Rob was born and brought up in the North of England, and has over 14 years teaching experience. He has taught a wide variety of ages and levels during his time as a teacher, Director of Studies, and CELTA trainer. He has lived and worked in Malaysia, Spain, Slovenia and Poland – where he continues to be based. Over the last two years, Rob has worked exclusively for Pearson Longman as an international teacher trainer and academic consultant, and travels widely delivering talks, workshops and seminars to teachers all over the world.

Dear Russian colleagues,

I hope you are all well. I thought I would write you a short letter to say how much I am looking forward to meeting you all again in June 2010.

It is always a great pleasure to work with you and I have many cherished memories of my previous visits to Russia.

Longman teacher training events are an opportunity to see old friends and make new acquaintances, as well as learn about the latest methods and materials. I very much hope that you will be able to join me at the forthcoming Longman events.

With kindest regards and warmest wishes,

Rob Dean

8 Июня 2010

Российское представительство издательства ПИРСОН ЛОНГМАН

приглашает преподавателей английского языка

принять участие



Мы будем рады предложить Вам:

√ посетить методические семинары известных британских авторов и методистов

√получить информацию о новинках учебной литературы и интерактивных продуктах 2010

8 Июня , 10.30-14.00

10.30 - 11.00 / регистрация участников, выставка-продажа учебной литературы ПИРСОН ЛОНГМАН

11.00 –12.00 / Nothing Stands Still for Long - Changing English / ROB DEAN
Pearson Longman international teacher trainer and academic consultant
12.00-12.30 / Перерыв
12.30 – 13.45 / Culture and Language - One and The Same
Ждем Вас по адресу: / Самарский государственный университет, филологический факультет, актовый зал. / Ул. Потапова дом 163/64
Проезд: авт. 23, 30, 31, 47, 56, трол. 2, 4, 12, 17, 1 9 до ост.:
«ул. Потапова»