WWII Battles Webquest

Answer the questions as you go through this webquest in order. Battles themselves are not in order chronologically. Additionally, fill in info on your WWII Battles chart as you go through this.

What technology first used in WWI proved to be much more effective in WWII?

Video clip “The Airfront”

The invasion of Normandy (called D-Day):

Who was the Supreme Commander for Allies? British General? German General? What was meant by “amphibious landing” of the Allies?

Video clip “Normandy”

How long did it take to plan this landing at Normandy, France by the Allies?

Videoclip “Normandy Landing”

What was the code name of this secret mission?

Summarize George Roach’s memories of D-Day.

You can then click on “Photo Gallery” and view pictures.

Battle of Stalingrad:

Describe the attitude of both the Germans and the Russians going in to this battle.

Who was victorious?

Video clip “Battle of Stalingrad”

Why was the Battle of Stalingrad a turning point in the east in the European Theater?

Battle of Midway:

Why was this battle a turning point in the war with Japan?

Battle of the Bulge:

Describe the weather.

This battle was one of the worst in regards to loss of what?

How thick was the American line of defense?

During this German offensive, what happened to the American line?

Were the Allies successful in pushing the Germans back through Belgium and reaching Germany’s capital of Berlin?

Video clip “Battle of the Bulge”

Pearl Harbor:

What event brings the US into WWII?

Video clip “Pearl Harbor”

Where is Pearl Harbor located?

Because of Japan’s aggression in Asia, the US took what action that then sparked the attack on Pearl Harbor?

Eighteen months before the attack FDR had done what to deter the Japanese from attacking the United States?

What losses did the US suffer?

What does FDR mean when he says “a day that shall live in infamy?”

Which battleship memorializes the attack at Pearl Harbor?

Battle of Britain:

How did the British hold off the Germans and avoid being invaded?