Department of Computer and Information Science
IUPUI, Indianapolis
Computer Sciences Application Form 1
Were you referred to IUPUI from the CS Department on the West Lafayette campus? Y N
Complete legal name (Use upper and lower case and as many characters as necessary.)
Last (family) name Rest of name
Complete mailing address (Use upper and lower case and as many characters as necessary.)
Current telephone number(s) ______
E-mail address (optional) Fax number (optional)
Unless you indicate otherwise, we shall assume that the e-mail address and fax number are suitable for all communications.
Identification number associated with the Graduate School application: ______
If you applied to this department before, what was your proposed date of entry? ______
If you are a currently a graduate student, do you intend to leave your department without completing your current degree program if you are admitted to Computer Science? ______
Your rank in class and class size (or similar information), if you know them ______
Your native language______
If you are applying for a teaching assistantship, describe any relevant experience. Continue on an attachment if necessary.
Please indicate at most three areas of interest to you (A = very strong, B = strong, C = moderate) and your characterization of your experience (1 = very much, 2 = much, 3 = some; decimal fractions permitted) in them. Under Comments you may include the names of faculty in the area with whom you would you like to work or whom you would like as your initial advisor. If you have no particular interests, you may leave this section blank.
Int. / Exp. / Area / CommentsAnalysis of Algorithms and
Theory of Computation
Compilers and Programming Languages
Computer Graphics,
Geometric Modeling, and
Scientific Visualization
High Performance Computing
Information Security
Operating Systems, Networking, and
Parallel and Distributed Systems
Scientific Computing:
numerical linear algebra,
ordinary and partial differential equations,
parallel processing, and
problem solving environments
Software Engineering
List the programming languages with which you are acquainted. Assess your proficiency in terms of a real number between 1 and 4, inclusive, according to the following criteria: 1 = acquainted with the elementary features but essentially no programming experience; 2 = have written a couple nontrivial programs; 3 = have written about eight nontrivial programs; 4 = well acquainted with almost all the features and have considerable experience. You may omit languages in which your proficiency is less than 2. Do not mark this or the next section "see transcript" or the like in lieu of completing it.
Language / Pro. / Comments / Language / Pro. / CommentsOPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE PACKAGES
List the operating systems and common software packages with which you are acquainted. Assess your proficiency in your own words.
System or Package / Proficiency / System or Package / Proficiency