Information for Applicants

Accounts Assistant

Hours: 18 hours per week

Salary range: £16,830 – £19,621 per annum pro rata of 37 hours

Holiday entitlement:

Starting at 25 days per annum, increasing with length of service up to 30 days per annum (pro rata for part time employees), plus designated bank holidays.

Pension Scheme: Contributory scheme in place

Based: Pottergate, Norwich

Closing date: Thursday 16th December 2010, 12 noon

Interview date: Thursday 6th January 2011

Applicants are asked not to attach a CV to their submitted application form, or to enclose copies of references.

Applicants are specifically advised to refer to both the person specification and the job description when completing part 4 of the application form.

Please be advised that applicants not short listed for interview will not be informed.

Please return completed applications to:

HR Manager

Voluntary Norfolk

83-87 Pottergate



Thank you for the interest you have shown in this post, we look forward to receiving your completed application.

Background to Voluntary Norfolk

Voluntary Norfolk is the biggest voluntary sector support and development organisation in Norfolk and one of largest in the UK, as well as being the major volunteering organisation in the county.

Originally established in 1969 as Norwich Organisation for Active Help, Voluntary Norfolk’s mission has remained unchanged throughout the ensuing decades: to support volunteers and voluntary organisations. In 2009 we celebrated our 40th Anniversary and were honoured to be named as the City of Norwich’s Civic Charity for 2009/10.

We support the work of voluntary and community organisations through a range of free and paid-for services and by providing a voice for the voluntary and community sector within key partnerships in the county.

We employ almost 100 paid members of staff. We have a growing membership of almost 400 local voluntary and community organisations and are in contact with a further 1,200.

Voluntary Norfolk provides a range of support services to local voluntary organisations and groups, including our newsletter, “Voluntary Norfolk News,” a regular e-bulletin, and information and advice on funding, start-up and management issues. We have a well stocked public resource base in our Norwich head office, with books, journals, databases, Internet access and information sheets for voluntary groups wanting to build their organisations and develop their services. Members enjoy the benefits of email updates, priority booking on events and seminars, our trustee network and voting rights at the AGM. Voluntary Norfolk also processes CRB checks on behalf of members.

We manage three Volunteer Centres, in Norwich, Thetford and Great Yarmouth, providing an effective volunteer recruitment service for local organisations.
Volunteers are placed either with local organisations providing services to people with a wide range of needs, or directly with individual clients, via the unique community-based network of Voluntary Services Co-ordinators (VSCs). We also manage a number of specialist volunteering services, usually concerning the involvement of specially-trained volunteers with particular client groups. Current examples of these services include:-

·  Befriending Service for people with mental health problems (in Norwich).

·  Health Connector Service to help people make healthy lifestyle choices

Voluntary Norfolk also coordinates the recruitment and training of volunteer drivers for the Transport Plus partnership.

Voluntary Norfolk manages staff teams which support development of the voluntary and community sector in Norwich, Great Yarmouth and North Norfolk.

Great Yarmouth Voluntary Sector Partnership and vcs-Together North Norfolk both have steering groups drawn from local organisations and are working successfully to develop the collective strength and voice of the sector locally.

Voluntary Norfolk represents the interests of the voluntary and community sector on local and county strategic partnerships and takes lead responsibility for voluntary sector outcomes in the Local Area Agreement (LAA) in Norfolk. This aspect of the LAA is recognised as one of the leading examples of best practice in the country.

Another area of major progress has been the on-going development of the Norfolk Compact, an agreement between organisations in the voluntary and community sector and those in the public sector aimed at improving relationships and working practices. Voluntary Norfolk employs the Norfolk Compact Officer and there is a programme of raising awareness and understanding about The Compact. To assist the voluntary sector to respond to the challenges of the personalisation agenda Voluntary Norfolk employs a Personalisation Development Officer. In late 2009, in order to help to build the skills base of the third sector in the county, Voluntary Norfolk acquired the training and consultancy company SM Associates, which has developed a series of sector-specific courses and a specialist HR and Employment Law service. Voluntary Norfolk is involved in tackling the worklessness agenda and has recently started working with TNG, the DWP and local job centres to support jobless people into volunteering opportunities.

Voluntary Norfolk hosts the vinvolved youth volunteering team on behalf of the Norfolk Youth Volunteering Consortium. The programme is designed to develop new volunteering opportunities for young people in Norfolk and rock concerts, fashion shows and clearing a garden for the Norwich-based children’s charity, Red Balloon, have been some of the most popular of vinvolved’s recent activities.

Voluntary Norfolk hosts the Norfolk LINk. LINks were set up in England to give communities a stronger voice in how their health and social care services are delivered. LINks are the successors to the Patient and Public Involvement Forums.

Voluntary Norfolk is a company limited by guarantee, with an elected Board of Trustees and is registered as a charity.

Major funders and supporters of Voluntary Norfolk include Big Lottery Fund, Breckland Council, Broadland Community Partnership, Broadland District Council, Community Cohesion Fund (Great Yarmouth) Department of Work and Pensions, EEDA, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Norfolk County Council, Norfolk County Strategic Partnership, North Norfolk District Council, North Norfolk Strategic Partnership, Norwich City Council, Primary Care Trusts in Norfolk, South Norfolk District Council, TNG,

v Charity, Working Neighbourhood Fund (Great Yarmouth).

Voluntary Norfolk’s headquarters are located at:

83 – 87 Pottergate


Norfolk NR2 1DZ Telephone: 01603 614474

Further information about Voluntary Norfolk can be found on our website:

Voluntary Norfolk

Job description

Title: Accounts Assistant

Reporting to: Head of Finance and Resources

Main Relationships: Voluntary Norfolk staff, external client organisations and Members of Voluntary Norfolk

Main Purpose of the Job:

To work as part of the finance team assisting in ensuring accurate financial information is provided as required and appropriate.

Main Tasks:

1.  To assist with the maintenance and upkeep of the financial records of Voluntary Norfolk.

2.  To assist with the maintenance and upkeep of the financial records of Client Organisations

3.  To assist in the preparation of accounts and statements of income and expenditure for submission to the funders and grant making bodies of Voluntary Norfolk.

4.  To ensure correct financial paperwork is collated and sent with financial summary to funding bodies in accordance with the relevant contract terms

5.  To ensure that invoices for funding are submitted promptly and in accordance with funding contract.

6.  To assist with the monitoring of performance of expenditure against budgets for Voluntary Norfolk and it’s restricted funds and where necessary carry out investigations as to causes of variances.

7.  To prepare service invoices to Client Organisations.

8.  To prepare documentation and process payrolls for Voluntary Norfolk and client organisations.

9.  To maintain the financial element of the Voluntary Norfolk Membership database including issuing renewal notices and invoices for Membership.

10. To maintain the Voluntary Norfolk Asset Register.

11. To monitor supplier invoices ensuring accuracy, and preparing payments after necessary approvals have been obtained.

12. To be responsible for Voluntary Norfolk’s Petty Cash.

13. To be responsible for banking of Cheques and Cash.

14. To perform monthly bank reconciliation between Sage balances and Bank statements.

15. To ensure that VAT is charged or claimed for all Voluntary Norfolk’s service activities.

16. Any other accounting function designated by the Finance Manager, where training will be provided as necessary.

All Voluntary Norfolk post holders are responsible for:

Working to the policies of Voluntary Norfolk.

Promoting equal opportunities and respecting diversity within all aspects of their work.

Complying with Health and Safety Regulations.

Carrying out additional duties where appropriate which may be allocated from time to time by the Chief Executive.


(Essential / Desirable)

The person appointed to this post would normally be expected to meet the following: E or D

Experience and Qualifications

·  Minimum of one years experience of working in an Accounts Assistant or similar position / E

Skills Knowledge

·  Ability to demonstrate a good standard of numeracy and literacy / E
·  Proficient in the use of Microsoft Excel and Word / E
·  Book-keeping experience / E
·  Experience in using Sage payroll and Sage Line 50 accounting programs / E
·  Ability to prioritise and manage own workload / E
·  Ability to maintain confidentiality / E
·  Attention to detail / E
·  Ability to work independently as well as part of a team / E

Essential Requirements

·  Flexible approach to working hours / D
Please complete all sections of this form

Application for post of: Accounts Assistant



Post code: Telephone:
1. Education and Training
School / College / Institute etc / Subject studied / Qualifications gained
2. Employment History
Current/last employer
From / To / Name of Employer/Position Held / Reason for leaving
Previous employment including voluntary work
From / To / Name of Employer/Position Held / Reason for leaving
3.  Interests and hobbies

4.  Supporting Your Application

Your application form plays an essential part in our choosing the right person for this position. Your application is the only source of information that will inform the recruiting manager whether to short list you for an interview.
In the information supplied to you about this job you will find a job description and person specification. The person specification identifies the experience, skills, personal attributes and, where appropriate, qualifications which form the selection criteria for this post. Please use the space below in order to advise us as to how you meet these selection criteria, giving concise examples of how you have used these skills and knowledge in previous situations. You may attach further sheets if necessary. It is important for you to provide the recruiting manager with as much relevant information as possible as assumptions will not be made.

Access to transportation? Yes/No
5.  Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence?
If YES, please give details of any criminal convictions (with dates) in the space below
Because of the nature of the work for which you are applying, this post is exempt from the provision of Section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975. Applicants are, therefore, not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes are ‘spent’ under the provisions of the Act and, in the event of employment any failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by the organisation. Any information given will be completely confidential and will be considered only in relation to an application for the position to which the order applies.
6.  Referees
Please include your present employer (or most recent). If you do not want your referees to be approached without your prior consent please tick the appropriate box.
1.  2.

I hereby declare that the particulars I have given on this form are correct. Any falsification will give cause for dismissal.

Signature: ……………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………….

Voluntary Norfolk Medical Enquiry Form

Address: / Present Occupation:
Proposed Occupation:
Accounts Assistant
1. Are you at present receiving treatment from a doctor? / Delete as applicable
Yes No
2. Have you been admitted to hospital for any illness, injury or surgery during the past three years? / Yes No
3. Are there any other matters relating to your health which may affect Voluntary Norfolk’s view about your suitability for appointment? / Yes No
4. Do you consider yourself to have a disability as per the Disability Discrimination Act 1995? / Yes No
5. If your answer is “yes” to any of the above, please give full details below. This information will be treated confidentially. You may use a separate sheet if necessary.
6. If you have been absent from work due to illness in the past 12 months, please state;-
·  No. of occasions and reasons for absence
·  No. of working days absent.
7. Are you in good physical and mental health at present? If “No” please explain. / Yes No

I declare that I have disclosed a full and accurate account of my health as requested above. I accept that any misstatement or omission may constitute grounds for Voluntary Norfolk subsequently to terminate my appointment without notice.

Signature: Date

Equal Opportunities

Post Applied For: Accounts Assistant

Voluntary Norfolk is committed to both the principle and the practice of Equal Opportunities. We welcome applications from all parts of the community regardless of gender, physical ability, nationality, race, religion, or sexual orientation. We are keen to receive applications from every candidate with relevant skills and qualifications.

To monitor the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities Policy we would appreciate your completing the attached form.

(please tick one box):

White / Mixed / Asian
British / White & Black Caribbean / Indian
Irish / White & Black African / Pakistani
Other White / White and Asian / Bangladeshi
Other Mixed / Other Asian
Black or Black British / Other Ethnic Group
Caribbean / Chinese
African / Other Ethnic Group
Other Black

Age 16 - 30 31 - 45 46 - 60 61 - 70 70 +


Female Male

Yes No

Care of Dependents
Yes No

How did you learn of this vacancy? ......

The information you supply will be used to produce statistics evidencing the application of the Equal Opportunities Policy and will be treated confidentially. This form will be kept separate to your application documentation and the information you have shared will not be made available to the people involved in shortlisting or to members of the interview panel.