The problems of creation of a new agreement about partnership and cooperation between Russia and European Union / M. Khanin, A. Soldatova //Rivertransport (XXIcentury).2011 – № 6 (54). – p. 62.

Analysis the situation in a field of international cooperation between Russia and European Union. Estimates an extent of effectiveness infusion of double-sided interaction on water transport.

Keywords: international cooperation, strategical partnership Russia – European Union.


The conceptual approach to creating logistic centre in the points of railway and water transports copperation / V. Zabnenkov //Rivertransport (XXIcentury).2011 – № 6 (54). – p. 64.

Describes the conceptual approach to creating logistic centre in the points of railway and water transports copperation: reasons, preferences and principles of forming, funding sources, target, functions, structure, status.

Keywords: conception, logisticcentre, copperation, railway transport, water transport.


About increasing of autonomy of river ships navigation according to ecological safety conditions / Т. Gorin, S. Vaskin, V. Etin //Rivertransport (XXIcentury).2011 – № 6 (54). – p. 70.

Describes the problem of guaranteeing the increasing of autonomy of river ships navigation with the help of prolongation period of safety keeping effluents onboard and offers its solution.

Keywords: autonomy of navigation, fleet, ecological safety, ships’ effluents.


The criterions of effectiveness estimation of innovations in water transport / N. Borodina//Rivertransport (XXIcentury).2011 – № 6 (54). – p. 72.

Offers the criterions of effectiveness estimation of water transport activity which takes account of field’s specification. Shows their full description.

Keywords: criterion, effectiveness, water transport.


The research of effectiveness of vibroinsulation system / O. Scherbakova, M. Romanchenko // Rivertransport (XXIcentury).2011 – № 6 (54). – p. 74.

Researches an effectiveness of modern vibroinsulation systems. Describes their main characteristics. Makes an comparative analysis of legacy examples.

Keywords: vibroprotective supports, vibroinsulation coefficient, elastic element, springs with small diameter.


The training of navigators using large-scale ship models. / M. Ivanov, O. Demchenkov //Rivertransport (XXIcentury).2011 – № 6 (54). – p. 76.

Makes an overview of using large-scale ship models to prifessional navigators training, showspreferences, limits, and their specific features as compared with another training methods. Describes the data of training centres’ technical equipment which uses large-scale ship models.

Keywords: training of navigators, large-scale ship models.


The reformations of riverbeds of rivers Vychegda and Sysola in Syktyvkar water junction and steps to prevention their negative trends / A. Zavadskiy, S. Ruleva, L. Turykin, R. Chalov, V. Shmykov //Rivertransport (XXIcentury).2011 – № 6 (54). – p. 82.

Analyses the reformations and gives an predictive estimate of riverbeds’ deformations in Syktyvkar water junction, shows negative trends of their progress. Substantiates the steps to water-path riverbeds regulation. Focuses an attention of necessity to complex solving of emergent water-utility problems.

Keywords: Syktyvkarwaterjunction, riverbeds’ deformations, negative trends, progress trend, recommended steps.
