air intake for that room. The closest exhausts would be the kitchen exhaust and dental grinding room exhaust. It was noted that on occasion, odours do come into the building through air intake depending on weather and wind direction (e.g., Skookumchum mill in winter). There are no drains within close proximity to this room. It was noted that no odours were present during the recently held Violence workshop (so could not be caused by overhead equipment). Ray and Len requested that they be called immediately should such a concern arise so that the issue may be investigated at once.
j)Drains: Wendy reported that:
- the floor drainin the downstairs washroom reeks and is filthy; floors should be cleaned properly and drains bleached on regularly.
- Deb Heal’s office has a ceiling tile that is very badly stained and hanging from the ceiling (immediately below a janitorial drain). Upon speaking with Facilities, Deb was advised that it always drips there.
- Odours also emanate from janitorial floor drains; these should be cleaned properly on a regular basis as well.
It was suggested that this presents both an unhealthy situation and an unpleasant view to visitors/students.
k)Working Alone (update deferred as Susan was absent): Sheena relayed concern expressed by Carrie Peet who is alone much of the time at the Kimberley campus and required to handle cash.
l)Coverage for meetings: It was noted that members are elected by their respective unions and are required to attend meetings. The College is responsible for replacement coverage to allow members to carry out their duties on the Committee.
m)Violence in the Workplace: members agreed to review the draft agreement and provide input. It was noted that employees should not be directed to approach a situation without training being in place (e.g., films on how to deal with issues, non-violent crisis intervention, etc.).
- Cell Phones (SM): A communiqué has been received re Exon’s banning its employees from using Cell Phones when driving on company business.
Action:FM – contact ICBC re stats, include info in email to staff
Action:FM – send website link to OH & S members
- ‘Flu Vaccine (FM): Interior Health, Nelson was contacted and provided an excellent website – BC Centre for Disease Control. Information was accessed on the Management of Biologicals and Vaccine Administration. Fairy will develop a Contract for Services that includes guidelines provided by the College’s RNs and direction from the website.
- Transitions Program Classroom (WP): Wendy noted that the Transitions Classroom does not have a fire exit sign. She was asked to complete a work order as decals have been purchased. Further, she expressed a preference for removal of carpeting in the classroom and replacement with solid surfacing. It was suggested that she forward this request by email so that it may be considered with renovations planning.
- OH & S Terms of Reference
Action:Review for discussion at next meeting or provide email comment.
- Correspondence
a)An email was sent to Trades staff reminding them of the requirement to wear safety goggles. An email supporting this reminder was received from Heather Schneider.
b)A copy of an email was received from the Manager of Facilities to his staff questioning the status of their plans to lower AHU drainage valves for easier / safer access.
- On-line Surveys – Ergonomics; Violence: (FM)
Fairy has met with Ed Ritchie. Surveys may be drafted in .rtf format and submitted to Ed, who will place them on line. This will enable the Committee and the College, once the Research Assistant position is filled, to access data in various forms.
- Inspections Reports
a)The dental area was inspected by Wendy and her report received. The report will be put into Inspection spreadsheet format.
b)Copies of Inspection Reports will be given to the Manager of Facilities upon his return from vacation.
c)The Kimberley campus report will be reviewed and updated.
- Information/Reports/Minutes
a) Personal Safety - no report in Susan’s absence.
b) Incidents Report (FM): a report was filed re a staff member who suffered lower back pain following moving of office equipment/boxes. The staff member has experienced previous back problems and attended a chiropractor the next morning. The suffering was initiated by repetitive lifting action, not the weight of the boxes and was alleviated by the medical treatment.
- Adjournment – the meeting was declared adjourned at 11:00 hours.
Original signed by F. Marshall
September 17, 20004
Fairy Marshall