North Dakota Board of Director’s Meeting

Chieftain Conference Center, Carrington, ND

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mission Statement: The mission of the LWML North Dakota District is to equip and encourage all women to share the compassion and hope of Jesus Christ.

Goals: Reflecting His joy, each woman of the LWML ND District will:

1.  Study God’s Word for growth, guidance and confidence;

2.  Actively demonstrate God’s love by using her God-given gifts to serve, lead, and mentor;

3.  Willingly spread the love of Jesus throughout the world.

The Board of Directors of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League North Dakota District convened at 8:20 AM, Saturday, March 2, 2013 at the Chieftain Conference Center, Carrington, ND, with President Paulette Huber calling the meeting to order. Opening devotions were led by Jr. Counselor Pastor Jenks.

Opening Remarks: President Paulette welcomed everyone, especially new SE Zone President Mary Lueck, and Dee Pavicic. Bonnie Krenz reviewed parliamentary procedures.

Roll Call was taken: Those present were President Paulette Huber, Vice President of Mission Grants Nikki Tyrrell, Vice President of Christian Life Dottie Sincebaugh, Vice President of Human Care Chantel Zeller, Vice President of Servant Resources Eileen Larson, Vice President of Communications Dee Pavicic (approved at this meeting), Recording Secretary Debbie Larson, Gifts and Bequests Committee Chairman and Central Zone President Sue Corwin, Financial Secretary Sharon Kroeplin, Treasurer Avonne Gessner, Junior Counselor Rev. Tim Jenks, Bylaws Committee Chairman Karen Puffe, Archivist/Historian Nikki Rahlf, Meeting Manager and Travel Coordinator Renee Johnson, Parliamentarian and Eastern Zone President Bonnie Krenz, NE Zone President Judy LeClerc, NW Zone President Shirley Hall, SE Zone President Mary Lueck, SW Zone President Karen Berg, and Store Manager and PING participant Karen Lougheed. There were 16 voting members and 4 non-voting members.

Board members absent: Senior Counselor Rev. Dave Suelzle, Past Vice President of Communications Crystal Voth (resignation accepted at this meeting), Webmaster Marie Johnson, Convention Manager Rhonda Hoge, News Editor Darcy Wolff, and Nominating Committee Chairman Geneal Roth.

The November meeting minutes were approved with the following corrections:

On page 2 – the gift from Trinity, LaMoure was $750, not $7,500.

On page 2 – under PING, expenses paid from fund, not find.

On page 2 – under 2013 Convention, Eastern Zone Delegate is Bonnie Kittleson (name was spelled wrong).

Correspondence, a letter of thanks to the LWML and praise to God, was passed around from Nayva Mulder.

Reports from all the officers were reviewed. Nikki Tyrrell reported that, in addition to her report, another payment was made to the MG-802 Orphan Grain Train, paying that grant in full. The Doxology was sung! Chantel Zeller handed out her report. We were asked to share all information with Marie for the website. Paulette reported that Darcy Wolff has completed the newsletter and it has been mailed. Darcy was unable to attend because she injured her knee. SW Zone President Karen Berg reported that their zone counselor is Pastor Scott Hojnacki.

The Financial Secretary and Treasurer reports were read.

We paused for prayer at 9:00 am to pray with sisters-in-Christ around the nation.

The Gifts & Bequests Committee made the recommendation to deposit $3,500 from Lorraine Fenske Fund into the LCMS Foundation Account. This motion passed.

It was approved to fund MG-816 Project 24 for $2,500 and MG-807 ND Full-time Church Workers Scholarship another $7,000 as funds become available.

The deadline for district mission grant applications is September 30th. Nikki encouraged everyone to submit applications on behalf of mission organizations.

The board accepted the resignation of Crystal Voth and approved the appointment of Dee Pavicic as Vice President of Communication through the 2016 District Convention.

Fall Retreat 2013 will be September 20-22, held at the Chieftain, Carrington.

Theme: More Mutual Ministry – Serving the Lord Together

Speaker: Dr. Mary Hilgendorf

Bible Study Leader: Sr. Counselor Rev. Dave Suelzle

Scripture: John 1:14

Registration will be $68.00

Young Women’s Retreat – March 16, 2013 – Bethel, Bismarck

Theme: Sweet!

Bible Study Leader: Jr. Counselor Rev. Tim Jenks

Scripture: Psalm 119:103

Activity: Making cake pops for giving to shut-ins

Time: 9:30 am – 4:00 pm Central

Eileen handed out additional registrations and encouraged everyone to take them to church and invite young women. She asked that they please pre-register so preparations could be made.

Larissa Brelje was approved as a member of the District Young Women’s Committee.

Eileen asked each board member to update their portion of the Leaders’ Manual and get it to her as soon as possible. She is planning to bring a draft to the next board meeting for review.

2014 ND District Convention – SE Zone – June 20-22, 2014

Theme: Filled & Overflowing

Site: Wahpeton (approved at this meeting)

Goal: Filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word, we are overflowing with Christ’s redeeming love and compassion for His people everywhere.


·  We drink deeply from God’s Word and Sacraments

·  We overflow with the message of Christ’s redeeming love.

·  Filled with the Holy Spirit, we show compassion with acts of love.

An article, The Power of “Un”, was handed out by HOPE Committee District Contact Nikki Tyrrell. Nikki gave a synopsis of what the HOPE Committee is and does. HOPE stands for Helping Organizations Participate Effectively.

2013 Convention - Pittsburgh, PA - June 27-30, 2013.

Theme: “Quenched! by the Water” based on John 4:14

Travel Coordinator: Renee Johnson. We will have some people traveling with Minnesota North on a bus leaving from, and returning to, Fergus Falls for $250 per person (one night’s lodging included each way). Some will drive and some will fly. A motion was made and passed to cap the travel portion of the convention expenses for delegates, YWRs and the Counselor at $550.00.

YWRs: Larissa Brelje and Kira Judson. Kim Dolajak asked to step down because she is expecting a child in early August. Kira Judson was moved from alternate to YWR.

Zone delegates:

Central - Audrey O’Brien (bus)

Eastern - Bonnie Kittleson (??)

NE – Janice Schmidt (bus)

SE – Mary Lueck (bus)

SW - Eileen Larson (air)

NW – Geneal Roth and Renee Johnson (air)

Delegate Fund Balance: $9,481.56. All zone presidents were asked to remind units to send in their delegate fund money.

Convention goers are asked to bring their own tote bags from past conventions. They will not be given a tote as part of registration in an effort to cut costs.

Acknowledgement/Release Forms for all participants will need to filled out and brought to the convention.

A motion was made and passed to have roses for President Kay at the convention. Debbie will take care of this. Donations were collected at the meeting.

Heart to Heart Program: Paulette encouraged board members to begin the planning to work toward an active Heart to Heart Program (sharing the LWML with diverse ethnic groups) in North Dakota. A training program is available in Pittsburg right before the convention. A motion was made and passed to send Eileen Larson to this training. The district will cover the cost.

Renee was excused from the meeting at 11:00 am.

Spring Rallies Date Place Program

Central Zone 4/20/13 Concordia, Jamestown PING; Theme-Prepare to Go

Eastern Zone 4/06/13 Trinity, Hope If We Don’t

NE Zone 4/06/13 Redeemer, Langdon (cohost-Munich) Kyle Novak (Kenya trip),


NW Zone 4/06/13 St. Paul, Minot (hosted by St. Paul, Rugby) Hope Village

SE Zone 4/27/13 Zion, Rural Claire City Phyllis Lentz-Lutheran Heritage

SW Zone 4/20/13 Redeemer, Dickinson Peace Officer Ministries, PING

Fall Rallies Date Place Program Rep

Theme: Are You Expecting? (2 Peter 3:11b-12a, 13-14)

Central Zone 10/12 Edgely (Oaks hosting) TB Debbie Larson

Eastern Zone 10/12 Beautiful Savior, Fargo PING Dottie Sincebaugh

NE Zone No Fall Rally

NW Zone 10/12 St. Paul, Minot PING Karen Puffe

SE Zone 10/5 Peace, Barney PING Eileen Larson

Nikki Rahlf will give a presentation as historian at several rallies.

District Human Care Project for Hope Village and Roosevelt Park Zoo, Minot. A motion was made and passed to have Chantel research a human care project for flood relief in the Minot area that the District LWML can sponsor. She will send the information out via Paulette.

The Communications Committee met on January 26th in Bismarck. Paulette Huber, Darcy Wolff, Karen Lougheed, and Debbie Larson met and discussed the committee’s responsibilities and job description. Dee Pavicic will make sure that the District and Zone LWML meeting dates are included on the District LCMS website and newsletter, and that the job descriptions are given to Eileen for the Leaders’ Manual.

Karen Lougheed has developed a Facebook page for our district and the name is LWMLNorthDakotaDistrict.

The Joyful Response program was discussed. Nothing will be pursued at this time.

Nikki Tyrrell shared a prayer before lunch and Paulette lead us in prayer as we began our afternoon session.

Dottie Sincebaugh, a Gift Planning Advocate for LWML, gave a short talk on the Gifts of Love program. She offered to visit with any unit or individual if they would like.

A motion was made and passed to accept the disbandment of Immanuel, Stirum and St. John’s, Belford (rural Hankinson) with regret.

Sue suggested that we begin to use a Drop Box to share district information. Dee and Marie will research this.

We are currently at .30/mile for mileage reimbursement. After discussion, a motion was made to leave it as is.

Debbie distributed a district map with all zones and units shown. She asked for any corrections and will send out the corrected map.

The 2016 District LWML Convention will be held in the Central Zone. They plan to meet with Rhonda Hoge, Convention Manager, as to where and when that convention will be held.

The following information was shared:

§  Assistant to the President Bill Sharpe and District LCMS President Banek would be willing to visit our BOD meeting and Paulette will invite them.

§  A Cup with Kay invitation to prayer on Saturday mornings was shared.

§  The Mite Marathon was shared and Paulette encouraged all to use it.

§  Anyone interested was encouraged to fill out a Personnel Resource Form for consideration as the National Executive Committee meets in August to assign members to national committees.

§  There is a new resource called The Blessing of Convention Participants that can be used to send those attending the conventions – available on the website.

§  Another resource called Event Planners and Guest Speakers: Partners with a Purpose – available on the website.

§  And another Inspirational Resources for Events – available at the convention.

§  And a new Bible Study, Overflowing Abundance, will be available at the convention.

Sharon will be mailing the unit Mite reports to the zone presidents and asked them to hand them out at the fall rallies.

Dottie asked if the unit Christian Life report is still an effective method of sharing information. It was suggested that units be asked to share new ideas and activities at their zone rallies. Dottie will send something to the zone presidents and they will distribute before the spring rallies.

Nikki asked for the completed biographical sketches that she handed out at the last meeting be returned to her.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 pm. Pastor Jenks led us in a closing devotion.

Future Schedule:

March 16, 2013 Young Women’s Retreat Bismarck, ND

June 27-30, 2013 LWML Convention Pittsburgh, PA

Sept 20-22, 2013 Fall LWML Retreat Chieftain, Carrington

Nov1-2, 2013 BOD Meeting Chieftain, Carrington

June 20-22, 2014 LWML ND Dist Convention Wahpeton, ND

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Larson, Recording Secretary

Minutes Review Committee: Chantel Zeller and Eileen Larson