Communications, Marketing & Education plan

for an EPS recycling initiative

Organisation / Holberg Shire Council
Address / Resource Recovery Centre, Street Name, Suburb
Project manager / Project Manager Name
Project name / Free EPS drop-off
Description of service/facility available / The Shire now has a bag and frame to collect EPS at each of the MTFs. Consumers and businesses can bring materials for free and we will collect it and truck to Booring City Council which has a machine which compacts polystyrene, making the recycling easy.
Budget: / $5,000
Overall outcome of project (long term aim):
Recycle 3 tonnes of EPS between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015.
Communications objectives:
1.  Advise residents that a polystyrene recycling facility is available in their area.
2.  Media coverage in two local papers about the new facility.
3.  Reach all retailers in the area at least twice in the next 12 months.
Project evaluation methods:
1.  Tonnes of EPS recycled.
2.  Landfill space saved.
3.  Number of businesses reached/using the service regularly.
4.  Quantity of clean white polystyrene delivered.
5.  Media report favourably about organisation.
6.  Number of community member reached by the campaign, and frequency of reach
1.  Small business (e.g. green grocers, fishmongers)
2.  Large electrical retailers (e.g. Harvey Norman) Consumers (people purchasing new electrical goods)
3.  Builders
4.  Consumers
Things to remember:
1.  Incorporate key messages from education/communications guidelines
2.  Tap into existing marketing/education programs, local events, community group activities, media activities wherever possible to achieve best value for money
3.  Focus on the target audience, their needs and how we can connect with them in a place where they feel empowered and inspired to act
4.  Structure communications around addressing barriers/challenges to using service or facility and promote the benefits to the audience of recycling polystyrene
5.  Promote positive stories, successes and outcomes


Complete one table for each audience you are targeting for marketing, education and communication

Audience / 1. Small businesses
Estimated size of audience / 100
Target material / Clean white EPS
Barriers / -  Separating EPS from other wastes takes time.
-  No space on site for storing EPS.
-  Don’t know service is available.
Benefits / -  Reduces cost of waste service.
-  Feels good to help the environment.
-  Means more space for garbage in the bin.
Key messages / 1.  Polystyrene can be recycled through this local facility.
2.  Bring it to us for free.
Audience / 2. Large electrical retailers (e.g. Harvey Norman, KMart)
Estimated size of audience / 6
Target material / Clean white EPS
Barriers / -  Getting staff to separate EPS from other wastes.
-  No space on site for storing EPS.
-  Don’t know service is available.
Benefits / -  Reduces cost of waste service.
-  Good for corporate social responsibility/environment policy to recycle EPS.
Key messages / 1.  Polystyrene can be recycled through this local facility.
2.  Here’s how to arrange a collection.
Audience / 3. Builders
Estimated size of audience / 8
Target material / Clean white EPS
Barriers / -  It’s too hard to separate EPS.
-  No space on site for storing EPS – it causes litter.
-  Don’t know service is available.
Benefits / -  Prevents litter on site.
-  Saves money on waste collection.
Key messages / 1.  Polystyrene can be recycled through this local facility.
2.  Here’s how to arrange a collection.
Audience / 4. Consumers
Estimated size of audience / 9,200 residents in the community.
Target material / Clean white EPS
Barriers / -  Nowhere to store.
-  Inconvenient to transport to RRC.
Benefits / -  Saves space in the garbage bin.
-  Good for the environment.
-  Saves money to separate at the transfer station rather than sending to landfill.
Key messages / 1.  Polystyrene can be recycled.
2.  Take it to your local drop-off point here.
3.  Do your bit for the environment.


Activity / materials / budget / audience / behaviour targets / who is responsible / date /
1. Signs at drop off facilities
Print two signs for EPS cages at drop-off facilities and install above cages at the drop off facility. / NSW EPA EPS Signs / $400 / Consumers and business (visitors to transfer station) / 1. Separate EPS.
2. Recycle your polystyrene.
2. Clean white polystyrene only. / Site supervisor
2. Advertisements in local paper (quarter page ads over three weeks).
Add logo and contact details to the artwork.
Book advertisement.
Send artwork to the paper. / NSW EPA EPS advert / $1800 / Large retailers / 1. Recycle clean white EPS.
2. Bring it to the drop off point. / Project manager
3. Send postcards
Add logo and contact details to the artwork.
Have postcards printed.
Get contact details for store managers.
Address envelopes, insert postcards and mail. / NSW EPA EPS postcard / $400 / 1. Separate EPS from other recyclable and/or waste materials.
2. Bring it to the drop-off point.
3. Call us for further details. / Project manager
4. Personal contact
Follow up postcard mail out with phone call to each retailer.
Identify barriers to using service.
Gain commitment to using service.
Ask if they will display poster/postcards. / Large retailers, small business / 1. Keep postcard.
2. Set up onsite EPS separating system.
3. Separate polystyrene from other materials.
4. Display posters/ postcards at point of sale / Project Manager
5. Posters/postcards in local large retailers
Add logo and contact details to the artwork.
Have postcards and posters printed.
Distribute to large retailers. / NSW EPA EPS postcard/poster / $2000 / Consumers (those purchasing new electrical/ whitegoods.) / 1. Recycle polystyrene
2. Bring it to drop off point / Project Manager
6.  Tour of drop-off centre
Include tour, presentation, morning / afternoon tea, questions. / NSW EPA EPS PowerPoint and Information Sheet 1 or 1 B / $200 / Large retailers, small business / 1. Keep Information sheet.
2. Set up onsite EPS separating system.
3. Separate polystyrene from other materials.
4. Display posters/postcards at point of sale. / Project Manager
7.  Tour of drop-off centre
Include tour, presentation, morning / afternoon tea, questions. / NSW EPA EPS PowerPoint and Information Sheet 1 or 1 B / $200 / Waste/ Sustainability Educators and Managers in local government and in recycling contractors. / 1. Keep Information sheet.
2. Polystyrene can be recycled.
3. Polystyrene cannot be recycled in kerbside collection bin
4. Residents and businesses can now drop of polystyrene at drop -off centre.
5. Collaborate to divert polystyrene from landfill. / Project Manager
8.  Signs at drop off facilities
Print two signs for EPS cages at drop-off facilities and install above cages at the drop off facility. / NSW EPA EPS Signs / $400 / Consumers and business (visitors to transfer station) / 1. Separate EPS.
2. Recycle your polystyrene.
2. Clean white polystyrene only. / Site supervisor
9.  Advertisements in local paper (quarter page ads over three weeks).
-  Add logo and contact details to the artwork.
-  Book advertisement.
-  Send artwork to the paper. / NSW EPA EPS advert / $1800 / Large retailers / 1. Recycle clean white EPS.
2. Bring it to the drop off point. / Project manager
10. Send postcards
-  Add logo and contact details to the artwork.
-  Have postcards printed.
-  Get contact details for store managers.
-  Address envelopes, insert postcards and mail. / NSW EPA EPS postcard / $400 / 1. Separate EPS from other recyclable and/or waste materials.
2. Bring it to the drop-off point.
3. Call us for further details. / Project manager