Beginning Sounds

Kid Pix Drawing Program


The student will stamp their first name over the top of the screen, and then stamp pictures with the beginning sounds of each letter underneath the appropriate letter.

Technology Skills:(1A, 1C, 7A)

  • Start and exit programs
  • Use networked printer
  • Insert graphics


  • K.7 (C) Learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read.

Duration of Lesson:approximately 1 lesson

Before the Computer:Students will know how to spell their name or have a printed copy of the correct spelling of their name.


Using the projector, the teacher will direct the students by following the steps below.
Students should practice using the tools before completing this lesson.

  1. After logging into the network, click Start/Kid Pix.
  2. Click the name “Guest”, and then click Go.
  3. Click Control at the top of the menu bar.
  4. Click “Turn Small Kids Mode On”.
  1. Click the Text icon, and drag letters to the top of the white space.
  1. Use the down arrow to select the lower case alphabet if needed.
  1. Click the Stamp tool.
  1. Become familiar with the image below.
  1. Change the library as needed.
  2. The middle button is usually an adequate size.
  3. Click on a stamp to select the image.
  4. Click the down arrow, to see more icons.
  5. After clicking to select an image, move the mouse below a letter.
  6. Click to stamp the image to the page.
  7. Use the Undo Guy if a mistake is made, or the Eraser icon to get rid of extra stamps.
  8. Use the pencil eraser instead of the large eraser. The large eraser deletes the whole page.
  1. To print or save, click Control on the menu bar and click “Turn Small Kids Mode OFF”.
  2. To print, click File/Print.
  3. To Save, click File/Save As.
  4. Navigate to their Home directory (ID#).
  5. Name the file and clickSave.

Assessment: Teacher grades appropriately according to objective.