St Mary the Virgin Bexley

St Mary’s worships and serves a loving God and reaches out to the community in the name of Jesus Christ.

Sunday 14th March 2010

The FourthSundayof Lent – Mothering Sunday


08:00 amHoly Communion (CW)

10:00 amSung Holy Communion (CW)

11:15 amPCC Meeting-Lady Chapel for APCM business

6:30 pmCompline for Lent –Lady Chapel

Monday 15th

9:00 amMorning Prayer– Church

2:30 pmto 4:30 pm Lent course Lady Chapel

Tuesday 16th

9:00 amMorning Prayer– Vicarage

3:00 pmDAC Inspection of proposed extension

7:30 pmMission Shaped Intro Course- St James Blendon


10:00amHoly Communion (CW)

Thursday 18th

9:00 amMorning Prayer- Church

10:00 amFriend’s Meeting-43 Wansunt Road

8:00 pmBellingring Practice

Friday 19th

6:15 pm Junior’s Choir Practice

7:00 pm Senior’s and Junior’s Choir Practice

Readings - Today. Exod 2.1-10. Luke 2.33-35

Wednesday 17th

10:00 am Holy Communion. Isa 49.8-15. John 5:17-30

The FifthSunday of Lent21st March- Passiontide begins

08:00 amHoly Communion (BCP) p.138

10:00 amSung Holy Communion .Isa 43.16-21. John 12: 1-8

11:30 amAPCM

2:00 pmBaptism of Emma Rose Newton

6:30 pmHoly Communion (CW)

7:00 pmCompline

Reflection and Prayer on Mothering Sunday

Mary, whose ‘yes’ to God entailed the ultimate pain of motherhood, knew that Jesus was hers only in trust and that ‘a sword would pierce her soul’.

God is with us in the depths, God knowing the dark times, God who does not forget. A God of love.

Loving God, you have given us the right to be called children of God. Help us to show your love in our homes that they may be places of love, security and truth.

Loving God, Jesus, your Son, was born into the family of Mary and Joseph; bless all parents and all who care for children; strengthen those families living under stress and may your love be known where no human love is found.

Loving God, we thank you for the family of the Church. We pray that all may find in her their true home; that the lonely, the marginalized, the rejected may be welcomed and loved in the name of Jesus.

Loving God, as we see the brokenness of our world we pray for healing among the nations; for food where there is hunger; for freedom where there is oppression; for joy where there is pain;that your love may bring peace to all your children.


The Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The APCM, which is a review of 2009 in the life of St Mary’s and to elect new people to various positions,will take place at 11:30 am on Sunday 21st March.

Those on the Electoral Roll are eligible to attend and vote.

The APCM Report will be available the week of the Meeting.

Prayers and Anniversaries

Please pray for our Link Mission Partners, Chris and Angela with Anna, Isaac.and Noah.

Please pray for Chinwe who is preparing for her Confirmation on Pentecost Sunday.

Baptism Anniversaries: Marcus Gooden

The sick

Mary Andrews, Jeane Greenhalgh, Betty Richardson, Stella Russell; Colin Quinn, Kirsty Ivanoski-Nichol, Sue Pring, Kevin Tilley,

Hildegard Bagwell

May the healing presence of the Holy Spirit be with them

Death Anniversaries: John Lee. Jean Oliver

Those who have died:Raymond Ollif

May they rest in peace and rise in glory


Please note a prayer ministry is available in the Lady Chapel for those who wish during the distribution of Holy Communion


Vicar: The Reverend Paul Spreadbridge

The Vicarage, 29 Hill Crescent , Bexley DA5 2DA.

Telephone: 01322 523457. Mob: 07777678204


Acting Church Warden

Mr Michael Denman

Telephone: 0208 301 3410

The Church Warden Miss Mary Andrews is unavailable at the present time