A Public Hearing and Regular Meeting of the Oglethorpe County Board of Commissioners were held on Monday, June 2, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., in the Commissioner’s Office in Lexington, Georgia.

Members Present: Chairman Billy Pittard Commissioner Phil Sanders Commissioner George Gabriel Commissioner John Meyer Commissioner Andy Saxon Commissioner David Clark

Members Absent:

Staff Present: Josh Hawkins, Planning Administrator

Amy Forrester, County Clerk

Minutes: Commissioner Clark made a motion to approve the May 5, 2014 Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Gabriel and unanimously approved by the Board.

Temporary Use (Event) Application: Commissioner Saxon made a motion to approve the application submitted by Rick Berry for a special event to be held June 29, 2014, located at 350 East Church Street, Lexington, Georgia and 332 Elberton Road, Lexington Georgia. Seconded by Commissioner Clark and unanimously approved by the Board.

Special Event Catering: Commissioner Saxon made a motion to approve the application for a catering permit for a special event to be held June 29, 2014. Seconded by Commissioner Clark and unanimously approved by the Board.

D. A. Request: Commissioner Sanders made a motion to approve funding in the amount of $9,052.37 for a State Paid County Reimbursed ADA position for the Northern Judicial Circuit. Seconded by Commissioner Clark and unanimously approved by the Board.

Budget Amendment: Commissioner Clark made a motion to increase the District Attorney’s Budget for the year 2014 in the amount of $4,526.19 to come from Contingency.

Road Names: Commissioner Clark made a motion to rename County Roads 73, 191, 192, 193, 181 and 167. Seconded by Commissioner Saxon and unanimously approved by the Board.

Equipment Purchase: Commissioner Sanders made a motion to approve the purchase of a Kubota M9960 (100hp 4wd) in the amount of $39,970.00 from Gene and Matt Tractor Sales, Inc. from the 2012 SPLOST Roads and Bridges. Seconded by Commissioner Saxon and unanimously approved by the Board.

Equipment Purchase: Commissioner Sanders made a motion to approve the purchase of a Landoll 50 ton Low Boy Trailer from Trucktech, LLC in the amount of $24,500.00 plus $18.00 tag fee from 2012 SPLOST Roads and Bridges. Seconded by Commissioner Saxon and unanimously approved by the Board.

Budget Amendments: Commissioner Saxon made a motion to approve the following 2013 Budget Amendments: Cooperative Extension Budget of $38,965.50 increased to $39,039.15; Child Development Center Budget of $3,109.96 increased to $5,364.96; and Courthouse Security Budget of $22,722.57 increased to $33,523.22. Seconded by Commissioner Clark and unanimously approved by the Board.

Property Acquisition: Commissioner Sanders made a motion to approve the purchase of the property located at 866 Athens Road, Crawford, Georgia for the purchase price of $115,000.00 plus an additional $1,000.00 to cover closing costs associated with the purchase, from the 2014 General Fund Contingency. Seconded by Commissioner Clark and unanimously approved by the Board.

There being no further business at 8:08 p.m., the meeting was adjourned until the next regularly scheduled meeting on July 7, 2014, unless sooner convened because of an emergency.

______Billy Pittard, Chairman Andy Saxon, Commissioner

______David Clark, Commissioner George Gabriel, Commissioner

______Phil Sanders, Commissioner John Meyer, Commissioner


County Clerk