St. John's Episcopal Church of Odessa, Texas, Inc.

Meeting of the Vestry

6 April, A.D. 2009

Agenda ItemsNotes

1. Opening PrayerAttending: D'Alice Belanger, Peggy Caddell,

and WelcomeJohn Cooper III, Frank Deaderick, Lilly Plummer Rev. Mary AnnGarrett, D'on Paquette,.

Absent: Bill Cleaver, Johnnye Montgomery, Leola


Guests: Cathy Figert and Charles Chambers.

2. Reading of MinutesMinutes approved as presented.

3. Report from the Rector’sCharles Chambers reported that the Searchis Search Committee working very hard. They have located 3 possible

candidates. They have conducted 2 phoneinterviews, one on site interview and areresearching employment histories. Frankconveyed the Vestry's thanks to the CallCommittee for their hard work and dedication.

4. Treasures ReportCathy Figert reported that there is not a cash flow problem at this time. The yearly budget is okay.Anticipating call committee expenses but, they arebudgeted items.

5. Status Report on VestryA. Church ByLaws Committee composed of Lilly

Projects 2009Plummer, Project Chair, LeolaRutledge,Elaine Figert, and Frank Deaderick if needed.

B. "St. John's Wish List" D'Alice Belanger, ProjectChair. Cathy Figert to assist as a nonvestrymember.

C. PBAF Estate Planning & Planned Giving Seminar: Frank Deaderick, Project Chair. Seminar to beScheduled in the fall of 2009.

6. PriestInCharge's ReportFrank Deaderick, thanked Rev. Garret for herservice to St. John's during our search process.Rev. Garrett has requested special permissionfrom the Bishop to allow 3/4 Eucharistic Ministersto serve the Eucharist during Deacon Zeeck'sleave of absence.

Report attached.

7. Junior Warden's ReportMr. Cooper reported that the TXU rates changed1 cent per KWhr. Between the time he received verbal confirmation and receipt of the actualcontract. The savings to the church would be $12$1500.00 and $3,500 $4000.00 to the school.Lilly Plummer moved to permit Mr. Cooper to enterthe TXU contract for two years. D'on Paquetteseconded the motion carried.

A Fire Alarm Inspection was completed and acouple of items were not in compliance becausethe code had changed. Three items in the gymand one in the new classroom addition need to beaddressed. Some items had been overlooked whenthe addition was accepted. Mr. Cooper is going totry to get the original company to make thenecessary modifications.The strobe lights above the exit door to theplayground are now working.A door was replaced in a classroom with a new door, frame and panic lock.The south entrance has been refinished.Ten kneelers were reupholstered and a metalgutter was replaced.The pews were refinished 5 years ago.Peggy Caddell spoke with Mrs. Mooreabout the unusual wear pattern that is occurring inthe pews. Mrs. Moore said she will discuss thesituation with the teachers, who can remind andwatch students during chapel.Frank Deaderick then thanked Mr. Cooper for thetime and service he has given to St. John's through the years.

8. Senior Warden's ReportFrank Deaderick reported that Sandra Mock hashad a contract offered on the Gibbs property.The offer was for $70,000 as is however, a Level2 Environmental study needs to be completed.The purchaser has agreed to pay for it. Moredetails will be available at a later date.Other items discussed throughout meeting.

9. Other BusinessA. The death of Bob Petersonleaves the Chancellor position vacant.Mr. Cooper moved that Lilly Plummer bedesignated Chancellor for St. John's. D'AliceBelanger seconded, the motion carried.

B. An Inventory of Church Assets needs to becompleted. Photographs with imprinted datesare accepted as records for insurance purposes.Property is insured at replacement cost. D'onPaquette made the motion that a Church AssetCommittee be formed, Peggy Caddell ProjectChair along with Johnnye Montgomery, CheriStull, Bill Cleaver. Lilly Plummer seconded,the motion carried. D'Alice Belanger volunteeredto assist if needed.

C. Weddings/Quincenera Committee needs toupdate and review guidelines for servicesconducted at St. John's. Marcia Cleaver is currently,a member, D'Alice Belanger will also serve.

D. Need for a committee to consider guidelines foracceptance of gifts to the church. Need tohave the Rector's and Vestry's approval before giftscan be accepted.

10. Closing PrayersThe meeting ended with recitation of the Lord'sPrayer.

11. AdjournmentThe meeting ended at 6:56 p.m.

Next meeting: Next regular Vestry Meeting will be held Monday, May 4th.

Respectfully submitted,

Peggy Caddell, Clerk of the VestryFrank Deaderick, Senior Warden

Mary Ann Garrett

Report to the Vestry

6 April 2009

During March there were 5 Sunday services with an average attendance of 61, with 57 receiving Communion. That’s down from February, which was 67 and 62.5.

We had 20 chapel services. Friday attendance continues at over 200. Parents visit on a regular basis. Lower grades usually have about 125, upper grades around 80. Tomorrow morning at 9 the lower grades will present the Easter program and again tomorrow evening at 7.

The Thursday healing services had an average attendance of 4.

Seabury Eucharists on first and third Thursdays numbered 15 and 30. Residents and staff attend this service. Jacque McKee frequently goes with me if she's not working. We also visit her patients who cannot leave their rooms. The second Eucharist for this month has been changed to the 23rd because of a music program from UTPB.

I continue to volunteer at the CancerCenter every other Tuesday. I think my schedule has been changed to first and third Tuesdays.

During March four private communions were celebrated and 17 visits with prayer and unction, including one with last rites.

The Lenten suppers have been fairly well attended. The speakers from the helping agencies in Odessa Meals on Wheels, Boys’ and Girls’ Club, West Texas Food Bank, and Family Promise have been interesting and informative.

The “new” clergy of the diocese met at St. Christopher’s in Lubbock on March 9th. We are scheduled to meet here at St. John’s on April 20th . The meeting was changed to the third Monday of the month to give everyone a chance to recuperate from Easter.

The deanery meeting on March 7th went well. There were a number of congregations missing.

The consecration of The Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer on March 21st was a beautiful event. We are blessed. Bishop Mayer will be here on April 26th. His schedule is not yet firm for that visit he may arrange it so that he can go to the School on Monday. At any rate, he’ll be in Odessa for atleast one night, planning to have dinner with the vestry then. On Sunday after church we’ll have a luncheon we need to discuss that.

Since the Deacon Ingrid is on leave, I have asked permission of Bishop Mayer to have some LEMs distribute bread during Communion. Three or four will be appointed to do that.

Alyson Smith is back in the hospital. She’ll be there for a few days on 9th floor.

The Rev. Mary Collier, Deacon at Holy Trinity Midland, asked about the Gibbs property for Hope House, residence facility for cancer treatment patients. That property is sold, but she invited the senior warden and me and anyone who's interested to visit Hope House in Midland with her.


Mary Ann