I-CHRIE Board Meeting

July 25, 2006

Hyatt Crystal City Conference Room

Members in Attendance: Mike Zema; Robert H. Bosselman; Nick Hadgis; Pat Moreo; Lea Dopson; Kathy McCarty; Lee Aitchison; Fred DeMicco; Antoinette M. Klute-Wettrauer;; William Samenfink; Michael Brizek; John Drysdale; Kaye Chon; Steve Cornelius; Deanne Williams.

Members Absent: Steve O’Connor; Carol Pido.

Incoming Board Members: Peter Jones; Cliff Withem; Eliza Ching-Yick Tse; Chris Roberts; Randy Goldberg

President Bosselman called to order at 0830h.

  1. President Bosselman welcomed all to this 60th anniversary conference. He welcomed those board members who are incoming and visiting today. He reviewed the agenda for the day.

Secretary Moreo called the roll.


John Drysdale moved and Nick Hadgis seconded to accept the minutes. The vote was unanimous.

Moreo gave his report as written noting that discussion on the bylaw changes would be further addressed later in the day.

President’s Report

  1. Bob B. commented on his written report
  2. Bob discussed a blue ribbon committee he convening to review how the conference is organized. Bob would also like to involve past presidents.
  3. He made contact with all the SIG’s and discussed with those who are inactive how they might reinvigorate themselves. If not, then some might cease to exist by the winter board meeting.
  4. He reviewed the upcoming change in conference management companies. Any difficulties with the outgoing company this week should be turned over to Kathy M.
  5. The executive committee, Kathy, and Bill Samenfink reviewed the 9 proposals.
  6. Bob asked Bill S. to lead a discussion on their recommendation of MPIRE Management out of Texas.
  7. There was discussion of the contract which was submitted. Kathy indicated that, financially, it is about $10, 000 less than we have been paying.
  8. Bob asked about a “global” conference each 6 or 7 years. John D. suggested we could have additional funds if there is a financial concern. Pat M. suggested we do an annual set aside in preparation for that year to subsidize the I-CHRIE organization should the conference not produce the revenue expected. Antoinette suggested that such a conference would be important in recognizing I-CHRIE as international. Bob suggested that this could also be on a cruise ship.Kaye suggested that there could be a bylaw change so that the federations would not have to have conference in the year in which there was this “global” conference. There was board support for making this happen.
  9. Bill S. moved that we accept the MPIRE contract. Steve Cornelius seconded. Discussion involved asking about the interviews which Kathy and Bill S. did of the company. They were both satisfied. Mike Zema asked to amend the motion to look at item 3.1.ii to the last of the first sentence should say “excluding any of the revenue sponsorships generated by I-CHRIE, staff or board members. Amendment seconded by John Drysdale. The motion passed unanimously.
  10. Bob said we would begin to look at the possibility of having a booth for use at various shows and conferences. A recommendation would come from executive committee and then to the full board.
  11. This is the 60th anniversary and several past presidents will be here. They will be recognized at each event and they will have front row seating.

Executive Vice President’s Report

  1. Kathy thanked all the board member for their help.
  2. She reviewed her written report.
  3. Re-issued an RFP for an auditor since there may have not been enough response time.
  4. Kathy distributed a copy of the proposal from the Job Bank and Licensing Agreement from Hospitality Careers Online Inc. for student placement. The benefit is that it gives I-CHRIE an opportunity to provide a service for its members wherein the member schools can earn revenue because for every resume which gets listed earns the schools revenue. This would be open to institutional members. John D. wanted to be sure that our attorney would review this.
  5. Pat M. moved that we accept the proposal from Hospitality Careers contingent upon attorney review. John Drysdale seconded. Discussion considered the need for strong internal marketing to achieve the necessary levels indicated in the agreement. The motion was approved unanimously.
  6. Kathy will review the scripting for the board members for the conference.
  7. She has worked with Food Service Consultants’ Society International for a membership survey.
  8. She also worked with the Research SIG for the faculty compensations surveys.
  9. The office still continues to review how they can most efficiently cover the work which former 14 person staff used to accomplish. Kathy thanked Kevin especially for his hard work, especially with AHI in this last year of their contract. Kathy would also like to review the strategic plan to be sure the office is in alignment. Susan Oliveri is doing an excellent job as new operations manager.

Immediate Past President’s Report

  1. Mike will continue to support I-CHRIE as he leaves.
  2. He is hoping American Express will become more involved in I-CHRIE.
  3. He thanked fellow executive committee members for their support.

The Board adjourned at 1005h for a break.

The Board Reconvened at 1025h.

Vice President’s Report

  1. The strategic planning committee will meet at Saturday morning at 11am in the Potomac Room. It is time to review the document to be sure it is kept fresh.
  2. ESD was happy with the full page ad in the recent copy of the Journal of Hospitality Education. Nick will attend the ESD meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

  1. The finance committee has conference (finance) review updates.
  2. Will stay with Lane and Associates for this year since time was getting short and the other firm was more than we had budgeted. RFP has gone out for new auditors and is enough time to get the auditors in place in time for the spring audit.
  3. Finances are good to date.

Director of Conferences Report

  1. There was a minor change with the speakers as indicated.
  2. He is working on the slate of speakers for next year’s conference in Dallas.
  3. We have 535 attendees, 35 down from last year; but he expects more on site registration, perhaps giving us about the same numbers as last year for the conference. We might be off budget by about $10, 000. Kathy thinks she can make that up from other places. Bill and Kathy have reviewed F&B guarantees, and reduced them. Perhaps this might even bring it to break even.
  4. Kathy said we raised $12, 000 toward the award sponsorships.
  5. We should be prepared for some members complaining about the state of the hotel, construction, etc. Also, some people might complain about there being a continental breakfast versus a full breakfast.

Director of Industry Services Report

  1. Randy Goldberg of Hyatt was here in Steve O’Connor’s place since Steve has moved from Marriott. Bob thanked Steve (in absentia) for his hard work. Randy will take over.

Director of Membership Report

  1. Premium category of membership has taken off and added to the benefits package for the membership.
  2. Steve will be leaving board, and explained why he had to miss the winter board meeting due to a culinary competition.
  3. Peter Jones suggested that w/ the premium membership, Surrey uses the two individual memberships which go with it to get new faculty immediately involved in I-CHRIE.

Director of Information and Publications Report

  1. Transition is in progress to Fred D. and Cihan Cobanoglu for the HOSTEUR™.
  2. All other publication activities are underway.
  3. Dan Mount heading the paper review committee would like to step down for personal reasons after this, his first year.
  4. Kaye expressed his pride in serving the organization at this, the end of his term. He will work closely with Chris in making a smooth transition. Bob thanked Kaye, especially for bringing Asia Pacific into a Federation and moving the research agenda ahead so well.
  5. There was random discussion on the need for history and continuity in board reports, especially tracking numbers, growth, etc. Peter Jones addressed this issue as did Nick Hadgis who suggested we might need centralized data collection to describe and assess trends.

FutureFund™ Committee Report

  1. John D. reported that the 60 for 60 campaign is well under way with over $11,000 donated so far. There will be red stickers on badges for those who have donated already.
  2. Industry support has not been good for this. Must be careful in our approach to them so that we don’t take anything away from our operating budget.
  3. The overseas participation, other than board members, has also not been good.
  4. There will be the 50/50 to help with the future fund; 50% goes to the fund and 50% returned to the raffle winner.
  5. John moved that the term of office for the Chair of the FutureFund™ Committee be for 2 years with the chair being appointed by the president. Mike Zema seconded. All I-CHRIE appointments can be for 2 consecutive terms. Motion passed unanimously.
  6. The FutureFund™ Committee will discuss lowering the $500,000 target to another threshold in order to begin spending some of the interest. We will spend only 70% of the interest with 30% going back into the fund. The Board decides how the money should be spent.

Director of Marketing Report

  1. Working with AHLA on the fall conference in New York.
  2. Bob B. said that the event will move to Monday for the AHLA event. I-CHRIE will also make a seminar presentation on Saturday.
  3. Lea asked where the Steve O’Connor offer of organizing rooms was. Bob said we would have to wait for the HIPSIG response to this.
  4. Summer internships are underway. We would look forward to more next year.
  5. Marketing to graduate students should continue.
  6. Fred is looking forward to editing the HOSTEUR™ with Cihan Cobanoglu.
  7. He also is suggesting we think about moving occasionally to the college campuses. Bob suggested that this may be one of the issues which the blue ribbon committee could champion.

Director of Chapters Report

  1. Mike B. shared the chapter reports with the Board. There were several chapters who did not turn in a report, 8 out of 14 total. He had sent out several requests and will continue to communicate with those presidents here at the conference.
  2. The chapter council will be on Thursday afternoon at 1545h.

Director of Professional Development Report

  1. Deanne reports that we are in the 4th year of that event. We should have about 25 persons for both the research and the teaching sessions of the academy. This reflects an increase over last year. She thanked Fred D. and others on the committee for the work which they have done.
  2. Committee members will attend some of the SIG’s to establish contacts with the chairs.

Bob adjourned the meeting for lunch at 1145h and will reconvene at about 1220h

The meeting reconvened at 1235h.


Canada CHRIE

  1. Lee reports that they have renewed the agreement to have the Canadian Tourism Human Resources Council to be their partner/home in Canada.
  2. CanadaCHRIE will have a one day pre conference educators’ forum to be held in Vancouver as part of the HR Forum to be help May 1, 2, and 3rd.
  3. They will participate in the BC Centre for Tourism Learning and Innovation website.
  4. Lee reviewed the other items in his report.


  1. The decision was made to have the EuroCHRIE newsletter twice a year.
  2. The conference in Thessaloniki is very well planned. EuroCHRIE is excited that incoming President Nick Hadgis will be making remarks in Greek at the conference.
  3. They have raised about €18,000 and would like to use the funds to attract new members.
  4. They are very happy that a EuroCHRIE member, Peter Jones, is the new I-CHRIE vice president.
  5. Conference planning is at least two years in advance.
  6. They would also like to participate in I-CHRIE conferences by sending a speaker.
  7. EuroCHRIE is asking if honorary memberships could be available for awarding long term supporters.
  8. Bob asked that we consider honorary memberships under new business.


  1. Even though they are not yet formal until later in the week, they made a report which the Board would like to hear.
  2. Kaye Chon made the report, reviewing the written report, highlighting the meetings held this year in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
  3. There was some explanation of using the term “country/region” given the special needs for this terminology in Asia. They will make such an adjustment in their bylaws. It was pointed out that Canada is already in such a situation.
  4. Bob confirmed that the official moment of the new federation of APac CHRIE recognition as a federation will be at the Business Meeting later this week.

Old Business

  1. Pat M. moved to reject the YTB Travel proposal; Mike Zema seconded. Discussion suggested that they could join I-CHRIE and could also buy a booth at the next annual conference. Motion passed unanimously to reject the proposal.
  2. Bylaws discussion. Bob B. and Pat M. led a discussion of how the suggestion for the title change to chair in the bylaws evolved. The growing concern is that this will confuse supporting universities who will not understand the term “chair.” All agreed that the title for CEO for Kathy will work.
  3. Pat will amend the proposal to reflect this change to be made on page 7 of the current bylaws: drop Executive Vice President and addChief Executive Officer (CEO); also change back all officers to the original Vice President, President and Immediate Past President.
  4. There was discussion on the other bylaws changes. Then there will be a second motion to table the other bylaws changes until next year.

New Business

  1. There was a discussion of honorary memberships. What does this include? Everything except the right to vote and hold office. Kaye suggested honorary fellow might be more meaningful. Bob B. said this could open the gates to many others wanting this as well, which could be costly to us. Mike Z. said that perhaps we should consider Kaye’s suggestion for fellow or something like that. What should criteria be for this category?
  2. Antoinette moved that the Board bestow honorary membershipon Otmar Sorgenfrei and Gilles Honegger of EuroCHRIE. John D. seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
  3. The membership committee will advise the bylaws committee on the outcomes of their discussion and any bylaws changes this might entail.

Kathy M. reviewed the Board Itinerary and Production Notes.

The Board went into executive session at 1545h.

The Board reconvened at 1625h.

Lea D. made a motion to adjourn; Bill S. seconded. Approved unanimously at 1627.