August 22nd Publication of RFP and RFP notification letters sent to

previous applicants. RFP is available for download at www.elkhartdrugfree.org

September 23rd Proposals Due email in .pdf form to

Sept 26-Oct 11th Review Committee and Independent Readers review applications

By October 1st Notification Letters regarding Scheduled Interview or Declining consideration

October 18-19th Interviews Conducted

October 19th Allocations Completed / Recommendation Prepared for Commissioners Approval

October 24th Notification Letters Sent

November 14th Presentation of Recommendations to County Commissioners

December 10th Presentation of Recommendations to County Council

January 18th Contracts Sent

February 1st Contracts Due to ELKHART COUNTY DRUG-FREE PARTNERSHIP (aka- LCC) President and County Commissioners

Application Process

The ELKHART COUNTY DRUG-FREE PARTNERSHIP of the Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana is a working board contracted with the Elkhart County Board of Commissioners to accomplish a comprehensive and coordinated approach to the problems of Alcohol, and Other Drug (AOD) use and abuse in Elkhart County. The Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership comprises of community volunteers with the desire to ensure action within Elkhart County to counter AOD use. The Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership is a County Commissioned Committee that facilitates programs that negate AOD use. The County has assigned the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership the responsibility of allocating county monies received from fees assessed from alcohol and drug related offenders.

Each year, the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership publishes a Request for Proposals (RFP) in the local newspapers, inviting related organizations to submit applications for funding of programs consistent to the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership’s mission. The state regulated deadline for proposals, is one month from the date of RFP publication. Application packets are available online at www.elkhartdrugfree.org or by contacting Jess Koscher at .

The Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership receives proposals and each applicant is reviewed not only by the evaluation committee but also by unbiased independent volunteer readers. At which time notification letters or telephone calls will be sent/made to all applicants. These letters/calls will detail the schedule of interviews or reasons (if applicable) for denial. Qualified applicants will then participate in interviews which will give the organization an opportunity to promote their program and will allow the committee to further evaluate and obtain any answers to questions that they may have. All applicants are strongly encouraged to participate in the interview process. Failure to participate will hinder the evaluation. At the closure of interviews, the committee will come together and discuss the applications and evaluations. Each applicant is reviewed by the evaluation committee and by unbiased outside organization(s). Next, allocation amounts are determined. The grant award size will vary by: merits of the project, need, program model, number of applicants, past performance, clarity, how it compares to similar proposals and indications of self-reliance in maintaining the program. Funding is subject to amount available and state regulations. Submission of a grant application, even one that meets all grant requirements, does not guarantee receipt of award.

The Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership is required to present allocation recommendations to the County Commissioners. The County Commissioners may approve, adjust, or dismiss any or all recommendations. At which time, the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership and the County Commissioners must come to an agreement. Once agreed upon by both parties, the recommendations then go to the County Council for approval. After approval and/or changes the County recommendations are forwarded to the State. Once the State determines all regulations have been completed and recommendations are appropriate, funds are released for award payment. Once the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership receives announcement of the release of monies, organizations will receive notification and contract letters.

During the time of presentation to the County Commissioners and Council, applicants will receive notification of either denial or approval. Denial letters will detail evaluation outcomes, means of improvement and the appeals process. Approval letters will detail the recommended amount and appeals process. Be sure to note: these letters are informative only – they only relay the recommended amount – these amounts may be subject to change by either the Commissioners, Council or the State.

The appeals timeline begins upon the receipt of announcement of recommended award. The applicant has 5 days from the postmark to inform the President of the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership board the desire to appeal. A time will be set for the organization to plead their case before the Elkhart County Drug-Free board. After expiration of the appeal process, the final decision of the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership board will be forwarded to the County Commissioners.


The Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership’s mission: The Elkhart County Local Coordinating Council of the Governor’s Commission for a Drug-Free Indiana (the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership) brings community stakeholders together in a voluntary effort to reduce the prevalence of substance misuse and other unhealthy behaviors. The Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership is a multidisciplinary effort that shares resources, knowledge and expertise to promote healthy behaviors among individuals and families leading to community well-being.

The Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership strongly supports activities, programs, and agencies that relate to their mission through networking, coalition activities, and discretionary funding. Accomplishing the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership’s mission is dependent, to a large extent, on the success of the programs and projects of the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership funds. To foster this success, the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership makes careful and informed selections of projects for funding.

The grant award will vary by: merits of the project, need, program model, number of applicants, past performance, clarity, how it compares to similar proposals, and indications of self-reliance in maintaining the program. Funding availability is subject to state regulations. Submission of a grant application, even one that meets all grant requirements, does not guarantee receipt of award.

The Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership reserves the right to:

1.  Negotiate a modification of the plan and/or budget and will award funds after an agreement has been reached

2.  Examine physical location, books, documents, papers, accounting records and other relevant information pertaining to the administration of the program at no cost to the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership

3.  Deny funding to an applicant that does not facilitate the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership’s mission

4.  Deny future funding to an applicant that does not adhere to the award contract or where there is a misappropriation of funds

5.  Deny funding to any incomplete applications. An application may be deemed incomplete if it does not include a direct link to the recommended actions/objectives for the comprehensive plan and/or does not include all appendix items.

6.  Seek additional information from the applicant prior to or during the review process

It is the intent that funds allocated through this request for proposal will be used to only support program development, implementation, and coordination of the proposed project. Drug-Free Community Funds (DFCF) should not be the sole source of funding for the proposed project. DFCF funds must be considered as temporary. It is the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership policy that allocated DFCF funds be used to establish a program / project and encourages the agency to implement a retaining plan to ensure continuation after grant cessation. DFCF funds will not be used to cushion, replace, or supplement any other agency funds. It is the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership’s policy that if there is evidence of misappropriations, the agency will be required to return all award money and consideration of future awards will be hindered. All award amounts must be used in accordance to the signed the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership contract.

How To Apply

Applicants should submit their proposals by email in a .pdf to by Friday, September 23, 2016.

The grant award size will vary by: merits of the project, need, program model, number of applicants, past performance, clarity, how it compares to similar proposals, and indications of self-reliance in maintaining the program. Funding is subject to amount available and state regulations. Submission of a grant application, even one that meets all grant requirements, does not guarantee receipt of award.

Proposals must be consistent with the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership mission and promote improvement in areas where ATOD use and abuse is a concern. Projects must fall under one of the following categories: criminal justice, prevention or treatment. All proposals must relate to one of the Community Comprehensive Plan “Recommended Actions/ Objectives”

Applicant requirements:

þ  All applicants must submit their proposal by an email .pdf (to ) -- late applicants will not be considered.

þ  All applicants must submit a complete proposal – incomplete proposals will not be considered. This includes all attachments including a financial balance sheet and signatures.

þ  All applicants must participate in the interview process – declined participation will effect proposal evaluation.

þ  All applicants must commit to actively participate in at least one of the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership’s committees (Prevention, Treatment, Criminal Justice), fill out a membership form and are encouraged to attend quarterly Lunch & Learns. Failure to participate will effect proposal evaluation.

Application Instructions:

Please be sure that all required information is provided, all line items and blanks are

completed, and all appropriate pages are signed and dated. Do not forget to include the

cover sheet and drop off form.

Create a .pdf of your complete proposal and email as a PDF or Word Doc. to

Include the following appendix (failure to include these will result in your grant being discarded)

¨  Signed and Dated Assurances Certification

¨  History of Organization (one page or less)

¨  Balance sheet for organization (for public entities, please state where budget can be accessed).

¨  Organizational chart or agency and project staff

¨  Letters of agreements with other agencies or organizations (when applicable)

¨  References or letters of support (if applicable should not exceed three)

¨  Copies of assessments, surveys and forms used for the implementation of program (when applicable)

¨  Copies of certification, licenses, accreditation, etc. (when applicable).

Drug Free Community Funds

2016-17 Grant Proposal Drop Off Sheet

In order to expedite your request please make sure all information and forms are included.

**NEW** Submit your application electronically to through one .pdf of your complete proposal (including appendix) no later than 3:00 p.m., September 23rd, 2016.

Applications that merit further consideration will be asked to participate in an oral presentation/interview. Interviews will be conducted September 9-10th and will be scheduled in 20 minute increments. Please assist us by providing the following information.

Contact Person:

Phone: Email:


Time Preference: (Check One) A.M. P.M. No Preferences

Application for Drug-Free Community Fund


Name of Project:

Applicant: (Name, Address, Telephone, Fax and Email)

Agency or Corporate Chief Executive Officer (Name, Title, Address, Telephone)

Project Coordinator: (Name, Address, Telephone and Email)

Fiscal Officer: (Name, Title, Address, Telephone, Email)

Federal ID#

I agree that if funded to any extent, a representative of this program will participate in the Elkhart County Drug-Free Partnership during 2017.

Signature of Authorized Agent Title Date

Name of Project:

Project Category (Check One) Criminal Justice Prevention Treatment

Amount Requested: $

Agency Mission Statement

Recommended Action

Below is a list of problem statements and objectives. Each application MUST address an objective in order to be funded with DFCF monies per state statute which mandates funding only be allocated to these objectives from the Comprehensive Plan. Please check the appropriate boxes. Please note that proposals that skip this step will be discarded and not considered for funding.

Problem Statement:

There is a gap between the “perception” and the “reality” of both use and the harmful nature of substances (including alcohol, marijuana, synthetic marijuana and prescription drugs).


Survey students, parents and community groups to measure the difference between perception and reality of use, risky behaviors and harm.

Create public awareness materials to educate the community on the reality of use/risky behaviors and harm.

Continue hosting take back days and supporting local drug return boxes.

GOAL: Reduce the gap between perception and reality in prevention programs by 5%.

Problem Statement:

Local treatment agencies report the continual needs to subsidize treatment for clients 20-50% due to financial barriers is putting a strain on their organizations and clients. This includes a need for childcare and scholarships.


Provide scholarships and financial assistance for treatment.

Provide financial assistance for childcare during treatment programs.

GOAL: Increase the amount of financial assistance for treatment (including childcare) by

5% annually for clients who are deemed unable to afford treatment on their own.

Problem Statement:

People in Elkhart County in need of detox, residential and psychiatric support are unable to seek these supports in Elkhart County.


Provide financial support for psychiatric consultations for those addicted to substance that also require medications.

Increase the potential for people to be detoxed in Elkhart County through a feasibility study for a detox facility and a plan to include community partners for funding.

Increase the potential for residential programming in Elkhart County for those in recovery through a feasibility study for a residential facility and a plan to include community partners for funding.

GOAL: Determine the feasibility of establishing detox and residential treatment services in

Elkhart County. Establish a structure to assist those in treatment who are in need of a psychiatric consult the ability to do so.

Problem Statement:

Law Enforcement requires additional resources for AOD (Alcohol and Other Drug) related crimes.


Provide mobile video cameras for both officers and vehicles in the current Law Enforcement Agency fleet for the purpose of OWI and other AOD roadside stops.

Provide financial support to purchase equipment needed for interdiction and investigation for AOD enforcement.

Provide additional resources for OT hours for special AOD investigative units (i.e. FACT Team, STAR, other tactical AOD teams).