I. Change the following sentences into passive voice.

1. Mr Tuan delivered the speech yesterday.

2. Turn off the computer at night.

3. I clean the floor everyday.

4. My mother bought this dress this morning.

  1. She did this exercise two days ago.
  2. They send him abroad to study chemistry.
  3. Nobody has used this room for a long time .
  4. Someone has stolen my bike.
  5. He has just received a letter from his parents.

10. She will buy this house.

11. They are building my house.

12. Lan was making my new dress at this time yesterday.

II.Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense.

  1. She (come) …………………………..………. to France 2 years ago.
  2. I (just send) …………………………………………. the letter.
  3. He (work)……………………………………. for that company for 5 years.
  4. I (graduate)……………………..………. from Hue University last year.
  5. Tom (play )……………………….………. football every afternoon.
  6. I (cook) ……………………………..…. in the kitchen when he came in
  7. Mai (attend) …………………..…………. a meeting at the moment.

8. (help) ………………………..…. him whenever he needs.

9. Mary (find) ………….… a five – pound note while she (walk) …………………to school yesterday.

10. I (just finish) ………………… reading War and Peace .It’s a brilliant book.

11. I (not be) …………………… at work tomorrow ,I’m taking the day off.

12. How long …………… you (be ) …….. a nurse, Mss Lan? For 5 years.

13. While Peter (drive) ………….…….… home late last night he (run) ……………….… out off the petrol.

15. She always (get) ……………………… up early to study her lessons.

16. Nylon (invent) ………….. in early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill. Other scientists (work) ……….. with his invention and finally on 27 Octorber 1938, nylon (introduce)….………….. to the world .It was cheap and strong and immediately (become) …………….. successful, especial in making old ladies’ stockings. During the Second World War , it (use) …………….. to make parachutes and tyres.

Today, nylon (find) ……………….. in many things: carpets, ropes, seat bells, furniture, computers and event space parts for the human body. It ( play ) …….……….. an important part in our lives for over 50 years. Next year, about 2.6 million tons of nylon (manufacture) ……………

III. Make complete sentences using the given cues.

  1. you / send / letter / yet ?

2. Nile / longest / river / in / world

3. Hoa / salary / high / than / Tom/s

4. He / work / hard / order/ pass / exam

5. Early this morning / children / decide / go / a run

6. Sydney opera / complete / 1973.

7. The road / join / two villages / be / narrow.

  1. It / not difficult / translate / this sentence/ English
  2. You / mind / lend / me / dictionary ?
  3. New bicycle /make / Japan / be / expensive.
  4. you / see / film / Jurassic Park / yet ?
  5. The Mekong river / long / the Red river
  6. Ba / interlligent / Nam
  7. Sears Tower / short/ PETRONAS Twin Towers
  8. Mexico city / big / in the world
  9. Ba / good / in our class.

IV. Put the following verbs into the correct form- Ving or To- Inf.

  1. She told me how (make )………..………… the cake.
  2. The man (stand) ……………….…… near the door is my brother.
  3. Do you mind (tell) ………………….…… me her address ?
  4. My father decided (go) ……………………… abroad
  5. Could you please tellme where (buy) …………… this book?
  6. It’s difficult (do) …………… this project?

V. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.

1. She was cooking …………… the phone rang.

2. Would you mind …………… I smoked here?

3. Mary used …………… be a good student.

4. Yesterday was …………… hottest day during this month.

5. I sat in the first row so …………… to clearly hear his lecture.

6. she asked me when …………… depart.

VI. Complete the paragraph with the words from the box

than for manufacturers copying part cheaper

Many people buy and use copied programs ……… their computer. This illegal ……… of computer software has become a huge industry because the software is much…………… than the original programs . Illegal solfware can be found on sale in any ….……… of the world, although it is more readily available in Asia ………… in Western countries. Software ….……… have been trying to get goverments to stop this copying or “pirating ”.

VII. Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

An increasing number of people are now going on holiday to Egypt. Last year, for example, about one and a half million tourists visited Egypt. The population of Egypt is about fifty million and the capital is El Qahira (Cairo), a busy city of just under nine million people. Although the climate is hot and dry and most of the country is desert, the average temperature from Octobor to March is not too high. The most famous sights are the pyramids at Giza.

  1. Are there many visitors to Egypt every year ?
  2. What is the climate in Egypt like ?
  3. What are the famous sights in egypt ?

VIII. Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

1. Would you mind (close / to close/ closing) the window?

2. The ambulance will be there (in / at / for) about 10 munites

3. We collect empty cans and bottles (in order to / so that / for) recycling.

4. John is interested ( in /on / at ) the history of Vietnam.

5. The boy ( to read / reading / read ) the book is Ba .

6. She hasn’t finished the letter ………… (already / just / yet / never)

7. Lan’s studying hard ……. pass the final exam ( for / in order to so to , as to )

8. It’s too cold outside. Would you mind……. the window ? ( to close, close, closing, closed )

9. I am happy ……. all the exam (passing, pass, passed, to pass)

10 The teacher ….. to the principal is my English teacher. (talks, is talking, talking, to talk)

11. The bike ….. in Japan is USA$ 100. (making, made, is making, to make )

12. We …dinner when the phone rang. (are having, had, have had, were having )

13. I was having dinner ( when / while / as ) my mother was cleaning the floor.

14. We are (delight/ delighting / delighted ) that you pass your final examation.

15. Would you like ( go/ to go / going ) to the cinema tonight ?

16. Thanks ( for / to / at ) inviting me to the festival.

17. Football is (play/ playing / played ) all over the world.

18. Mai asked Hoa ( whether / to / about ) she came to Hoi An.

IX . Put the words in brackets into the correct forms.

  1. All the …………………………. in the debate had a chance to speak. (PARTI CIPATE)
  2. He is the only ……………………. that has not run this race before. (COMPLETE)
  3. Laszlo Biro was…………..………. the pen- point pen. (INVENTION)
  4. The ……………………of Christmas tree is indispensable at Christmas. (DECORATE)
  5. The main problem is ______prices. Things are getting much too expensive. (rise)
  6. Our father’s company sells only ______goods. (import)
  7. “ You look ______when you see me.” – “ Yes, I think you are in China.” (surprise)
  8. He finds housekeeping a ______task. (bore)
  9. Mary appeared with a ______smile. (please)
  10. Mr Smith seems quite ______with his new job. (satisfy)

X.Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

  1. The window which was broken in the storm last night has now been repaired

The window ......

2. “Do many tourists visit My Son every year?” Nam asked Lan

Nam asked Lan ......

3. The French civil Alexandra Gustarve designed and built Eiffel Tower in 1889

Eiffel Tower ......

4 Could you send this letter for me ?

Do you mind ......

5. We learn English because we want to read English books.

In order to ......

6. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview.

I ......

7. Janet’s colleagues gave her a present when she retired.

Janet ......

8. Nobody told me that George was ill.

I wasn’t ......

9. How much will they pay you?

How much will you ......

10. I think they should offer Tom the job.

I think Tom ......

11. Has anybody shown you what to do?

Have you ......

12. The sister asked : “Are you hungry, Tom?”

The sister asked ......

13. “how do you go to school?” the old woman asked me.

The old woman asked me ......

14. This is a machine which is used to wash clothes.

This is a ......

15. She invites me to the party.

I ......

16. I started playing the piano two years ago.

I have ......

17. “I sometimes work on Sundays.” Huong said.

Huong said ......

18.They told him to stay home for three days.

He was ......

XI. Complete each sentence with a correct preposition

  1. Can I help you …………. your bag, Lan ?
  2. We are looking forward …….. seeing you ………….June.
  3. Today we went …………. an eight- hour tour.
  4. When I arrived ……………. school, it began to rain.

XII. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in Standard English.

16. He wokes up and finded himself in the hospital.

17. On Christmas, neighborhoods are beautiful with many bright Christmas lights

18. When he told me the price, I nearly died for shock.

19. It’s a traditional to sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ on New Year’s Eve.

20. Many people wisdom stayed at home in the bad weather.

21. She ate all the chocolates - there are no in the box.

22. The company is losting money all the time.

23. He was terribly exciting about his holiday.

24. Minh falls asleep now because of he stayed up too late last night.

XIII. Find the word in each group that has the underlined letters pronounced differently from others.

1. A.WeatherB.TennisC. OftenD.Red

2. A.MiceB.SillyC.EnglishD.Guilty

3. A.SockB.SewC.SureD. Seem

4. A.CheatB.childC.CheapD.Chief

5. A.MechanicB.ChemistryC.ChickenD.Architect

6. A.HolidayB.OutC.GroundD.Now

7. A.ChairB.BeerC.CareD.Pear

8. A.ThawB.ThingC.ThreeD.The

9. A.AboutB.BloodC.FunnyD.Enough

10. A.HeartB.WorkC. LearnD. Journey

11. A.MeasureB.VisionC.PleasureD.Mission

12. A.KitchenB. MachineC.ChinD.Church

13. A.EaseB.EyeC.RiseD.Size

14. A.HandB.HarmC.HatD.Habit

15. A.BoatB.VoteC.VocalD.Volunteer

16. A.WheelB.LeatherC.MeatD. Leader

17. A.ReceiveB.ArriveC.FiveD.Write

18. A.ReasonB. GreatC.GreenD. Bead

19. A.HandsomeB.InsuranceC.NiceD.Sum

20. A.KeyB.FieldC.PeopleD.Say

21. A.SouthernB.SoulC.HomeD. Coast

22. A.HorseB.artistC.DaughterD.Warm