Diamond bar Swimming Syllabus

Welcome to the DBHS Swimming unit. The swim block is for 5 weeks. We have established a firm set of rules and regulations that we want you and your child to be aware of and adhere to on a consistent basis. Instructors are qualified and eager to teach students not just how to swim but, the benefits of swimming as well. This is an excellent and relaxing activity that they can continue throughout their lives.


*Swimming suits for females: All girls are required to wear a one-piece suit, tankini, or tank top with board shorts. The suit should completely cover the body without additional openings. If in doubt, your instructor will let you know if the suit is appropriate for the class. No bikinis are allowed. No PE clothes will be allowed.

*Swimming suits for males: All males should wear full-bodied trunks with double panel lining where appropriate. No speedos.

2.  We do not offer towel service. Each and every student is expected to bring their own towel to class each day. It would be a good idea to also bring a plastic bag to collect damp articles daily. Be sure to launder your clothes regularly.

3.  Each person must shower before entering the pool. You should bring your own soap each day. It is also a good idea to shower after swimming to rinse off the chlorine. Some people have minor reactions to chlorine. Showering before and after class may lessen the possibility of such occurrences.

4.  NO JEWELRY. Wearing jewelry in the pool is prohibited.

5.  Lane lines are used to differentiate between swimming lanes. They are not to be hung on to or used as pool toys.

6.  Bandages are not permitted in the pool area. They come dislodged and may clog the pool equipment. If you have a sore that requires a bandage, speak with your teacher in the locker room prior to entering the pool area.

7.  You are expected to fully participate everyday and enjoy the process of water exploration. This is a wonderful exercise and it’s even more enjoyable when you want to engage in the activity. We simply ask that you give this activity an honest effort.

8.  Absolutely no running on the pool deck!!! No gum or candy permitted at any time. Students may not bring school books into the pool area.

9.  When you are unable to swim, you are to dress in your gym uniform and put on flip flops. No street shoes are permitted on the pool deck at any time. You will be seated at one end of the pool for the entire period of time. There is no exception to this procedure. Pool shoes or flip flops can be purchased at the grocery store, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Target, Dollar Store, Walgreens, etc.

You must be prepared for class, whether you are swimming or not. This is your complete responsibility. You must be prepared when you come to class and be willing to take an active part in this very worthwhile educational experience.

10.  Medically Excused. We must have a current medical excuse from your doctor if you are unable to participate in the swim unit. We will not be able to accept a letter from a parent or guardian. Once your physician’s statement is on file with your physical education teacher, you will then be issued written assignments to earn limited credit during this period of time since you are not able to fully participate in the swim unit.

10. Safety First. Please dry off in the drying area. We do not want our students to slip and injure themselves on the locker room floor. We must all be extremely careful with this practice.

11. Manage your time. We will allow you 5 minutes to get prepared for swim class and 10 minutes after you are dismissed from the pool area to rinse off, dry off, dress and move on to your next class. You do not have time to play around!!!

We have attempted to cover as many concerns as possible. It is our pleasure to work with your son/daughter and trust that you will solidly encourage them to put forth an honest effort to pass this block and learn as much as they possibly can. We are here to assist, encourage, guide, and instruct our students through another excellent physical activity that they can easily access and enjoy for years to come.

Please sign the form below acknowledging that you have received these standards. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Kinesiology teacher.


Please sign on the appropriate line to indicate that you have read and retained your child’s copy of the standards for students taking swimming at DBHS.


Student’s signature/printed name Date signed


Parent’s signature Date signed

Parent’s daytime phone number