WALT: divide using an efficient written method

Green (L3)
Divide two-digit numbers by 2, 3, 4 or 5 as well as 10 with whole number answers and remainders / Blue (L4)
Use efficient written methodsof short division / Red (L5)
Divide with decimals (2dp) by single digits and 3 digitnumbers by any 2 digitnumbers
Copy and complete these division problems by using the repeated subtraction method.
1)484 =
2)693 =
3)705 =
4)512 =
5)7510 =
6)362 =
7)724 =
8)913 =
9)675 =
10)8810 =
Now challenge yourself by trying some of the Blue questions . / Copy and complete these division problems by using the repeated subtraction method.
1)894 =
2)968 =
3)966 =
4)825 =
5)697 =
6)1679 =
7)1243 =
8)2406 =
9)2248 =
10)1354 =
Now challenge yourself by trying some of the Red questions . / Copy and complete these division problems by using the short division and repeated subtraction method.
1)1856 =
2)3468 =
3)8757 =
4)9459 =
5)7544 =
6)68515 =
7)92424 =
8)99033 =
9)84629 =
10)100018 =
Now come up with some of your own similar problems.

WALT: divide using an efficient written method

Green (L3)
Divide two-digitnumbers by 2, 3, 4or 5 as well as 10 withwhole number answersand remainders / Blue (L4)
Use efficient written methodsof short division / Red (L5)
Divide with decimals (2dp) by single digits and 3 digitnumbers by any 2 digitnumbers
Copy and complete these division problems by using the repeated subtraction method.
1)662 =
2)664 =
3)665 =
4)6610 =
5)663 =
6)873 =
7)842 =
8)594 =
9)755 =
10)4910 =
Now challenge yourself by trying some of the Blue questions . / Copy and complete these division problems by using the repeated subtraction method.
1)926 =
2)855 =
3)743 =
4)947 =
5)924 =
6)2709 =
7)1948 =
8)2017 =
9)1269 =
10)3006 =
Now challenge yourself by trying some of the Red questions . / Copy and complete these division problems by using the short division and repeated subtraction method.
1)4689 =
2)911 7 =
3)761 18 =
4)756  5 =
5)892 37 =
6)666  6 =
7)837  26 =
8)659  8 =
9)674 46 =
10)1051 51 =
Now come up with some of your own similar problems.

WALT: solve word problems using RUCSAC

Green (L3)
Solve one-step whole numberproblems (two-step for addition and subtraction) choosing operations. / Blue (L4)
Solve problems with orwithout a calculator (two-step problemschoosing appropriateoperations) / Red (L5)
Solve problems using level 5 maths including multi-step problems and choosing appropriate operations
Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
1)Damien had 16 stickers. His Mum gave him 12 more. He then gave half to his brother. How many did he have left?
2)In a class there are 33 children. 7 children walk to school and 9 come by bus. The rest come by car. How many children come to school by car?
3)There were 32 boys and 13 girls in a school football team. Theywanted to play 5-a-side football. How many teams can they make?
4)Alex buys a drink for 33p and some sweets for 24p. She pays with £1. How much change does she get?
5)Daniel is saving up to buy game for £36. He has £16 and his Uncle gives him £6. How much more does he need to save?
6)Shanaz had 3 packs of pens. There were 4 in each pack. She lost 3 of the pens. How many did she have left? / Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
1)Damien had 167 stickers. His Mum gave him 45 more. He then gave a quarter to his brother. How many did he have left?
2)In a school there are 464 children. 184 children walk to school and 63 come by bus. The rest come by car. How many children come to school by car?
3)There were 68 boys and 27 girls in a school football club. They wanted to play 5-a-side football. How many teams can they make?
4)Alex buys a drink for £1.09 and some sweets for £2.39p. She pays with £5.00. How much change does she get?
5)Daniel is saving up to buy game for £38.99. He has £28.37 and his Uncle gives him £8.90. How much more does he need to save?
6)Shanaz had 8 packs of pens. There were 12 in each pack. She lost 17 of the pens. How many did she have left? / Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
1)Damien had 347 stickers. His Mum gave him 73 more. He then gave one sixth to his brother. How many did he have left?
2)In a school there are 846 children. 260 children walk to school and 187 come by bus. The rest come by car. How many children come to school by car?
3)There were 46 boys and 38 girls in a school football club. They wanted to play 7-a-side football. How many teams can they make?
4)Alex buys a drink for £1.27 and some sweets for £3.38. She pays with £10.00. How much change does she get?
5)Daniel is saving up to buy game for £42.88. He has £22.23 and his Uncle gives him £13.19. How much more does he need to save?
6)Shanaz had 28 packs of pens. There were 9 in each pack. She lost two sixths of the pens. How many did she have left?

WALT: solve word problems using RUCSACcontinued

Green (L3)
Solve one-step whole numberproblems (two-step for addition and subtraction) choosing operations. / Blue (L4)
Solve problems with orwithout a calculator (two-step problemschoosing appropriateoperations) / Red (L5)
Solve problems using level 5 maths including multi-step problems and choosing appropriate operations
Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
7)There were 15 girls and 13 boys in a class. The teacher asked them to work in groups of 4. How many groups were there?
8)Some children were growing a sunflower. The first week it grew 7cm. The second week it grew 8cm. The third week it grow 6cm. How tall is the flower?
9)Tracy started to watch TV at 4 o’clock. She watched ITV for 1 hour and BBC for half an hour. Then she switched off. What time did she switch off?
10)Joe’s mum says he can invite 30 people to his party. So far, he has invited 9 boys and 12 girls. How many more children can he invite?
Now come up with some of your own similar problems. / Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
7)There were 287 girls and 315 boys in a school. They are going on a school trip and the coaches hold 38 children each. How many coaches do they need?
8)Some children were growing a sunflower. The first week it grew 7.67cm. The second week it grew 8cm. The third week it grew 6.46cm. How tall is the flower?
9)Tracy started to watch TV at 4.15pm. She watched ITV for 1 hour and the BBC for 45 minutes. Then she switched off. What time did she switch off?
10)Joe’s mum says he can invite 45 people to his party. So far, he has invited 17 boys and 12 girls. How many more children can he invite?
Now come up with some of your own similar problems. / Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
7)There were 389 girls and 437 boys in a school. They are going on a school trip and the coaches hold 38 children each. How many coaches do they need?
8)Some children were growing a sunflower. The first week it grew 7.2cm. The second week it grew 8.76cm. The third week it grew 6.97cm. How tall is the flower?
9)Tracy started to watch TV at 4.10pm. She watched ITV for 50 minutes and the BBC for one hour 24 minutes. Then she switched off. What time did she switch off?
10)Joe’s mum says he can invite 57 people to his party. So far, he has invited 23 boys and 19 girls. How many more children can he invite?
Now come up with some of your own similar problems.

WALT: solve word problems using RUCSAC

Green (L3)
Solve one-step whole numberproblems (two-step for addition and subtraction) choosing operations. / Blue (L4)
Solve problems with orwithout a calculator (two-step problemschoosing appropriateoperations) / Red (L5)
Solve problems using level 5 maths including multi-step problems and choosing appropriate operations
Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
1)Leonidas’ has 10 ships. He wants to know how many soldiers he can transport. Each ship can carry 20 soldiers?
2)He will also need to take 8 litres of water per 50 soldiers. How much water does he need to take?
3)Finally with supplies. He needs to take 7 cows per week and 15 chickens per week to feed his soldiers. He thinks it will take 5 weeks to fight. How many of each animal does he need to take?
4)It costs a soldier 3 Drachmas to get a sword. How much will the army need to spend?
5)Our hero also needs his army to buy some armour. They each need a new helmet at 2 Drachmas. How much will they spend in total on helmets? / Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
1)Leonidas’ has 9 ships. He wants to know how many soldiers he can transport. Each ship can carry 62 soldiers?
2)He will also need to take 25 litres of water per 9 soldiers. How much water does he need to take?
3)Finally with supplies. He needs to take 7 cows per week and 15 chickens per week to feed his soldiers. He thinks it will take 9 weeks to fight. How many of each animal does he need to take?
4)It costs a soldier 6 Drachmas to get a sword. How much will the army need to spend?
5)Our hero also needs his army to buy some armour. They each need a new helmet at 6.5 Drachmas. How much will they spend in total on helmets? / Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
1)Leonidas’ has 26 ships. He wants to know how many soldiers he can transport. Each ship can carry 78 soldiers?
2)He will also need to take 18 litres of water per 6 soldiers. How much water does he need to take?
3)Finally with supplies. He needs to take 8 cows per week and 26 chickens per week to feed his soldiers. He thinks it will take 8.5 weeks to fight. How many of each animal does he need to take?
4)It costs a soldier 5.7 Drachmas to get a sword. How much will the army need to spend?
5)Our hero also needs his army to buy some armour. They each need a new helmet at 9.3 Drachmas. How much will they spend in total on helmets?

WALT: solve word problems using RUCSAC continued

Green (L3) continued
Solve one-step whole numberproblems (two-step for addition and subtraction) choosing operations. / Blue (L4) continued
Solve problems with orwithout a calculator (two-step problemschoosing appropriateoperations) / Red (L5) continued
Solve problems using level 5 maths including multi-step problems and choosing appropriate operations
Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
6)Finally each soldier needs 3 spears. How many does Leonidas need to get the blacksmiths to make?
7)If Leonidas needs to fight for another 2 weeks, how many more animals will he need?
8)50 of the soldiers need a new sword. They cost 4 Drachmas each. How much will they spend in total?
9)Leonidas needs to order sails for his ships. The total length of material is 50m and the total width is 10m. What is the area of cloth he needs to order?
Now come up with some of your own similar problems. / Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
6)Finally each soldier needs 4 spears. How many does Leonidas need to get the blacksmiths to make?
7)If Leonidas needs to fight for another 3 weeks, how many more animals will he need?
8)217 of the soldiers need a new sword. They cost 9 Drachmas each. How much will they spend in total?
9)Leonidas needs to order sails for his ships. The total length of material is 366m and the total width is 78m. What is the area of cloth he needs to order?
Now come up with some of your own similar problems. / Solve these word problems using RUCSAC.
6)Finally each soldier needs 6 spears. How many does Leonidas need to get the blacksmiths to make?
7)If Leonidas needs to fight for another 4.5 weeks, how many more animals will he need?
8)387 of the soldiers need a new sword. They cost 6.7 Drachmas each. How much will they spend in total?
9)Leonidas needs to order sails for his ships. The total length of material is 648m and the total width is 29.9m. What is the area of cloth he needs to order?
Now come up with some of your own similar problems.