2016 Outstanding
Youth Volunteer Awards
Sponsored by YOAB, part of the City of Boulder’s Youth Opportunities Program
Celebrate Youth Who Positively Impact the Boulder Community!
Nomination Deadline: Thursday March 10, 2016
Who Can Receive an Award?
- Middle or high school age youth who live in the City of Boulder limits and volunteer in Boulder and the surrounding communities. Please note when nominating students; because the Youth Opportunities Program is part of the City of Boulder government, we are only able to give awards to youth who live in the City of Boulder.
- Nominees must provide outstanding volunteer service to their neighborhoods, communities, schools, and/or agencies in Boulder, without being paid for it.
- YOAB members and previous awardees may not receive awards.
What is “Outstanding Volunteer Service”?
- Outstanding means that the service is meaningful to the nominee and significant to the recipient.
- The nominee may have done volunteer work despite challenging personal circumstances, or may have done work that was really helpful, or was somehow unusual.
How Do I Nominate Someone?
- Fill out the attached form. It can be emailed to , or sent to 2160 Spruce St., 80302, by Thursday March 10, 2016. The form is available on line at
- Anyone unrelated to the nominee, except a current YOAB member, can submit a nomination.
Selection Process & Awards Info
- All nominees receive a letter of recognition informing them of their nomination.
- Up to ten outstanding youth volunteers will be selected by YOAB members to receive an award based on their personal commitment and their positive impact on the community.
- Awardees, their nominators, their families, school administrators, city officials and members of the media will be invited to an awards breakfast banquet in April.
Nomination Deadline: Thursday March 10, 2016
Submit nominations to:
Outstanding Youth Volunteer Awards
2160 Spruce St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Nomination Form
2016 Outstanding Youth Volunteer Awards
Celebrating Youth Who Positively Impact the Boulder Community
Sponsored by the Youth Opportunities Advisory Board (YOAB),
part of the City of Boulder’s Youth Opportunities Program
Nominations are due Thursday March 10, 2016
E-mail to or
mail to 2160 Spruce St., Boulder, CO 80302
This form was created by YOAB members. It is also available at .
Nominees must live in the City of Boulder limits, be middle or high school age, and should be recognized for volunteer work done in Boulder & the surrounding communities. All nominees will receive a letter of recognition. Awards will be presented at a breakfast banquet in April.
Information about the young person you nominate for this award:
Street Address:
City:Zip Code:
Ethnicity: African AmericanAmerican Indian Asian/Pacific Islander
Caucasian/White Hispanic/Latino(a) Other:
Information about the young person’s parents(s)/guardian(s):
Street Address (If different than above):
City:Zip Code:
Primary language spoken at home:
Information about you, the nominator:
Email: Telephone:
Relationship to Nominee:
1. What volunteer work has the nominee done? Please describe the length of service, activity/activities
2. How has the service made a difference in the Boulder community?
3. Why do you think this person is an outstanding volunteer?
Please submit nomination by Thursday March 10, 2016.
Thank you for acknowledging outstanding youth!
Please contact Allison Bayley, or 303.441.4349, with any questions