Memorial Jr. High School

Morning Announcements

Good morning Memorial Student and Staff. Today is Monday, November 2nd. Please stand for the pledge.

I pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

Thank you, you may be seated.

Happy Birthday wishes to: Toni Jackson and Amani Henderson

Congratulations to our Students of the week: Alexis Thomas, Ian Greenwalt, Josiah Baker, and Sharnica Calloway.

Today’s select menu option is Chef’s Choice.

Today’s I/E focus is: Organization and binder check.

The Book Club meets today after school in the library.

ATTN: Student Council Members: There will be a Student Council meeting on Wednesday for ALL representatives.There will be a meeting today FOR STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS ONLY. The meeting will be held in room 201 from 3:10 until 4:10. PLEASE CALL HOME NOW during homeroom to schedule your ride.

Wrestling starts today, after school until 5pm. All students interested must attend. You must have a completed physical form on file in order to participate.

MJH 2nd Quarter PBIS event is a Staff vs Student Basketball Game to be held on Friday, December 11th. The criteria for participation are: No Out of School Suspensions, and no “F”’s by December 4th; First referral for any infraction; 2nd referral for any infraction results in no attendance at the event.

Boys and Girls- Keep working on your PTA fund raiser sales. There will be a Homeroom Competition, 7th grade vs 8th Grade!

Tomorrow is a teacher’s work day- there is no school tomorrow!

Today’s word: Election: The selection of a person or persons for office by vote; a public vote upon a proposition submitted. Sentence: In the USA, you must be 18 years of age in order to vote in a public election.

Students are expected to walk on the right hand side of the hallway, keep your conversations with peers at quiet as possible, and only go to your lockers at the beginning of the day, at lunch, and at the end of the school day.

Have Marvelous Monday!