Minutes of the General Meeting

July 30, 2015

1.  Call to Order – Amy Willhite – 7:01 p.m.

2.  In Attendance:

·  Amy Willhite – Chair

·  Angela Wright – Secretary/Treasurer

·  Lois and Denzil McNiece

·  Arlene Sprenger

·  Karen Rohrs

·  Joan Schultze

·  Ellen Nelson

·  Pamalynn Richardson

·  Theresa Womak

·  Don and Carol Weaver

·  Sharon Hare

·  Sheila Lehto

·  Paul Rickey

·  Frank and Brenda Carlin

·  Ray Crisp

·  Ron Crisp

·  George Fox

·  Richard and Mary Craven

·  Cynthia Gates – OCPD

·  Sharon Thornstad

·  John Vansant

3.  Old Business

Minutes from the meeting held on April 23, 2015 were presented. Richard Craven motioned to accept the Minutes as presented Don Weaver seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Happy to email Minutes to those whose emails we have.

4.  New Business

Amy encouraged people to be active in the Association, as the City wants input from residents as to what is happening in their area.

5.  Ray Crisp made a presentation about the proposed development of 13548 Gaffney Lane. The location is a white house sitting back at the sharp left bend if coming from Gaffney Lane School toward Fred Meyer. This is zoned R 3.5. The lots average 3,500 sq. ft. and seven single family two story detached homes with attached single car garages are being planned. It will be located on a public street with a hammerhead turn around. If the adjacent property were developed a walking path would go through to Cokeron Drive. They are currently working on the land use application. A similar development is at Yorkfield Estates on 2nd Avenue in Canby. Amy explained that a Neighborhood Association gets more time at application hearings than an individual and so any comments for or against this development should go through her.

6.  Martin Montalvo, Oregon City Operations Manager made a detailed presentation on the proposed Meyers Road extension. (see attached) He would like comments on the design concept – concerns and suggestions welcome.

·  Transportation system plan managing traffic for the next 20 years - therefore sustaining traffic requirements through 2025.

·  In a new economic incentive zone intended to inspire living wage jobs.

·  Stake holders include Clackamas Community College, School District, ODOT, Parks and Recreation Department.

·  New school bus facility already under construction. Ready by end of the year.

·  New Glen Oak regional park – no definite time line

·  Talking to neighborhood associations, property owners and TriMet.

·  Safety considerations take into account new drivers!

·  Cross section of design: Sidewalk/10ft vegetative swale/curb/6ft bike lane/3ft buffer/12ft travel lane/12ft median/then repeat with on street parking on south side only for safety reasons.

·  No major change to college entrance at Molalla.

·  Will have a fully signalized 4 way intersection at new Meyers Road extension.

·  Take school traffic off Glen Oak Road/213 intersection.

·  Loder Road to eventually connect with Meyers Road.

·  30 mph corridor

·  5-10 year construction time line.

·  $150,000 cost of study. $4 million if County, City and private properties fund. Federal help ups it to $10 million so if possible going it alone.

7.  Garden Meadows/Molalla intersection now has one parking length on each side with No Parking signs. Being enforced!

8.  Stub out on Gaffney Lane by the school. Road profile to be extended summer of 2016.

9.  Major construction work on Molalla and Beavercreek this summer. Total resurfacing.

10. Cynthia Gates, OCPD presented crime statistics sheets.

·  National Night out August 4

·  Shred event September 26 9-12. First two boxes free.

·  Community Outreach weekly email – sign up

·  Break-ins. Make sure lights on, papers and mail collected while on vacation.

·  Concern by neighbor: Crosswalk on Molalla by Citizens Bank needs a light to make it more visible to drivers. Many do not stop.

11. New business.

·  Would anything other than the postcard grab attention to attend the neighborhood meetings? There are 3,500 people in the Gaffney Lane neighborhood. Only a small percentage attend. What about renters/apartment dwellers?

·  October meeting. Elections. Ideal to have a new Chair, need a vice chair and a steering committee. Next Door is growing. Good communication site.

·  Fire of Life for medical information for first responders.

·  Neighborhood Watch – contact Chris Wadsworth. Red and Green cards to be displayed in window. Red – I need help. Green – I’m OK.

12. Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm