SHORT STORY – “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty

Grade Level: Grade 8

SUBMITTED BY: Vince Steele, Craig Moffatt, Melissa MacPhee, Amber Orychock

Overview: Students will complete pre-reading activities including a word splash, vocabulary exercise, and research on the Irish Civil War (i.e. graphic organizer). Students will read the short story “The Sniper”. Then the students will complete a story graphic organizer, write a personal letter, create a character creature, and create a story board.

Materials:computer, digital camera, handouts, and an overhead projector

English Language Arts Learning Outcomes:

GCO 2: Students will be able to communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to respond personally, and critically.

2.1 contribute to small-group conversation and whole-group discussion, choosing appropriate strategies that contribute to effective talk

2.2 understand the importance of adapting communication choices such as vocabulary, sentence structure, rate of speech, and tone to meet the needs of different purposes and audiences; select suitable communication choices in various speaking contexts

2.3 give instructions and respond appropriately to instructions, directions, and questions

2.4 evaluate the effectiveness of their own and others' talk in a variety of contexts; employ and consider the effects of verbal and non-verbal language (e.g., summaries, examples, and body gestures)

GCO 5: Students will be expected to interpret, select, read and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources, and technologies.

5.1 access appropriate print and non-print sources with increasing independence and select information to meet specific needs with increasing speed, accuracy, and confidence

5.2 experiment with and rely upon a range of print and non-print (e-mail, CD-ROMs) sources for accessing and selecting information

5.3 employ various relevant research strategies like generating questions, drafting an outline, or interviewing peers to determine what questions they would like answered by their research

GCO 8: Students will be expected to use writing and other ways of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learnings; and to use their imagination.

8.1 demonstrate competence in the frequent use of writing and representing strategies to extend learning; to explore their own thoughts and consider others' ideas, to reflect on their feelings, values, and attitudes; and to identify problems and describe logical solutions

8.2 identify and reflect upon strategies that are effective in helping them to learn; describe their personal growth as language learners and language users

8.3 begin to use various forms of note-making appropriate to various purposes and situations

8.4 demonstrate an awareness of how and when to integrate interesting effects in imaginative writing and other ways of representing; include thoughts and feelings in addition to external descriptions and activities; integrate detail that adds richness and density; identify and correct inconsistencies and avoid extraneous detail; make effective language choices relevant to style and purpose, and, when appropriate, select more elaborate and sophisticated vocabulary and phrasing

Information and Communication Technology Learning Outcomes:

Students will:

BOC 9.1 - operate a wide variety of school media, computer, and other educationally appropriate equipment for learning, communication, and the representation of their learning, independently and safely with teacher supervision

BOC 9.2 (relates to 6.2) - use and create information texts in a range of media, using specialized text features of those media to support the communication, with teacher assistance

BOC 9.3 (relates to 6.3) - demonstrate comfort with keyboarding and manipulation of computer input and peripheral devices as they work

BOC 9.4 (relates to 6.4) - manage their electronic files and correspondence efficiently

BOC 9.5 (relates to 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4) - from a range of resource options, knowledgeably select, manage, and use technological resources to solve curriculum problems and enhance their learning, with teacher guidance

BOC 9.6 (relates to 6.6) - understand and use a wide range of terminology related to the technology they use for learning

SEHI 9.2 (relates to 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6) - identify and demonstrate the values and techniques of mass media, popular culture, and electronic information environments, and evaluate the effects of these techniques

SEHI 9.3 (relates to 6.7, 6.8) - understand, model, and assume personal responsibility for the acceptable use of copyrighted and other information resources

SEHI 9.6 (relates to 6.8)- follow the Internet Access and Use Policy

PTS 9.3 (relates to 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.7)- explore the curriculum through a wide range of print and electronic forms; accessing and processing information by means of the specialized techniques associated with the technology they select

PTS 9.4 (relates to 6.5, 6.6) - create and manipulate sound, images and video, using digital equipment and computer-based editing, to represent their learning for particular audiences and purposes, independently with teacher supervision

PTS 9.5 (relates to 6.4, 6.5, 6.6) - develop multimedia presentations, based on sound principles of design, with increasing confidence, efficiency and independence

CT 9.1 (relates to 6.3, 6.5) - use language, in a range of aural, print, media and electronic forms to explore and express their perceptions, feelings, ideas and attitudes; refine their thinking; and interact, negotiate and collaborate with others in order to build their understanding

CT 9.3 (relates to 6.1-6.5) - critically evaluate how style, form, source, and medium influence the accessibility, validity and meaning of information with independence

RPSD 9.3 (relates to 6.1, 6.2) - write and represent their research using the structures, features, conventions, and techniques of specialized publication and presentation formats with growing fluency

RPSD 9.4 (relates to 6.3, 6.4) - assess the quality, comprehensiveness, biases, and perspectives of print, media and electronic resources for use in their curricular studies, with teacher guidance

RPSD 9.6 (relates to 6.3, 6.4) - select and refine a research topic, according to teacher-provided criteria, to fulfill a curriculum requirement, with teacher assistance

RPSD 9.9 (relates to 6.5) - accurately and independently cite information sources

Pre-Reading Activities (Duration approximately 2 classes)

Classroom Set-Up: Students will be organized into 5 or 6 workable groups, or as the teacher sees fit. It is suggested that 2 groups will be doing the same activity at the same time.

1.  Word Splash – Two groups of 4 to 5 students will receive a copy of a word splash (Appendix A), which includes words related to the story “The Sniper”. Using these words, students will write complete sentences to predict how they believe the word relates to the story. Then, the sentences will be discussed and shared as a group. After reading the story, the word splash can be revisited to compare their predictions to the “true” story.

2.  Irish Civil War Research – students will complete a graphic organizer to give them background knowledge relating to the story “The Sniper”. They will use the following site: (See Appendix B – Research Graphic Organizer)

3.  Vocabulary Activity- See Appendix C

4.  Journal Response Activity

How do you think it would be to live in an area of the world where warfare is carried out on the streets daily?

Reading Activity – (Duration one class)

Read the story “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty.

Post-Reading Activities – (Duration at least a week)

1.  Short Story Elements – Graphic Organizer

After previously being introduced to the elements of a short story, students will apply this knowledge in completing a graphic organizer. (Appendix D)

2.  Story Questions

Answer the following questions with detailed responses:

1.  What happened to the old woman?

2.  How do you think the sniper felt after he killed the informer?

3.  How is the Free State sniper injured?

4.  Explain how the sniper tricks his enemy.

5.  What is the identity of the sniper who was killed?

6.  The sniper shows great coolness when he is wounded. He refuses to panic. Give details from the story to support this statement.

3.  Personal Letter Writing Assignment

a)  Review parts of a Personal Letter.

b)  Personal letter writing assignment (See Appendix E)

4.  Character Creature Assignment – See Appendix F

5.  Storyboard Assignment

a)  Working in groups of 6, identify the 6 most important events of the story.

b)  Using the storyboard template (See Appendix G) provided, do a rough draft of your ideas and include a two sentence description that explains each picture. Using the digital camera or PowerPoint program, create each event in the order they occur in the story. Each group member will be responsible for planning one of the pictures on the storyboard.

c)  Each group will present their storyboard to the class.

Appendix A – Word Splash

Cigarette informer remorse



trick old lady

Twilight enemies guns

Appendix B – Research Graphic Organizer

Student(s) Name______Class______

Project title:
Five facts related to my project topic:
My personal opinion related to my project topic:
Three questions I have about my project topic:

Appendix C - “The Sniper” Vocabulary Activity

Using the glossary of a Crossings book, or, insert the definition of each word in the table below. Find the sentence in the story and enter in the table below.

Vocabulary Word / Sentence / Context Guess / or glossary definition
(example)beleaguered / Around the beleaguered Four Courts the heavy guns roared. / beat up / To surround with troops.

Appendix D – Elements of a Short Story Graphic Organizer

Identify the following elements for the short story:

Point of View:

Appendix E – Personal Letter Writing Assignment

Appendix F- Character Creature Assignment

Appendix G – Storyboard Template

Title:______Student Name(s):______





