Your ref:
Date: / 23/6/16
Contact: / Clare Rankin
Direct dial: / 01223 699069
E Mail: /
Economy, Transport and Environment
Executive Director, Graham Hughes
Major Infrastructure DeliverySH1311
Shire Hall
Dear Stakeholder,
Two- way cycling on one-way streets
Allowing cyclists to travel both ways on a one-way street, or allowing cyclists to by-pass a ‘no entry ‘ sign, is a cost effective and easy way of improving accessibility for cyclists. Over the years a number of streets in the city have been made two-way for cyclists whilst remaining one-way for motor vehicles; most recently these have been residential streets such as Belgrave Road, Fairfax Road, Trafalgar Street and Albert Street. Older schemes including parts of Sidney Street and Mawson Road, Mackenzie Road and Kingston Street in Petersfield have all operated without any problems for a number of years.
Now that we can use the ‘except cycles’ plate attached to the no entry sign it is much easier to allow two-way cycling and funding is available from the Department for Transport Cycle Ambition Grant to implement such schemes.
We have considered all the remaining one-way streets in the city and, unless there are significant safety concerns, such as a narrow carriageway and high traffic flow, we are proposing to allow two-way cycling.
The streets we are proposing to allow two-way cycling on are listed below; some are very narrow but have low traffic volumes and speeds. Two-way cycling would be of benefit to residents, (and in some cases employees and school children) who want to avoid a long detour by cycle, others are more strategic routes which allow cyclists to avoid busy streets and junctions.
Sedgwick Street
Catharine Street
Thoday Street
Ross Street (south – the northern section is already two-way for cycling)
Hemingford Road
Argyle Street
Willis Road
Guest Road
Emery Street
Perowne Street
Collier Road
St. Eligius Street
Norwich Street
Coronation Street (west of the junction with Panton Street)
Union Road
Panton Street (north of the parking bays)
New Square
We would welcome the opinion of your organisation on this proposal. Please contact us with your views, or if you would like more information, on the above e-mail address or telephone number by 29th July 2016.
Yours faithfully,
Clare Rankin
Project Officer