Summary of Reports:

Report / Frequency / Performance Standard
  1. Tax Invoice for Administration Fees
/ monthly / Within 5th business day of following month
  1. Packaging Arrangements
Employer Report / monthly
year end / Within 14 days of end of month
Within 14 days of year end
  1. Payroll Requests
a) Deduction
b) refund on termination / as required
as required / within 14 days of advice
  1. Reconciliation Reports
/ Participants (Employers will receive a summary of Participants' reconciliations):
a) on termination
b) on reasonable request of Employers or the Participant / Within 14 days of advice
Within 21 days
5. Employer And Participant Salary Packaging reconciliation Report (includes FBT reconciliation)
To include:
Employees identification, first and last names, FBT contributions, estimated for period, estimated year-to-date, actuals for period, actuals year-to-date, forecast for full year and details of action taken or proposed to address shortfalls. / Quarterly
annually / within 5 days of end of quarter
within 21 days of end of year
6. Annual FBT return
To include:
registration number, first and last names, employee identification, date first held, disposal date, base value (GST incl), odometer start, odometer end, days not available, total lease charges, registration expense, insurance expense, other expenses recipients contribution, packaged component, value / year end / By 21 April
7. GST Report
a) Monthly
b) Year to date / Monthly
Year end / By 5th business day of the following month
By 5th business day of the end of the year
8. Dispute Report
Full listing provided to Commerce of all complaints received from Participants and their employers, and advice relating to those complaints. / quarterly / Within 14 days of end of quarter
9. Report on small balances written off / annually / by 14 April
10. Report of participants who haven't submitted odometer readings and action taken to address same / quarterly / Within 14 days of end of quarter
Tolerance 5% first 3 quarters - 0% final quarter