MARCH 24, 2016

Call to order: 7PM

ROLL CALL BY SECRETARY: Mark Hansen, President, Beckie Cosgrove, Vice President, Christina Zumrick, Secretary, , Al Horvath, Kris Dailey, Jan Mosena, Steve Kaitschuck, Frank Jarke. Excused: Ramona Sitov. Management Present: Mary Cisco.

Approval of February 25th, 2016 Board of Directors meeting minutes. Motion to approve: Al Horvath; Seconded: Franke Jarke. AYE: Balance of present board members.

Approval of March 24th, 2016 Board of Directors meeting minutes. Motion to approve: Beckie Cosgrove; Seconded: Kris Dailey. AYE: Balance of present board members.

Board went into closed executive session to discuss maintenance position and interview questions. Motion by: Jan Mosena; Seconded: Franke Jarke. AYE: Balance of present board members except for Beckie Cosgrove and Kris Dailey. Motion to come back into session by: Franke Jarke; Seconded: Christina Zumrick: AYE: Balance of present board members except for: Beckie Cosgrove and Kris Dailey.

Maintenance Position Interview of Candidates with the Board of Directors:

First Interview: David Bibbiano

Second Interview: Robert Siniquefield

Third Interview: Andrew Hutson did not appear, no response.


Architectural Committee:

503 Yosemite: ACC approved a hot tub per the homeowner’s application which has been approved with a cement flat form for the hot tub to sit on. Will require fencing to go up in the homeowners yard.

500 Yosemite: Homeowner requesting a parking pad, ACC will approve parking pad for one vehicle only.

First home on Woodfield Trail: Mary has sent previous letters on the fence repairs needed and house numbers to be installed, hasn’t been completed. The board of directors instructed Mary Cisco to issue a work order for the work to be done a soon as possible to be charged back to the homeowner.

Treasurer Report:

Ramona Sitov isn’t present for this meeting as she was excused. Mary advised the board that the audit has arrived for review.

Management Committee:

Discussed the progress with the bathroom renovations which work is coming along and on target to be completed before the pool season begins. Discussed the latest ComEd meeting and that ComEd has postponed the project from going to ICC for 6 months.

Social Committee:

Beckie is creating this year’s Summer Bash notice to go out.

Attorney: No report Ray is not in attendance

Audience Participation: No one present

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Management Report:

Employee Benefits: Discussed

Pool & Spa class: $375 cost of the 2 day class- Mary suggests sending new maintenance hire to the class to learn about the pool care and chemicals/testing. Motion to approve the Pool and Spa Class with maximum cost of $375 by: Jan Mosena; Seconded by: Steve Kaitschuck. AYE: Balance of present board members.

Annual Meeting Agenda: Discussed and reviewed layout. Motion to approve by: Beckie Cosgrove; Seconded by: Steve Kaitschuck. AYE: Balance of present board members.

Proxy review meeting scheduled for April 18, 2016 at 6pm.

March 31, 2016 pool company will be out to start pool resurfacing.

Unfinished Business:

Contracts: None

New Business:

Homeowner letter - fines: None

Web site - update: Christina will post the candidates resumes for the annual election, Mary will email those to Christina.

Board went into closed executive session to discuss the candidate for the maintenance position. Motion by: Franke Jarke; Seconded by: Beckie Cosgrove. AYE: Balance of present board members. The board voted to hire David Bibbiano on a 90 day trail to begin April 18, 2016. Motion to come back out of closed session. Motion by: Christina Zumrick; Seconded by: Beckie Cosgrove. AYE: Balance of present board members.

Adjournment: 9:15PM

Respectfully submitted by…………………….. Christina Zumrick, Secretary

Upcoming Meetings:

Annual Meeting Monday April 25th, 2016 at 8PM

Special Meeting for assignment of board of directors Thursday April 28th, 2016 at 8PM

May Meeting to be held on Thursday May 19th, 2016