Reading Test: America and The World 1921-1945

Due Monday 26 March

(Begins on page 677)

  1. To which region of the world did the Clark Memorandum apply, and what did it state?
  2. What was the purpose of FDR’s Good Neighbor Policy?
  3. What was the basic difference between Theodore Roosevelt’s and Franklin Roosevelt’s foreign policy in Latin America?
  4. Where was the American pacifist movement most prevalent?
  5. What was the pacifists’ “scapegoat?”
  6. What was the result of the Nye Committee’s investigation?
  7. What were the provisions of the:
  8. Neutrality Act of 1935
  9. Neutrality Act if 1936
  10. Neutrality Act of 1937
  11. What was the United States’ official policy regarding the outbreak of war in Europe (as proclaimed by FDR?)
  12. What was “cash and carry” and what was it designed to do?
  13. What deal did FDR make with Britain that involved 50 old naval destroyers (this is also known as the “Destroyers for Bases” deal)?
  14. What was the guiding philosophy behind the “America First Committee?
  15. What result did the Battle of Britain have on the American economy?
  16. What was the idea behind Lend Lease?
  17. What happened to the Reuben James in summer of 1941?
  18. What opinions about FDR were held by the:
  19. Interventionists?
  20. Isolationists?
  21. What was the greatest danger to Japan with regard to American embargos?
  22. What were the American and Japanese positions regarding the embargos and China?
  23. What was the Japanese response to Cordell Hull’s ten point reply to Japan (also known as the Hull Memorandum)
  24. Who was in command of American troops in the Philippines?
  25. What happened on the Bataan Peninsula?
  26. Which ally provided the greatest strain within the wartime coalition?
  27. What was the result of Roosevelt’s and Churchill’s meeting at the 1943 Casablanca Conference?
  28. What was the purpose of the War Production Board?
  29. What happened to gasoline in 1943?
  30. What was the purpose of the Office of Price Administration?
  31. The rising income of the wartime years ensured what?
  32. Why did Americans begin to migrate to the Sunbelt during the war?
  33. Which American state enjoyed the greatest gain in population?
  34. What was the dynamic in marriages and divorces during the war years?
  35. What 2 factors caused the education crisis in America during the war?
  36. What was the difference in a working woman’s marital status in WWII that differed from previous years?
  37. With what did A. Philip Randolph threaten FDR, and why did he do this?
  38. What was FDR’s compromise?
  39. What happened in Belle Isle, Detroit?
  40. Into what did the outbursts of racial violence during the war grow?
  41. What was unique about the Army’s 88th Division?
  42. What happened in the “zoot suit riots?”
  43. What happened to 120,000 Japanese Americans (aka Nisei) living on the West Coast during the war?
  44. What did the Supreme Court rule in 1944 that justified the government’s actions with regard to the Nisei? (This case was Korematsu v US)
  45. Who replaced Henry Wallace as FDR’s vice president in 1944, and why was the change made?
  46. What happened at D-Day?
  47. What happened at the Teheran Conference in late 1943?
  48. What happened at Yalta, and why is it considered a Soviet diplomatic victory?
  49. What was the Manhattan Project?
  50. What did Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Hanford, Washington; and Los Alamos, New Mexico have in common?