Local Nature Partnership Meeting Minutes

Issued by: Rosy Carter / Authorisation (as appropriate)
TW 06/10/14 / Initiator
Subject: / Lowland Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire
Local Nature Partnership Board Meeting
Date: / 30th September 2014 / Meeting From:
TimeTo: / 14:00
16:00 / Location: / Markham Vale Environment Centre
ATTENDEES: ( attended, X not attended, A apologies) / Support staff
Tony Walker /  / Tim Farr /  / Jo Smith / A / Rosy Carter / 
Justin Szopa / A / Rob Crowder / A / Martin Suthers /  / John Malpas / 
Paul Hopkins /  / Tony Hams /  / Helen Ross / A / Adam Lathbury / 
Chris Brookes / A / John Everitt /  / Chris Hughes / A / Heather Stokes / 
Andrew Critchlow /  / Frank Lucas /  / Anne Western /  / Geoff Richards / A
Sophie Churchill /  / Mike Burke /  / Mike Ashworth / 
Next meeting:
2pm Tuesday 25th November 2014.
Acronyms used in the minutes
DtC / Duty to Cooperate
DWT / Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
ESIF / European Structural Investment Funds
HLF / Heritage Lottery Fund
LDN / Lowland Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire
LEED / Local Environment and Economic Development
NC / Natural Capital
NE / Natural England
NELMS / New Environmental Land Management Schemes
NWT / Notts. Wildlife Trust
RFCC / Regional Flood and Coastal Committee
Item / Minutes and Actions / Who / When
4. / It was proposed that Jo Smith of DWT should join the board and that Tony Hams will remain on the board but represent the National Trust. This was approved.
Minutes of last meeting and matter arising.
Minutes of previous meeting item 3a, second bullet point should read ‘We should only look at regionaland major developments’
Natural Capital(Natural Capital WG Organisation.pptx).
JM reported on progress of the NC working group. MB and AW queried whether the purpose of the group is/should be to measure impact of the LNP or to measure the NC of the LDN area.
Action –Natural Capital Working Group to discuss its draft Terms of Reference and report conclusion to the Board.
MBgave an overview and update on NELMS. Defra is looking to refine the dataset used for targeting the funding. Data held nationally is not consistent in structure or content with that held locally. This has contributed to the critical feedback. TH stated that LNP co-ordinating improving data collation and management across partners in LDN area can add value, as it has done in other organisations in the UK. The Board agreed that NC working group should study this. MB agreed that this could support Natural England.
Action – to report to the board on progress towards bringing data sets in line.
Action – Natural Capital WG to investigate improvements in natural capital and ecological data collation and sharing in LDN LNP.
Action – to ask partners to provide data to NE that was identified as missing in the LDN NELMS workshop.
LNP website
The web site now has a subscription area where people can subscribe to updates. All board members and original workshop attendees have automatically been subscribed.
LEED level 2.
Around 25 days work is needed to complete level 2. Awaiting costs from NE. The usefulness of level 1 was queried.
Action – to follow up in Strategy group
ESIF funded projects(ESIF funded projects – Trent/Sherwood.doc)
The Board agreed to the proposals.
AW requested that project/projects based in the Magnesian Limestone area could also be submitted. Agreed that this was desirable.
Action – prepare project outlines for review by TW prior to presentation to LEP on 28/10/14.
HS said that NCC has submitted a Sherwood HLF bid.
HS mentioned Erewash Valley as another possible area. No decision was made regarding this.
Action –discuss initial LNP supported project outlines with Peter Richardson and David Ralph.
FL – reminded board that the LNP itself can’t bid for funding - only facilitate the process for other organisations. DCC are happy to be the lead bidder for Trent Valley and Mag. Limestone.
Planning policy(Proposal for LNP planning response framework and policy for Board meeting.pptx)
JM presented the policy and the board approved it.
Planning group is meeting with Rob Murfin (Head of Planning, DCC and Sally Hill, NCC) to discuss how county councils can work with LNP re. DtC.
MA – many district councils’ core strategies are being called in – mainly because they have failed in their DtC. The LNP needs to let them know it is ready and willing to cooperate. This will be actioned as part of the workshop preparation.
TH suggested paying a facilitator to run the workshop. JE confirmed there is a budget for this.
Action – prepare proposal for planning workshop to review at next Board meeting
MB is happy to be involved in delivering part of the workshop content.
‘A Healthy Population and Workforce’ strategy update
(Healthy population and workforce update.pptx and Health strategy paper - update.docx
RC presented the proposed strategy, background and next steps. The board approved it with some minor changes requested:
  • Remove ‘natural’ from section a) first bullet point. High quality green space is sometimes created rather than naturally occurring.
  • Review definition of green space. More focus on potential for biodiversity.
  • Strategy needs to mention encouraging physical activity.
Action – RC make suggested changes and take to next strategy meeting.
There was discussion about whether the strategy is focused enough on improving nature. The connection of all the strategic themes to the overarching LNP target of increasing the amount of quality ‘natural’ environment will be made explicit when they are presented in the context of the strategy as a whole.
Timescale and personnel for strategy development(Proposed timescales and personnel for strategy development.docx)
RC presented the proposal which was accepted by the board. Some board members volunteered to lead certain themes.
Action - TW will contact board members to ask them to lead on particular themes/areas.
TW requested that the board consider the appointment of a Vice Chair of the LNP board. The purpose of having a Vice Chair would be to supplement Tony’s knowledge and experience of working with private sector organisations and local authorities with someone who has equivalent knowledge and experience of the environment/agriculture sector (NELMS etc.). This was approved.
Action – interested parties to contact TW. If no-one does this, TW will approach a potential candidate.
SC announced she is to leave the National Forest at Christmas. The new chief executive will be JE.
TF announced he will retire as chair of the RFCC next June.
TW asked whether the board is happy for him to continue as Chair of the LNP for another year. This was approved and the Board thanked him for his continued contribution to the LNP which is much valued.
TW is to meet with the Environment and Sustainability Committee Notts. County Council on 9th October.
End------/ JM
AL and
Board Members / 25/11/14

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