Fees and sessions

When choosing sessions for your child we would recommend two as a minimum, as we have found that this provides the continuity needed for settling your child into a routine. We try to be as flexible as possible with our session times and appreciate that many of our parents have school drop offs and collections that coincide with these. If, because of this, you have difficulties, please speak to a member of staff as we usually can accommodate your requirements. If having arranged a session time with us, you find that you are not going to collect your child on time then please ring us. Late collection makes it difficult for the staff and compromises our staffing ratio responsibilities. Regular late collection will result in additional costs for you and this will be charged at your booking rate. If you would like to arrange extra sessions as a one off, or extend your child’s time with us, then please speak to the manager.

Fees ~ September 2012 – July 2013

(8.30 – 1.00) / £7.00 per hour
(1.00 -5.30) / £7.00 per hour
School Day
(8.30-3.30) / £5.28 per hour
(8.00-5.30) / £4.21 per hour
Meals / £5.00 per day
(charge not applicable to the under threes)

* A discount of 10% is offered on a full week of day-care sessions.

You will be invoiced separately for charges relating to any special events or items. Fees are payable every 4 weeks in advance and you will find your invoice in the front porch. Please help yourself. Please can you make cheques payable to ‘Buttercup’s and return by the date given on the invoice. You may also make a direct online transfer in the nursery account. Fees are not refundable for absences or holidays taken during term time, however you will not be charged for bank holidays or nursery holidays. Overtime will be charged at your hourly rate and is charged per hour. There are no part hour charges for overtime.

Meals are charged per day for children accessing Free Entitlement. This is not applicable for the children who are not yet eligible for Free Entitlement.

Fees are reviewed annually and you will be given 3 months’ notice of any increase in fees.