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PSALMS 107-118


Book I (Psalms 1-41)

Book II (Psalms 42-72)

Book III (Psalms 73-89)

Book IV (Psalms 90-106)

Book V (Psalms 107-150)


1. Psalm 107 is praising God for His loving-kindness in ______His people from the adversary (107:2).

2. Name four situations from which God delivered His people (107:4-32).

3. What key element is mentioned four times (107:4, 7, 30, 36)?

4. Why should men praise Jehovah (107:8-9, 15-16, 21-22, 31-32)?

5. According to the context, what did the Psalmist long for (107:9)?

6. Why did they suffer darkness & captivity (107:10-12)?

7. What did God accomplish through these consequences (107:12)?

8. As he speaks of God listening to their cry & delivering them (107:13-15), how does the Psalmist illustrate the strength of their captivity (107:16)?

9. Why are people fools (107:17)?

10. What effect does affliction have on people (107:18-19)?

11. What was required for Judah's healing & deliverance (107:20)?

12. What was involved in worshipping God acceptably under the Old Law (107:21-22)?

13. What did merchants on ships (107:23) see in the deep (107:24)?

14. What effect do storms & waves have upon men (107:25-28)?

15. When they cry out, what does God do (107:28-30)?

16. (T) (F) Nature is under God's control. (See Psalm 107:25-30)

17. What sensation is compared to drunkenness (107:25-27)? Is this illustrating a pleasant or good condition?

18. Where should men praise & exalt God (107:31-32)?

19. Why would God make a watered area dry (107:33-34)?

20. Why would God turn a wilderness into a watered place (107:35-38)?

21. According to the context, why would God send oppression again & contempt upon princes (107:39-40)?

22. Who does God set on high (107:41-42)?

23. What will the wise do with these lessons from Israel's history (107:43)?


24. What in Psalm 108 illustrates a heart fixed on God?

25. Psalm 108:1-5 is from Psalm 57:7-11. Psalm 108:6-13 is from Psalm 60:5-12. The previous two included pleas for help, whereas this Psalm combines only the portions which praise God. Why might this Psalm contain only these portions of the previous Psalms?

NOTE: Shechem is where Joshua (24) assembled the people after the conquest & renewed the covenant with them. Succoth is on the east of the Jordan River, where Jacob built booths for his cattle (Gen. 33:17). Gilead, beyond the Jordan, Manasseh on both sides of the Jordan, Ephraim in Canaan, and Judah, David's tribe - are listed in no apparent pattern. Moab, Edom & Philistia are also named as claimed by David. The Psalmist asks who will lead him to conquer their fortified city (108:10) if God casts them off (108:11). Thus he concludes, placing his entire confidence in God to grant them victory (108:12-13).

26. What action of David signified ownership of Edom (Ps. 108:9; 60:8; Ruth 4:7-8)?

27. Whose help is vain (108:12)?

28. If this is so, why do men so often trust in men?


29. Why does David call upon God to act (109:1-2)?

30. What kind of words did they use (109:2-3)?

31. David's enemies had rewarded ______for ______(109:4-5). Compare Luke 23:34 and Galatians 4:16. Give examples of facing the same treatment today.

32. How did he deal with their ill treatment (109:4)?

33. Consider the imprecatory prayer offered by David (109:6-15). Are we allowed to pray this way today? Explain.

34. Where is Psalm 109:8 used in the New Testament?

35. What specific behaviors are described in these people (109:16-20)?

36. What do "he loved cursing" "he delighted not in blessing" mean (109:17-20)?

37. What does David mean when He asks God to deal kindly with him "for thy name's sake" (109:21)?

38. (T) (F) David always felt confident and strong (109:22-26).

39. As David summarizes his prayer (109:27-29), why will he praise God before the multitudes (109:30-31)?


40. What was Jesus' point in using this Psalm of David (110:1) in Matthew 22:41-46? (Cp. Heb. 1:13)

41. What additional point is made from this Psalm 110:1 in Acts 2:34-36?

42. According to Psalm 110:1-2, what is going on while the Lord reigns & rules?

43. How does this help refute Premillenialism and fit correctly with the New Testament church?

44. Since Jesus has always been God and in this way reigns eternally; to what does this Psalm refer, that Jesus began to reign and will do so until all His enemies are subdued?

45. Where will this reign of Christ begin from (110:2)?

46. In contrast to the enemies, what will be distinctive about the Lord's people (110:3)? Does this accurately describe us today?

47. Under the Old Testament, a tabernacle or temple was built and the priests served in sanctified garments. Today we have no physical temple or garments. Thus, what is the "holy array" we have today (110:3)?

48. What did Jehovah swear concerning the Lord (110:4)?

49. What is distinctive about the order of Melchizedek (110:4; Heb. 7:1-28)?

50. According to Psalm 110:1-2 and 4, Jesus holds what two roles?

51. How does this show that Premillenialism is wrong?

52. As the picture now describes the Christ conquering, who will He rule over (110:5)?

53. As the picture progresses, showing His conquests, the Christ is seated in what role over the nations (110:6)?

54. Following the picture of conquest, will this Christ feint or fall short in His duties (110:7)?


55. "______ye Jehovah. _____ will give thanks unto Jehovah with ______

______, In the council of the upright, and in the congregation." (Psalm 111:1)

56. Who seeks out the works of God (111:2)? Explain this in your own words.

57. Describe the works of God (111:3-4).

58. What characteristics of God are demonstrated here (111:5-6)?

59. How sure are God's truth, justice & precepts (111:7-8)?

60. What two words are used to describe God, who redeems His people & delivers His covenant (111:9)?

61. What place does fear have in our relationship with God (111:10)? What does it move us to do?

62. (T) (F) Those who fear God lack wisdom & those who obey God have a poor understanding of God's grace. (111:10)


63. Who is the blessed man (112:1)? Why?

64. How will this blessed man's attitude & actions affect his children (112:2)?

65. What blessings are also his (112:3-4)? How does this fit with following Christ (Eph. 1, 7; 4:24)?

66. Why will it be well with the gracious & giving man (112:5)?

67. In Psalm 112, God is praised because the righteous are ______(112:6).

68. Explain what is meant by the righteous never being moved (112:6-8).

69. What example of righteousness is seen in the blessed man (112:5, 9)?

70. How are the wicked different in character from the blessed man (112:10)?

71. How is the reward of the righteous & the wicked different (112:10)?


72. Who is to be praised & thanked (113:1-2)?

73. How long & how often (113:2-3)?

74. Why is He to be praised (113:4-5)?

75. Even though He is so exalted, what trait is praiseworthy about God (113:6-9)?


76. What two names are used to describe God's Old Testament people (114:1)?

77. When the Old Testament people were in Egypt, did they assimilate or stay a distinct people (114:1)?

78. What special place did the tribe of Judah have (114:2)?

79. What two great events are mentioned in 114:3(Ex. 14:21; Josh. 3:14-17)?

80. What do the mountains skipping like rams & hill like lambs illustrate (114:4-7)?

81. What additional event is noted (114:8), highlighting God's deliverance of Israel?


82. Why should God be glorified and not man (115:1)?

83. If God was not glorified, what question would the nations ask (115:2)?

84. Where is God (115:3)?

85. What are idols (115:4)? What does this how about them?

86. Even though they have mouths, eyes, ears, noses, hands and feet; what can they not do (115:5-7)?

87. How will those who make idols be like idols (115:8)?

88. "O ______, trust thou in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.

O house of ______, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.

Ye that ______the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield."

(Psalm 115:9-11)

89. Why are these three groups mentioned separately (115:9-11)?

90. Since Jehovah was mindful of His people (115:12-13), what is one example of how He would bless them (115:14)?

91. Consider how God views children (115:14). How are modern views different?

92. What realm has God given to man (115:15-16)?

93. From man's perspective, what can the dead not do (115:17)?

94. What commitment did the Psalmist make (115:18)?


95. Why does the Psalmist love Jehovah (116:1-2)?

96. Is it wrong to have a personal reason for why we love God (116:1-2, 12)?

97. When the Psalmist faced death, what did he do (116:3-4)?

98. When God saved him (116:5-8), how did this affect the Psalmist (116:7)?

99. In gratitude, what determination did the Psalmist make (116:9)?

100. What precedes speaking (116:10)? How is this verse used in 2 Cor. 4:13?

101. What statement was made at a time when the Psalmist was troubled (116:10b-11)? Was it true? Why might we exaggerate when afflicted?

102. What should we do in response to God's benefits (116:12-14, 17-19)?

103. As human beings, how do we view death? How does God view the death of His saints (116:15)?

104. What humble assertion does the Psalmist make (116:16)?

105. What principles are seen in these acts of worship (116:17-19)?


106. What two reasons are given for the nations praising Jehovah (117:1-2)?

107. Does a song or prayer have to be long to be correct?


108. This Psalm encourages giving thanks to God for His goodness and loving-kindness (118:1-4, 21). Why is it important to give thanks to God?

109. The Psalmist called upon God in distress, what happened (118:5)? Did this happen immediately?

110. Why did the Psalmist take courage (118:6)? How is this passage used in Romans 8:31?

111. What can man do to us (118:6)?

112. Why is it better to take refuge in God, than man (118:7-9)?

113. How severe was the trial the Psalmist faced (118:10-13)?

114. Who can rejoice in the salvation of God (118:14-16)?

115. How did the Psalmist view the suffering he experienced (118:17-18)?

116. Who will enter the gate of Jehovah (118:19-21)?

117. How is Psalm 118:22-23 used in Matthew 21:42?

118. To what is this imagery pointing in Ephesians 2:20-22?

119. What day is under consideration that brings joy (118:24-25)?

120. In what TWO ways is Psalm 118:26 used in Matthew 21:9 and 23:39?

121. Psalm 118 concludes with thanks towards God (118:27-29). Why?