1) Thinking about thinking
2) Biscuit idea sketches
3) Thinking about thinking
4) Biscuit name concepts
5) Designing new product
6) Survey brainstorm
7) Survey conclusion
8) Survey evaluation
9) Survey results
10) Survey used for packaging ideas
11) Student research
12) Student research pg 1
13) Student research pg 2
14) Product research
15) Colour specs
16) Product research
17) Valentine biscuit ideas
18) Valentine biscuit ideas 2
19) Mood board
20) Mood board 2
21) Mood board packaging
22) Zoo packaging mood board
23) Packaging idea sketch pg 1
24) Packaging idea sketch pg 2
25) Ideas for product
26) Biscuit idea sketches
27) Ideas for packaging
28) Ideals for labels
29) Basic biscuit recipe
30) Basic biscuit evaluation
31) Evaluation of Trial 1 Jess
32) Evaluation of trial 1 group
33) Evaluation of trial
34) The biscuit making process
35) Colour specification
36) Colours
37) Specifications for physical properties
38) Size specification
39) Specifications for the physical properties of biscuit - size
40) Biscuit size shape spec
41) Daily log
42) Brief development
43) Further research
44) Recipe trial 2
45) Trial 2
46) Time plan
47) Evaluation of trial 2 – Jess
48) Evaluation of trial 2 – group
49) Photos of trials
50) Feedback on biscuit trial
51) Recipe development at home
52) Task - product developer
53) Planning my packaging mock up
54) Resources needed for packaging
55) Final recipe sheet
56) Final recipe
57) Final biscuit design
58) Leo the lion cookie final design
59) Planning preparation of decorations
60) Final packaging design
61) Food nutrition label
62) Mock up
63) Brainstorm idea for presentation
64) Biscuit name concepts
65) Resources for product launch
66) Exam – plan of production
67) Final recipe
68) Final product brief and spec sheet
69) Essential specs
70) Evaluating our final product
71) Zoo – packaging mock up
72) Assessment schedule
73) Assessment schedule - group
74) Prep and organisation
75) Zoo – biscuit specs
76) Zoo – developing packaging
Student work
· At home trial recipe
· Specifications
· Price page for product expenses
· Planning packaging ideas
· Important ideas to consider
· Trial 1 recipe
Workbook basic bisuits