Mrs. Natalie Heilman

Fourth Grade Handbook



By Natalie Heilman

For your child…

I hold high expectations. I expect your child to be on time and prepared each day. I expect him/her to give me their best in every activity and on every assignment. I expect your child to come to my classroom ready to learn and explore. I expect him/her to try new things, to take risks, and to persevere when things don’t go his/her way academically or socially. I expect your child to respect himself/herself, to respect the other students, to respect the property they use each day, and to respect the teachers and other adults at school.

For the parent…

I expect you to love, support, and encourage your child. I do not expect you to do the work for your child, but rather to help him/her when he/she gets stuck or doesn’t understand. I expect you to use any difficulties your child encounters as learning experiences, helping him/her to learn and grow from them. I expect you to challenge your child to work hard and to develop the potential he/she has inside.

For myself…

In return, I promise to love, encourage, and support your child. I promise to challenge him/her and to help him/her to not only learn, but to grow. I recognize that each student in my class is unique and special. I promise to recognize and celebrate their strengths and to help them strengthen their weaknesses. I promise to give my best to your child every single day. I promise to listen to your child and to look for ways to help him/her grow. I am here to see your child grow. I will help nurture their curiosity and help them develop a love for learning that will carry them on as they continue to grow. I promise to work WITH you to help your child succeed. I promise to never give up on your child, recognizing instead that sometimes some things just take a little longer for some students than others. I am here to help your child grow and to become the best he/she can be.

“Each second we live is a new and unique moment of the universe, a moment that will never be again. And what do we teach our children? We teach them that two and two make four, and that Paris is the capital of France. When will we also teach them what they are? We should say to each of them: Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed, there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is, like you, a marvel? You must work, we must all work, to make the world worthy of its children.”

~Pablo Picasso

Table of Contents

Class List………………………………………………………………….……….……...... …….3

Supply List 2014-2015

Daily Schedule………………………………….……………….….……………………..………4

Mustang Manners……………………………………………………….….……………….…...5

Our Class Rules.....… …………………………………………………….….………………….....6

Daily Routines and Procedures

Beginning of the Day, End of the Day, At Home……………………………….………..….7

Switching, Cooperative Learning, Bathroom Breaks, Water Bottles, Classroom Library….8-9

The Access Loop Procedures….……………………….….……………….….………….…...... 9-10


Websites..……………………………………. ………….….…………………..…...... 11-12

iPads, Bring Your Own Device, Cell Phones...... 12

Parents: What you can Expect at Home

Weekly Newsletter, Planners, Take Home Folder, AR Log, Tests, Studying.………...... 13

Homework/Classwork, Math Homework………………………………………….…...... 14

Other Important Information

Absences/Tardies, Infinite Campus, Volunteers, Field Trips, Birthdays………………...15

Scholastic Book Clubs…………………………………………………………….…...... 16

Contact Information………………………………….….…………..…….….……………….…. 16

Mrs. Heilman’s
Super StarFourth Graders
Tamra Armstrong
Robert Arnberg
Kennedy Baioni
Jordan Baker
Cole Barber
Dana Brown
Katie Buschle
Emma Cooper
Elisabeth Davidson
Alyssa Harris
Peyton Helminiak
Renee Hyder
Macie Jeffers
Gavin Jobe
Bradley Kemplin
Aiden Knasel
Charlie Kuhn
Maddy Myers
Hamish Rayner
Sam Robinson
Mason Rutkowski
Lilliana Schalck
Cecelia Smith
Rylee Swope
Will Tally / Fourth Grade Supply List
1 pkg. wide ruled loose leaf paper
1 box Ziploc bags: Girls bring quart, Boys bring Gallon
2 box tissues
Headphones (No Earbuds)
1 Sharpie (Any color)
24 #2 pencils
1 Box of colored pencils
2 large glue sticks
2 red pens
1 highlighter
1 TI-30XA Texas Instruments Calculator
2 composition notebooks
(blackwhite cover–100 sheets)
2 – 1 subject spiral notebooks (1 red and 1 yellow)
1 – 1” green 3 ring FLEXIBLE binder with 5 dividers
1 colored composition notebook (any color)
4 pocket folders (red, green, blue, and purple)
You may also want to have the following supplies at home for homework:
Extra pencils & colored pencils
Pack of wide ruled loose leaf paper
Calculator (any kind)
Mrs. Heilman's 2014-2015 Daily Schedule
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
8:00-8:30 Morning Check-In / 8:00-8:30 Morning Check-In / 8:00-8:30 Morning Check-In / 8:00-8:30 Morning Check-In / 8:00-8:30 Morning Check-In
8:30-9:00 i-Ready / 8:30-9:00 i-Ready / 8:30-9:00 i-Ready / 8:30-9:00 i-Ready / 8:30-9:00 i-Ready
9:00-9:35 Spelling / 9:00-10:00 Heilman Math / 9:00-10:00 Heilman Science / 9:00-9:35 PE / 9:00-9:15 Friday Meeting
9:35-10:10 PE / 10:00-10:40 Social Studies / 10:00-11:10 Heilman Math / 9:35-10:40 Reader's and Writer's Workshop / 9:15-10:00 Library
10:10-11:10 Heilman Math / 10:40-11:10 CPU / 10:00 - 11:00 Heilman Math
10:40-11:40 Heilman Math
11:10-11:40 Grammar / 11:10-11:40 Spelling & Grammar / 11:10-11:40 CPU / 11:00-11:40 Reading & Writer's Workshop
11:40-12:10 Lunch & Outdoor PE / 11:40-12:10 Lunch & Outdoor PE / 11:40-12:10 Lunch & Outdoor PE / 11:40-12:10 Lunch & Outdoor PE / 11:40-12:10 Lunch & Outdoor PE
12:10-1:00 Social Studies / 12:10-12:55 Art / 12:10-1:20 Reader's & Writer's Workshop / 12:10-12:45 Social Studies / 12:10-1:00 Social Studies
1:00-2:00 Heilman Science / 1:20-1:50 Social Studies / 12:45-1:45 Heilman Science / 1:00-2:00 Heilman Science
2:00-2:50 Reader's and Writer's Workshop / 1:00-2:00 Heilman Science / 1:50-2:35 World Language / 1:50-2:35 Music
2:00-2:50 Reader's and Writer's Workshop / 2:35-2:50 Spelling / 2:35-2:50 Spelling and Grammar / 2:00-2:50 Writer's Workshop
2:50-3:00 Afternoon Wrap-Up / 2:50-3:00 Afternoon Wrap-Up / 2:50-3:00 Afternoon Wrap-Up / 2:50-3:00 Afternoon Wrap-Up / 2:50-3:00 Afternoon Wrap-Up

*Please keep in mind that this schedule is always subject to change!

Mustang Manners!

We are NICE!

Each and everyday do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return!

  1. We say “Hello.”

When we pass someone, we greet him or her. Whenever possible we say something “nice” about them. When we meet someone for the first time we shake their hand and repeat their name.

  1. We make “Eye Contact.”

When someone is speaking, we keep our eyes on him or her. If someone makes a comment, we turn and face that person.

  1. We say “Thank You.”

When given something, or when someone helps us, we say “Thank You!”

  1. We say “Please.”

When we need something or ask for something, we say “Please.”

  1. We say, “Excuse Me.”

If we bump into someone accidentally or knock something down, we say, “Excuse me.”

  1. We hold doors for others.

We do not “race” to be first or let others “cut” in line. When we come to a door first, we open it for others.

  1. We pick up after ourselves.

If we got it out, we put it back.

  1. We let an adult know if we are being picked on.

If someone is not being nice to us, we let an adult know.

  1. We are honest.

Everyone makes mistakes; we can live with that. We don’t make them worse by lying about them.

  1. We show respect for others and ourselves.
  • Hallways: We respect others who are learning and working by being quiet in the halls.
  • Assemblies: We respect others and our guests by facing forward, not talking to others, and participating when called upon.
  • Cafeteria: We respect the fact that others will eat after us. We respect the fact that others are eating and having conversations.
  • Playground: We respect others’ games and activities. We do not argue, chase, or fight on the playground.
  • After School: We respect our school and parents by modeling excellent behavior after school.
  • Field Trips: We know that this is a time in which others judge our entire school based upon our behavior. We never embarrass our school, our families, or ourselves.

Our Class Rules

Behavior management in my classroom is very simple. I ask that my students follow our classroom rules and to make sure they are ready to L.E.A.R.N.:


As I see students following these rules, they can earn several different rewards.

Individual – Heilman Cash (these can be saved and spent on passes to be used in the classroom)

Whole Class – Brownie Points (When the class fills an entire “tray of brownies” they earn a bonus class treat such as extra recess or a snack)


When students are not following these rules, these are the typical consequences, depending on the infraction.

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Losing Heilman Cash
  3. Note in Planner and/or E-mail to Parent
  4. Phone Call to Parent
  5. Parent/Teacher Conference (if behavior continues)

Daily Routines & Procedures

Beginning of the Day(In Order):

  1. Check the board – Any special directions or announcements will be posted on the board when you come in the room in the morning.
  2. Empty Backpack – We do not have time during the day to go back and forth to your backpack. Make sure you take EVERYTHING out of your backpack when you come into the room every morning.
  3. Put Backpack (and Coat) Away – Make sure to hang up your backpack and coat NEATLY in your designated spot in the closet. A messy closet slows everyone down!
  4. Notes for Mrs. H – Notes, forms, and any other important papers should be placed in the Notes for Mrs. H bin on the board. Please do not wait until the end of the day!
  5. Check the board again – Follow any special directions regarding homework and morning work.
  6. Homework – Check the board for any special directions regarding homework. Place your Take Home folder, your completed homework, and your planner on the top corner of your desk. It helps if you have your planner opened to the night before. If you have all your homework completed and your planner signed, you will receive at least one Heilman Dollar.
  7. Prepare – SharpenTWO pencils, fill water bottles, move clip to show “packing” or “buying” for lunch, and prepare for the day.
  8. Morning Work – Morning Work will be posted on the Smart Board and you should begin work as soon as possible. Any unfinished work will be considered homework and will have to be completed at home.

End of the Day(In Order):

  1. Planner – Fillout your planner COMPLETELY, even if you’ve already finished some of the work!
  2. Mail – Getpapers from the mail and put it in your Take Home Folder.
  3. Pack EVERYTHING you will need to finish your work at home. If you need to borrow any materials, just ask!
  4. Clean Up – Straighten inside and around your desk and pick up any garbage.
  5. Jobs – Helpcomplete classroom jobs for the day. If you don’t have a job, check to see if someone else needs help or if there’s anything else Mrs. H needs done.
  6. Quietly – Quietly work on homework or read until asked to line-up.

At Home(Any Order):

  1. Complete Homework – Use your planner to help make sure you have completed all homework assignments.
  2. Study – Even if we don’t have a test the next day, you can always find something to spend a little time studying for! By studying in advance, you’ll learn the material better and won’t be as stressed the night before a test.
  3. AR Read – Read for at least 20 minutes, fill out your Reading Log, and have it initialed.
  4. Take Home Folder – Clean out your Take Home Folder. Make sure that any homework or important papers that need to be returned make it back into your folder!
  5. Tests – Review any tests and get them signed. Spelling Tests do not have to be signed unless marked otherwise.
  6. Planner – Have an adult check your planner and initial it.
  7. Pack Up – Pack everything you need for school the next day back in your backpack.

Switching Classes

Every day, students will go to Mrs. Capal for Science, while her class comes to me for Math. Students will need to take any necessary materials for Science that day with them, including any homework or class work from the previous day. Mrs. Capal will let me know if students have forgotten items.

Cooperative Learning

I wholeheartedly believe in cooperative learning in the classroom. I will place my students in several different groups through the school year so they may help each other during the learning process. Research has shown that all students do better when they are allowed to discuss and defend their ideas as they learn. Working in small groups also helps students learn valuable social skills they will need throughout their lives. I try to vary the way I group students depending on what I feel will be most beneficial for them. We do switch desks almost every month so that students have the opportunity to sit with many of their classmates over the course of the year.

Bathroom Breaks:

I encourage students to use the restroom before they come to school in the morning. We will have one class bathroom break after lunch each day. If students need a bathroom break, theysimply take theirPotty Pass out of the appropriate pocket and place a stuffed squirrel on their desk. They are allowed one break in the morning and one in the afternoon. If it is not a good time for them to go, (during a whole class activity for example) I will ask them to wait. Individual work time is typically the best time to ask. Only one student may go at a time.

Because of the limited amount of time we have with students during switches, students will not be permitted to use the bathroom during Science unless it is an emergency. On the rare occasion that there is a special situation that may require more frequent use of the bathroom, please let me know so we can make any needed arrangements.

Water Bottles

I do allow students to get a drink from the water fountain when they take their bathroom breaks. However, your child is permitted to bring a water bottle to school. In order to limit the mess and distraction of the water bottles, we ask that:

-The water bottle is clear and contains plain, regular water (not flavored!).

-The lid goes on tightly.

-The bottle does not leak.

-The child’s name is on it.

Classroom Library

Because I feel that spending time reading is so important, I maintain a classroom library from which students are invited to borrow books. I ask that students only take one or two books at a time. I run my classroom library on the honor system- if the books are not returned then I won’t have as many books for other students to choose from! After students finish the book, I ask they return it to my library before picking a new one.

Almost every book in my library is labeled inside the back cover with the Reading Level and the Accelerated Reader point value (RL/AR). I also have several series of books available for students. If the book is an Accelerated Reader book, it will have the reading level and AR point value inside. Once students reach their monthly AR goal, they will be allowed to select non-AR books or magazines to count as their nightly reading.

Please encourage your child to not only return these books but to treat them with care! I want all of my students to have access to a variety of books but I can only do this if my books are returned and are treated kindly. I encourage my students to talk to me if they are unsure of what to read or are reluctant to read. I love helping my students find books that pique their interest and help them to enjoy reading. 

The Access Loop Procedures

Drop off procedures

  • We will begin to supervise our Access Drive and accept students into our school at 7:30. Drop off is not permitted prior to that time because we do not have staff working prior to that time to supervise the needed areas.
  • To access the drive please turn down James Ave. At Ft. Thomas Swim Club please turn right into our Access Drive.
  • Proceed to the back corner of our gym. Do not let students out of car prior to entering the designated drop off zone.
  • Please do not arrive at Moyer prior to 7:30
  • At 7:30 we will begin accepting students. The drop off zone is purely for drop off and pick up. Please say your goodbyes prior to entering this location to avoid traffic backups. Our staff may direct you to the designated visitor parking if you are taking excessive time to load or unload your children. Please be courteous of traffic.
  • Students will enter the Moyer gym in the morning to read from 7:30-8:00 daily.
  • Students arriving between 8:00 and 8:15 will enter the back entrance of the building and go directly to class.
  • After dropping your child off proceed toward Highland Ave with caution.
  • We will have personnel stop traffic to allow cars out of the access drive. You may turn right or left. We will allow approximately 5 cars to exit at a time.
  • Our loop will be supervised until 8:15. After this time you will need to park and walk your child into the building and sign them in.

Pick up Procedures